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Speaking of technology, how does technology arise? Yes, the dictionary definition would lead us to believe that it is something makes our lives easier.

But how does it happen? Does a country need certain resources to develop it? Did the discoveries in the United States in the nineteenth century regarding iron and ore deposits happen simply randomly?

Does technology enable a country to rise to dominance? It is human nature to gravitate towards something that is cheaper or quicker or will make their life easier. As a result, some technologies that were native to one region may be rendered obselete due to the completely isolated technological advancement in another region. So, the first region may have havoc reaked upon it. Who's to blame? Isn't the other region with the new technology in a way dominant over the other?

In this example, if the people in the first region are intimidated and resist using the new technology, they will inevitably fall behind the rest of the world that uses the technology. Is that even a remotely logical explanation for why the Middle East is described by some to be still living in the Middle Ages? (I've been searching in my world history book for some sort of explanation and I can't find it)

It would seem that from an omnipresent viewpoint, the people in the resisting region (or their government for that matter) should give in. If they are suffering from poverty or starvation, and giving in to the new technology would help them immensely (mind you, they wouldn't necessarily assimilate ... I'd imagine that they'd still be able to keep all of their cultural identities, nobody would infringe on that).

Besides warfare, natural disasters, and luck, is technology solely responsible for which countries are dominant today? Did it arise spontaneously?

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Excessive use of technology will lead to one of two things: complete apathy, or absolute destruction. Personaly, I do not care much for either outcome.

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Excessive use of technology will lead to one of two things: complete apathy, or absolute destruction. Personaly, I do not care much for either outcome.

In the apathy case, I'm sure some good technology could fix it.

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In the apathy case, I'm sure some good technology could fix it.

Yep. Namely a sledgehammer to crush all the computers in the world. :)

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Can you guys never be serious? Here we have someone who wrote in a scholarly manner on an interesting subject.
Don't count on me to say anything serious though. But it is with deepy profound seriousness that I stress my wishness for technology to improve the manufacturing process of cheese, especially goat cheese. And I want all the world's greatest minds working together to figure out why everything tastes like chicken, yet chicken does not taste like chicken.

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how about this, what if eventually we can make machines so advanced that they have a consciousness like us humans only they are a million times smarter then us cuz they are machines. then they start improving on themselves, and then they could easily take over the world.


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how about this, what if eventually we can make machines so advanced that they have a consciousness like us humans only they are a million times smarter then us cuz they are machines. then they start improving on themselves, and then they could easily take over the world.

Heh. Ever read Dune?

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Technology will eventually free us from mortal bodies and the limits imposed by this Universe.

Post-apocalyptical outcomes are just food for sci-fi novels and series. Don't take me wrong, I like that. But I'm confident nothing "bad" by definition will happen explicity by improving technology. Someone could destroy us all with technology, but in that case is a tool, not the destructive force in itself.

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Not really. Just a small, small portion of Humanity focuses on improving tech. The rest just takes advantage of it while pursuing their artistic skills (if any).

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but in that case is a tool, not the destructive force in itself.

It is the same case regarding firearms and crime, but when people hear the word "gun" they cringe and imagine redneck rebels in white sheets. Gee, who's being racist now?

Firearms are technology in the first place. And I'll stop before I write a novel about this.

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And I'll stop before I write a novel about this.

Go ahead, I miss your weekly novels.

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And I'll stop before I write a novel about this.

Go ahead, I miss your weekly novels.

Bah, I've written them recently, you just may have not given a flying fuck.

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Bah, I've written them recently, you just may have not given a flying fuck.

You're right, I've been too busy playing with my new mod options ;)

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being a socialist (wait, dont start the hate yet!) I agree technology is why certain cultures rise above others, specifically the class struggle in humanity, and the huge turning point in human history during the industrial revolution. The next step is world governments balancing the ratio of pay from the buisniss owner to the actual industrial worker, and eventually world democracies gaining control of the means of production. So yes, i think technology has everything to do with everything, practically all of a worlds chracteristics have to do with how the dominant species handles its technology. If we could see other races on other planets, maybe they have a TOTALLY different view of how to use factories computers, or even wheels.

its 2 in the morning sorry

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