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Getting plutonia2 to work in risen3d

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I use risen3d as my main source port but is unable to play plutonia2 in it. when i try to start it up an error message comes up that says:

script error in "mapinfo" line 15: invalid float string "cluster"

what can i do to make it work?

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Your're asking this now ? This has been fully discussed over at newdoom ...


Start at post # 40 . If you follow the instructions, you can get it to work in R3D.

Even then, there are still issues with R3D and pl2. Most of them have been addressed for the next release of R3D. Might be best to wait until then.

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Have you tried running from a batch file ? Get the launcher to create a batch file for pl2 ( the button next to the Play button ).

1. Have Custom Global Commands empty.

2. Create a batch file for pl2.

3. Edit pl2.bat from this ...

@Bin\Risen3D -Doom2 -udir "pl2"

to this ...

@Bin\Risen3D -Plutonia -udir "pl2"

i.e just change it from -Doom2 to -Plutonia

if yours is different regarding "pl2" just ignore it.

.... this should work ....

If it doesn't post up a copy of Risen3D.out

how do i edit the batch file to change the command line?

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Method #1: Right-click on batch file, select Modify.
Method #2: Open a text editor, drag the batch file into the open window of the editor.
Method #3: Open a text editor, File->Open, browse to select the batch file.
Method #4: Use a very tiny magnet over the surface of your hard drive.

Real power users only ever choose method #4, of course, but the nooby three others are still available to you.

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