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Making a floor drop when an enemy is killed

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So I noticed this happens in the original DOOM in E1M8...the floor drops around the room when the two Barons Of Hell are killed. I know that this is controlled by setting the sector tag to 666 but that's about as far as I can figure it out. Are there any other specific details I need to know about this particular tag? I'm making a DOOM2 map and am on MAP03, if that helps any.

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Are you mapping for Vanilla Doom or a source port? The wiki link lists the restricted functionality of Vanilla Doom.

If you're using a boom compatible port, you can extend this functionality by adding the Keen death code in a DEH file to the desired monsters and use voodoo doll scripting to trigger whatever you need.

In ZDoom, you can trigger a script with the monsters and check if it was the last one of its kind in the map. If so, trigger whatever you need.

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A little extension to LogicDeLuxe's post.

In Vanilla Doom, the Keen death code pointer will open any sector with a tag of 666 like a turbo door, on any map.

If your using Boom, you can use Voodoo doll scripting to perform more actions; i.e have a Voodoo Doll on a conveyor belt blocked by a tag 666 door. Then when the door is opened, the Voodoo doll can run across any number of triggers.

Also most ports, not just ZDoom, have their own ways of triggering sector movement once X monster(s) are dead via scripting or similar. However port methods will obviously mean the map becomes port specific.

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Hrm...well, I don't want to make this port-specific, so I will just find a different way to end the level. I was toying with the idea of using the 5 minute ceiling-raise function, but the problem is that I can complete the level in under 2 minutes, leaving 3 minutes of just standing around, waiting for it to open. I'm using odamex to test my levels.

So then...it looks like it's something hardcoded. That kind of sucks, but I understand that resources were limited back then, so hardcoding was the norm. Thanks for the heads up guys.

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As far as I know, the 5-minute door special opens and then closes a few seconds later like a normal door, so I don't think that'd work. If you really need the floor to lower on an enemy death and you want the most port compatibility possible, use the Boom-compatible solution that Vermil suggested.

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