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floor movers in prboom and zdoom

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i've been editing a wad in zdoom but want it to be compatible with boom as well. the level utilizes voodoo dolls on moving floors. it works the way i want it to on zdoom, but in boom once the voodoo doll teleport to a new location where the floor is moving at the same speed in zdoom, it starts going very slowly. why is there this difference, and is there a way i can fix the problem? i could make it so that the voodoo doll doesn't need to teleport easily enough, but that would make for a long hallway, and i like my levels compact. what the heck dude??



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If you want your levels to be Boom and ZDoom compatible, you will probably have to map them in Boom format.

ZDoom recognises all Boom commands/functions, but there are many ZDoom functions that are not recognised by Boom. (Someone who knows more than me feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this.)

What ZDoom format are you mapping in? If it is Doom in Hexen, I don't like your chances of making it Boom compat.

When i was converting my maps from ZDoom(Doom in Doom) format (which is pretty Boom compatible) to ZDoom(Doom in Hexen) format (which really isn't), I discovered that Doom in Hexen has many more options for scrolling floors than Boom.

If you want Doom in Hexen format to mimic Boom scrolling floors in terms of speed, you must set the "scrollbits" argument to "4" so that the scrolling floor takes its speed and movement direction from the length and orientation of the line with the scroll tag on it. Otherwise, you must specify an x and y speed for the scroll.

But none of this will make it Boom compatible, it will merely imitate boom scrolling behavior.

Hopefully this makes some sort of sense.

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