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Solved - How do I make the plasmagun act like the chaingun

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Thanks to myk, this problem has been solved. Thanks!



I wanted to get the plasmagun to act like the chaingun, but a little slower and stronger. However, I have no idea where to start or what to search for...
Plus, WHackEd doesn't want to load Freedoom. -_-

Could anybody give me a brief description?


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Well, it's been three days, so bump.
Can anybody shed light on this subject?


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Slower and stronger... maybe if you make it use shells and fire shotgun blasts. Another way would be to make it fire bursts of bullets; let's say, three, four or more instead of the usual two, but with more time between each volley. This would spend three or more bullets per shot as applicable.

This is because you can't modify the damage bullet or shotgun blasts inflict, so all you can change is how many shots occur each time you hit fire, and how long each shot takes to go through all the motions.

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But, what I meant was how do I get it to fire said shells, instead of the plasma bolts?


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Edit the Action in the States section. Look for FirePlasma and change it to FireShotgun.

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I mean in WhackEd. If you hit the states button, you'll have an action column on the right. I'm thinking of WhackEd 2, though. If exl changed things around radically in WhackEd 3, this might not make sense.

In DeHackEd you have to edit the code pointer (same thing as action in WhackEd, but named differently) of frame 77, entering frame number 22 (for the shotgun blast effect.) The frames section is reached by hitting F3 (the frames list, called states in WhackEd.) You can also reach the weapon frames through F4, going to the corresponding weapon to edit, and jumping to the shooting frame. DeHackEd doesn't use names, so one has to understand what some numbers mean.

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Okay, that's odd. ZDoom doesn't seem to like my BEX file, but if I put the dehacked info into a new lump in the WAD, it works. But it fires much too fast. Should I change the duration of the state, or?


Well, I've changed the action to FireShotgun but it's still firing plasma. Do I need to make the weapon use shells, because it's currently using bullets.


Ah, I've found the action browser. In WHackEd3, you have to change the settings to open the action browser when you double-click a state. It doesn't have a sidebar.

Anyway, I'll see if it works.

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