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Tricks and Traps (map08)

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I know I've started a thread on this topic before, but wasn't sure I should re-animate an old thread so I'm starting a new one.

What's your strategy for playing Tricks and Traps from a pistol start? I just discovered a new one. Open the door to the left of the red skull key door and let the caco out. Then open the door to the right of the yellow skull key door where all the cacos are and the plasma rifle and the shotgun guy. Fire your weapon. If you can, get the shotgun from him, but if not, in either case, go back down the hallway where you let out the first caco. Grab the chainsaw and say hi to the baron, and let him teleport. Grab the stuff, and dodge the baron's plasma balls. The cacos should start filing in behind the baron. They should try to attack you. When they do, they'll more likely hit baron than get their lightning balls by him. The baron will usually kill all the cacos and have very little life left after that. You can then finish him off with the shotgun or pistol, or if you're brazen, the chainsaw.

Then go grab the plasma gun and cell pack, and hit the switch. Go to the room where the demons are up on the shelf and the rocket launcher is. melt the demons with your plasma or chainsaw them (good luck with that).

What effective ways have you found for tackling this challenging level? I'm curious! Seems there are many ways to skin this cat.

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I usually just dash into the Baron/Cybie room, grab the Invulnurabilty pickup, squeeze around everybody and grab the key and hit the switch, go into the other room, hit the switch, grab the key, and head for the exit. I'm in and out before my powerup runs out.

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Krispavera said:

I usually just dash into the Baron/Cybie room, grab the Invulnurabilty pickup, squeeze around everybody and grab the key and hit the switch, go into the other room, hit the switch, grab the key, and head for the exit. I'm in and out before my powerup runs out.

lol, I always have assumed in posts like these that I mean max run. I never do speed runs, except that time I did repeated speed runs in the courtyard. I might try that tho, sounds fun.

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Krispavera said:

I usually just dash into the Baron/Cybie room, grab the Invulnurabilty pickup, squeeze around everybody and grab the key and hit the switch, go into the other room, hit the switch, grab the key, and head for the exit. I'm in and out before my powerup runs out.

Heh this is pretty much what I do in this map whenever I play through the original Doom 2 maps from start to finish on UV :)

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I always think of this as one of the classic doom 2 maps. I'm a little surprised more people don't play through it.

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Well, first, I just jump into the Cybie room, and make sure he starts shooting the barons, while trying to shoot me. This works 90% of the time, as the barons will be withered to four or so, and the CYbie would be dead or extremely injured (Good to take out ina single BFG blast.) After that, I just get the shotgun from the Imp room, then I travel to the demon room, kill most of them before grabbing the launcher, which I use to kill the leftover demons. I activate the room's switches, then dash into the Caco room, grab the plasma, press the switch, battle cacos in the demon room with rockets and shotgun (Save BFG ammo). Then I enter secret room, kill the pinkys and lone shotgunner, grab back packs, grab BFG, head out to Cybie room, slaughter whats left (Usually I find I don't need the BFG at all, but I still don't use it.), grab key, go to next locked door, and then ('Breath') grab second key, then I blast the Imps with the BFG, splattering them all across everywhere, kill whats left with shotgun. Now I go to final door, but rather than walking right in, I step in, and quickly back, out, causing the floor to sink. Then I go to the teleporter in the Caco room and finish up. I do this because I always fall in to the slime...

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you should try my method, it's very effective. Plus it's kinda cool to see that the baron will take out all those cacos single handedly. I just did it again, and the last cacodemon won by a hair. Put the chainsaw in its mouth and it deflated immediately.

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Well one things with your method Hellbent, is that its not always a Caco in the one hallway. I always play on HMP or UV, where its a Baron, which is lot tougher than a Caco :P

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Clonehunter said:

Well one things with your method Hellbent, is that its not always a Caco in the one hallway. I always play on HMP or UV, where its a Baron, which is lot tougher than a Caco :P

lemme try agin in esplainin what ahm tawkin bout.

The level starts, and you open the door to the left of the red skull key door. There's a hallway with a cacodemon in it. Let the cacodemon out of the hallway into the entry room. Once he's there, open the door to the right of the yellow key door and there's a room with a plasma gun in it and a shit ton of cacodemons. alert them by killing the seargent and taking his shotgun. Now go back into the first hallway and wakey wake the baron. Let him teleport. He'll come back down the hallway after you. the cacodemons will also come in after you, but the baron will be blocking them if you time it properly. They will try to hit you but will hit the baron--the baron will fight back--until he's killed all of the cacodemons!! Like I said, on rare occasions, the last cacodemon will win, but he will be hurting badly. I think it's pretty cool how close the battle is.

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As for how I deal with that map...

1. Pinky demon room. Splat them all with projectiles.
2. Tomatohead room. Cook them all with plasma.
1+2. Predator secret. Deal normally with em.
3. Demonic chimp room. Massacre them Western-style.
4. Handed freak room. Deal like everywhere else.
5. Boss room. There are enough bonuses there to make it easy.
6. Locked doors.
7. Exit.

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