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actor TIDs

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I just thought of a better way to do what i was planning to do.

I'm trying to make a pacman WAD. i've got chasing cacodemons from a similar wad, and i've created a "power pill" that makes them scared of you.

now i'm trying to create an ACS script that will let you "eat" them, causing them to morph into lost souls and go back to base and morph back into cacodemons.

my ghost DECORATE script is

actor redghost 31101
obituary "It's game over for %o!"
health 1000
radius 31
height 56
mass 400
speed 8
RHED B 0 ACS_ExecuteAlways(1,0)


script 1 right now is

script 1 (void)

for some odd reason the script isn't being executed.

why is that?

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Oh, I didn't notice you were trying to make a ghost call it. I know nothing about decorate currently.
Guesses: maybe try normal execute instead of executealways. remember to compile after each change. complete guess: maybe execute always requires a delay(1); in there.
I probably don't know enough to help.

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deepthought said:

script 1 right now is

script 1 (void)

for some odd reason the script isn't being executed.

why is that?

The script is executed. It's just that you do not notice it. But ask the cacodemon, it'll tell you that "running" is displayed on its own HUD. Yeah, not on the player's HUD since it's not the player that's executing the script. :p

Just kidding, monsters do not have a HUD anyway. So the script does execute, but it doesn't do anything.

What you want to use for such debugging functions is Log (and its DECORATE friend, A_Log).

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ok now i got the ghost to morph or kill you depending on if you have the powerpill. how can i get it to go back to the ghost's base? thingsetgoal doesn't seem to work because the lost soul it becomes is scared of me.

Also, how can i set it up so that the amount of powerpills a player picks up is thier score, and you win if ypou have the highest score. it would be very interesting for multiplayer.

also, for singleplayer, how can i make the player have lives?

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