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General Rainbow Bacon

wads ordered by date

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Simple: search for "zip" in the filename. Sort by date either ascending or descending, dependin on whether you want the newest or the oldest.

Note that the date used here is the date they were added to the archive, not the wad's date-stamp.

If you want a listing of all files in the archive by date in document form, then grab fullsort.

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Here's a list that GreyGhost posted: http://www.mediafire.com/?dogfgkgwmnn

It sorts the wads by the wad date, not the date they were uploaded, so it's much more accurate. I started with the '94 wads and have played up until September '95 so far (all maps from beginning to end, killing all monsters and finding all secrets before exiting, sometimes needing to use a map editor if I'm stuck, but I did miss a couple wads, and now that I only have dial-up I don't download zips over 1mb).

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You are certainly my Doom Hero if you are interested in playing every single doom pwad ever made in order from oldest to new. I wish you luck on your epic doom quest to vanquish all hellspawn from every byte of the internet.

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Here's a new list which isn't limited to Doom2 wads. I've changed the date format to eliminate day/month ambiguities and like it's predecessor it's in .CSV format.
13,675 wads, not all of which contain maps. My archive's slightly out-of-sync with idgames so there's a handful of wads in that list you won't find on the official mirrors.

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TimeOfDeath said:

It sorts the wads by the wad date, not the date they were uploaded, so it's much more accurate.

Except that quite a number of wads, especially in the early days, had date-stamps that were clearly wrong. Whether this was done deliberately, or because some people's computers had the wrong system date (this was more common then), I don't know.

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Yep - dates can be misleading. The first 95 in my list were released before Doom (with 57 of them pre-dating the IBM PC) while the last 6 are from the near to distant future.

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