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Hey guys looking for someone who is willing to part with something from their collection,

I have the old mail order release of doom floppies in the original box, however i am unable to find the 16page manual or original addendum that it came with

so basically im looking for someone willing to sell me their copy if they have one, not too fussed about the box as i already have that but am open to offers of that also, mainly interested in non boxed original mail order versions "with the manual".. or even just the original manual

also trying to find a copy of the shareware version on floppy with box if available thanks (already have the 1.666 cd in box)

thank you for taking the time to read this..

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I've been after the shareware discs in the packaging for an eternity. The problem I have is that when it does come up on eBay it's invariably from the States and the sellers refuse to ship to the UK... One day, one day... :(

Anyway, good luck in your quest (sorry for the OT!). :)

EDIT: Oh, and welcome to Doomworld!

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Goddammit, i've been after the mail order boxed Doom for ages. Unfortunately i have no such gold you're after, but i honestly wish i did.

There was one copy of mail order Doom on ebay just the other day, which i believe contained the manual (or at least if it wasn't that, it was some form of guide), but alas i was outbid at the last second. It went for more than £40 ($60), or at least over my maximum which was that amount.

If anyone here does have the mail order doom that they're willing to part with, i'd be happy to pay around $100. That would have to be at the end of the month though for next pay day. lol me and my desperation.

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Can't locate the thread where this was discussed right now - but - until recently I'd associated blue with shareware and red with registered.

(550x300 - 48k)

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hm well i did a bit of a search around and came to the answer of

"The label on the disk depends on the version. 1.1 is blue and the rest is red."

is this so...?

so would the blue be rare?.. i may have to acquire a copy then...wish i had bid now.

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It was that exact auction yes, but i couldn't remember if it was a guide or manual bundled with it. Even so, despite it just being a guide, i wish i won the damn thing.

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yes i was. just mainly for the manual tho :P

i acquired a second mail order copy last week so now i have a red disk version and the 1.1 blue disk version, both in box, however both had no manual either :(...

was quite surprised at how high it went myself.. however it does appear to be in nice condition.

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Wow! Someone's a happy chappy. I can't believe it sold for that much. *waits for deluge of similar sales on FleaBay...*

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I was keeping an eye on it, but the auction ended around 2:40AM here, so i decided to pass on it since that was way too late. £231.66 is a LOT of money anyway, so even if i did stay to bid it wouldn't have lasted. I may long for a copy, but i have my responsibilities to prioritise as well.

It's alright for the guy who won it though, he clearly has money to throw around.

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I have registered version of doom 1.1 with blue disks, but my box did not come with the addendum. If my memory serves me right, my game came from the UK and I would like to know what is the difference with these different looking version? Is my copy even supposed to have addendum? My disks looks similar to these:

There is no bold registered text or version on them like there is here:
If anyone happens to know this, I would be pleased to hear.

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yes that one does look a bit... plain...

all ones that i have seen at least have the doom logo on them.
(apart from the shareware)

there is only the mail order version and the ultimate doom retail release of doom 1 as far as i know. What does your box look like?

Mail order box

Ultimate Doom boxes

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Can i just ask, did the mail order release ever come packaged with a CD instead of floppies at one stage? I got hold of a seller before, asking about the contents of his copy of Doom mail order (of course, big box), and he told me it contained everything with the "CD" in its original sleeve. Is that right?

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Officially, it was only on floppy disk. The only CD I've managed to lay my hands on is apparently a bootleg, and (depending on who's telling the story) originated from Canada, Germany, Britain or somewhere in South-East Asia. If you want to read further - that topics been discussed here, here and probably several other places that don't spring to mind right now.

Here's another addition to the boxart collection - an Australian retail box, which is somewhat the worse for wear.

(560x720 - 127k)

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I feared that, but my scepticism regarding it's legitimacy was indeed justified. Thanks GreyGhost for the details and links. I'm not sure the seller of the bootleg is really aware of it, so i have contacted him regarding its illegality. It'll be left up to him if he still wishes to sell it though.

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cybdmn said:
It isn't a bootleg, it is the version, the german retailer sold via mail order in germany. If i remember correctly, the retailer was CDV. It has the same small box and the same manual, all other versions have, only the print on the disks differ.

The company may have been authorized by id to sell it, but I'm afraid we're going to have to bring the case before the European Commission. I'm pretty sure there's a clause somewhere that typing DooM in official DOOM-related materials incurs a period of imprisonment, a lengthy bill in punitive damages and a permanent ban from games-related corporate management. Maybe it also said something about public flogging, but I could have read that wrong.

Perhaps id authorized some sales with less commitment or responsibility from themselves (but not necessarily less gain) to make a contract avoiding possible legal or monetary adversity because of what happened to Wolfenstein 3D.

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myk said:
<small>Perhaps id authorized some sales with less commitment or responsibility from themselves (but not necessarily less gain) to make a contract avoiding possible legal or monetary adversity because of what happened to Wolfenstein 3D.</small>

What happened to Wolfenstein 3D? :)

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myk said:

Germany banned it for the inclusion of Nazi imagery and music.

Ah, okay. I thought there was some sort of licensing dispute that i hadn't heard of. Thanks for the link though. :)

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I have the 3.5" original diskettes of all of the Command Keen games. I wonder if that would be worth a bit.

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so basically im looking for someone willing to sell me their copy if they have one, not too fussed about the box as i already have that but am open to offers of that also, mainly interested in non boxed original mail order versions "with the manual".. or even just the original manual



Six, can you let me know who the seller is of that Doom on CD? I already sent you a message but I got no reply.

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omega_supreme said:

Six, can you let me know who the seller is of that Doom on CD? I already sent you a message but I got no reply.

Ah, sorry about that. Unfortunately the auction has come to a close, but here is the link if purely out of interest: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150505389705&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT

The seller did inform me that he would be selling new Doom material soon, but i'm not 100% sure on what, so it may be worth keeping a close eye on, in case he has something you want. Or, you can always contact him yourself.

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Thanks, I completely over read that it was the CD version. I'm pretty mad at myself I did not notice this. The CD version (1.9) mail order is one of the last Doom items that is missing in my collection. I'll try to reason with the winner of that auction.

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