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Doom 4 should have...

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But umm... sorry about my little rant. Actually...

I do want reloading...

But I want the gameplay to be like Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 was a mighty good game.

I hope DOOM 4 is like Half-Life 2 in a way... or at least Half-Life 1.

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You know that guy was kidding right? :-)

- Reloading & Fatigue
I want reloading too. It adds a dynamic to any game. Just like fatigue from running...

- Half Life 2
And yes Half Life 2 is a mighty good game. I've been playing it for the first time and beat it along with doing its expansions. The controls are simplistic, there is health and armor. Flash light drains, run drains, air drains.

I'm not sure how Doom fans would like driving... especially when they're used to Doomguy running faster than a car.

But I'm sure if you have a crouch or a jump button people might say... this is too Half Life and not Doom. Backlash...

- A new idea for regenerating Health...
Sure we know that's not Doom... but how about this spin on it... Health packs that don't just give you 10 health... but health packs that regenerate 10 health in 10 seconds... or maybe normal health packs worth immediate 10 health and 10 second health. That way you bait the player with a 100 second health when they're almost dead, but they get the 100 second health and enemies appear. Then there's an element of strategy.

- Poison
In the same respect as 10 second regenerating health... enemies that poison you for 10 seconds damage. Or 100 seconds damage where you need to get health or an antidote to survive... or would that be too 'Elder Scrolls?'

- Linear Levels?
Are stupid... why? Because Doom makers were inspired by Dungeon's and Dragons and RPG games reward exploration. Nothing is straight forward or nothing should be. Half Life 2 was a great game, but it was very lingear. Half Life 1 wasn't as linear.

- Level Editor
There really needs to be an easy simplistic way to make levels... like old Doom where you made 4 walls and adjust the sector floor and ceiling... but as someone mentioned here IDtech5 is a pain to make. Morrowind, Oblivion and other FPS have simpler level editors. There was one FPS I remember you could draw boxes (cubes) as interiors, make cubes for boxes and put textures on them and drop objects like grass, boxes and enemies in the original room cube then put decales on everything.

- Cut Scenes and other action interruptions
Really aren't Doom. If anything just cool things to find. A marine impaled, alien bodies, an unholy shrine... yada yada. Or if you feel like you need to have story, I'd say talking NPCs that don't say anything more than 20 seconds. Go do this, go do that, escort me here or lets fight together... even that might be too much and get away from you vs 1,000,000 hellians. If there are 2 people around that kind of takes away from it. A lot of Half Life 2 there was exposition and standing around... with no way to skip it and that's worse than a cut scene.

- Done...

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Doomguy777 said:

*Retarded, poorly structured wall of text about how wrong the other guy is*

Learn to recognise troll posts.

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Doomguy777 said:

What WE veteran DOOM fans want to see in DOOM....

[insert a bunch of features that would make the game pretty much a rip-off of Classic Doom with no creativity or expansion allowed]

-Possibly remake of DOOM 1 on id Tech 5.....

-Possibly something that feels like the DOOM we all know and love (Classic DOOM)

Undoubtedly you were one of the degenerates who whined to no end like a kid who didn't get what he wanted at Christmas about how awful Doom 3 was because it wasn't the classic Dooms room for room with better graphics. And you'll be disappointed when Doom 4 comes out because it's not going to be that either.

And idk about anyone else, but the mindless "COD FANBOY! CONSOLE FANBOY!" whining about everything you don't agree with makes me ashamed to count you as a PC gamer. It's especially lame considering the post you responded to was so obviously a joke. Lay off the Red Bull son.

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40oz said:
About the bigger monsters, I do think it's cool to be fighting things that make you feel small and insignificant. I remember reading about some kinda medieval game that looked really cool because it revolved around being the one brave hero fighting a series of obnoxiously huge bosses that each have a specific weak point. It looked like a pretty sweet game, I don't remember the title of it or if it even became really popular. It looked pretty awesome in a disastrous cinematic type way though.

Shadow of the Colossus on Playstation 2? Great game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13xbhz2il5M

If it were my choice, Doom 4 would:

- be faster than Doom 3
- have more space to move (less corridors)
- still be dark (in places)
- contain waves and hordes of enemies at once
- feature varied locations
- offer more larger enemies to fight mid-level
- ensure basic shooting is fun. Shot-gunning an imp is STILL immensely pleasurable in Doom (not so in Doom 3). RAGE was fun to shoot things.
- focus on more open, less linear maps.
- enable monsters to fight each other
- have (some) monsters that come looking for me - I'd like to hear distant growls and doors opening.

It needs to play more like the original two games (whilst NOT keeping coloured key-cards, too many monster closets and enemies that spawn behind me when I pick up items)

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This is my first post here,
1. When it comes to monster designs, I love the classic ones from the original Doom and Doom 2, as well as Doom 64. However, my main problem would be that they would look a tad bit silly in today's graphics, but maybe with the exception of a few such as the Cyberdemon, Lost Soul and Mancubus. Now as for the designs of Doom 3's monsters, I admit while they were good, however most of them felt more alien-like then demon-like in my opinion. What I would like Id to do with Doom 4 is to combine the elements of the classic monster designs with the ones from Doom 3 for most of the monsters. Now for example, the Hell Knight in Doom 4 would feature a similar body shape and design to it's Doom 3 design, BUT it would feature the horns, eyes, fangs and hooves of it's classic design, as well as a pair of red glowing eyes. Id could also add some new design elements as well.

2. Continuing on the subject of enemies, I'd like to see the returns of some of the monsters from the first two games that never made it into Doom 3 such as the Pain Elemental, Arachnotron, Spectre, last but not least the Baron of Hell! I'd also like to see the Nightmare Imps from Doom 64 to be featured, as well as the Nightmare Spectre from the PS1 version of Doom. Not only that, but I really would like to see some new enemies. I have always wanted to see a female enemy in the Doom series, a Succubus inspired would be interesting. At first it looks like a beautiful attractive woman but when the player approaches it, it turns into a demon. Also assuming that Doom 4 takes place on Earth, a Satanic priest that can fire dark energy out of his hands would be pretty interesting, as well as Satanic cultist whom can be armed with some sort of demonic weaponry.

3. Personally, I feel like Doom 4 should feature a soundtrack consisting primarily of dark-ambient music, but perhaps during intense battles against larger group of enemies or bosses. Or perhaps they could feature music that changes depending on what's going on similar to the Manhunt series. Either way, I'd like to hear music in the vein of Doom 64 and the PS1 Doom port.

4. Proper gore and violence. By this I mean that when the player shoots an enemy, a wound should be visible on said enemy, and it would bleed. The player should also be able to blow off limbs off of enemies. In addition, bullet hole and wound sizes could vary based on what weapon you use and how much ammo you loaded into the enemy.

5. The biggest thing Doom 4 needs to address is level design and atmosphere. One of the biggest problems with Doom 3 was the fact that it was way too dark in most parts of the game, and I mean WAY to dark. Doom 4 should have lighting to match whatever the environment of the level the player currently in. Yes there should be occasionally be certain areas of levels that are totally black, but not in a ridiculous amount like in Doom 3. Levels in Doom 4 should be more non-linear and explorerable like in the classic games. Also they should feature more variety in design and environment, which was one of Doom 3's biggest problems.

6. Weapon variety. Now it's no doubt we'll see all the Doom regulars, as well the return of some that have been seen only a few times such as the Machine Gun from Doom 3 and the Unmaker from Doom 64. Now in addition to those I'd like to see some more newer weapons.

On another note, I myself have a few ideas for some newer weapons that if you are interested in checking out you can highlight the spoiler tag.


Assault Pistol: The Assault Pistol is a better alternative to the Pistol. It fires a powerful, three round burst, capable of dealing heavy damage on basic enemies, and can even kill certain enemies such as zombies and Trites with one shot. The only problem with it is that it uses up ammo very fast.

High-Impact Carbine Similar to the Machine Gun, the H-I Carbine is capable of fighting high-impact shells which do much more damage than the Machine Gun, giving it a damage rate closer to the Chaingun, but with the accuracy of the Machine Gun. However, it has a slow rate of fire. It also is equipped with an x-ray scope, which allows the player to spot enemies before they can spot them.

Railgun An experimental weapon, it fires a single projectile at an incredible fast speed, which in turn deals an incredibly high. The only problem being that it needs to be reloaded after each shot.

Semi-Auto Rifle The Semi-Auto Rifle is exactly what it's name is. It would be one of the weapons used by Z-Secs in addition to the Shotgun and Machine Gun. I can picture it being based on the SL8, the civilian version of the G36 assault rifle.

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Guess I would like to see something like this: Having to cross a large cemetery (Labyrinth) with large willows and old crumbled monuments on a rainy afternoon. Trying to find out where the roaming undead are coming from, just to learn that an extremely powerfull Archvile is creeping around. Fun for a buildup in ambiance & story, prior to letting the shit hit the fan.

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I think it needs to be Doom II hell on earth remade. (The story that is not the levels) It needs maybe new bosses (not new monsters in general) Needs plenty of deathmatch levels too

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I think that many of the past replies are totally what DooM 4 needs.

-Classic Monsters
-Non-Linear Levels
-Varying Level designs
and much more.

If DooM 4 was DooM II remade, I'd like to see the following scenario:

The DooMguy clambers out of the pit that was triggered by getting the Blue Key and filled with Mancubi.
He's finally able to go back out into the Caco-filled streets and open the gate to the next area.
As the next level begins, flames begin to fill the sky, and the building in front of you topples over (not in a cutscene, better in real time).
Out from the rubble advances Arachnotrons, which are quickly followed by Lost Souls, and the unforgettable first encounter with the now not so pushovery Spiderdemon.
As you play Cat and Mouse through the city streets (while dodging the Chaingunners as much as posible), the Spiderdemon shows it's impatience with every rocket to the face you give it by smashing buildings and mowing you down with it's Minigun...

Yeah... that would be sweet...

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I'm afraid that Doom 4 will end like Duke Nukem Forever. Previous games were so special, importrant and overall great that it isn't possible to do a fully satysfieing continuation. It probably just couldn't be such a revolution. I can't imagine that.

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What i want:
-Remixed classical Doom music, plus new tracks. I want ambients like rock ballads.
-Doom 4 should fully embrace unrealistic appearances and behavior of monsters for the sake of game design. Why there is Imp in this wardrobe? Doesn't matter. Why those four Imps just stay at one place and bombard you with fireballs? Doesn't matter, "COMBAT TIME!" (c).
-Better Cacodemon design.
-Arch-vile that can actually resurrect monsters.
-Monster that uses Demons as pets, and can spawn them and transform them into...
-More death animations, this is really ignored in modern shooters.
-More satanism, more dead humans, cadavers, skulls, talking dead heads, rotting flesh, rivers of blood. Let's party like it's 1993. No boobs tho, too banal. No homo.
-PC only.

What i don't want:
-Blurry textures and low-poly models.
-Too much of darkness.
-Health regen.

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I agree with most of what you said, but-

Harmata said:

-Monster that uses Demons as pets, and can spawn them and transform them into...

Sounds really stupid.

-PC only.


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When i was adding that monster i was thinking about grunts with dogs from Q1 and Q2. You know, you encounter group of soldiers, and suddenly they "summon" huge wardogs. I will be honest, i like new Demons, they are very massive and menacing, so i really want more of them, on big open areas. I want more open areas too. "Pinky-spawner" would look cool, at least.

And i really think that id should just abandon other platforms, at least for some time, but I'm not sure that Bethesda will allow such thing.

Just noticed new weapons suggestions:

High-Impact Carbine



Oh boy. Quake is that way --->

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One more thing: weapon reloading. I have serious doubts that reloading "adds a slim layer of tactical depth to the gameplay", like Tetzlaff have said. I've recently replayed Doom 3 + RoE and i don't remember any tactical situations featuring reloading. What could happen, anyway? You are standing in a room, and your gun's counter tells you that clip is only half full, what will you do? You'll reload your gun of course, why would you NOT do that? Why would you enter a fight only half ready? In a fight, what tactical decisions arise when ammo runs out? You reload, or switch to different weapon, that's it. Moments in Doom 3 when you just scroll through your arsenal and reload every gun to be ready aren't fun. So i don't think that realistic reloading is a good thing for Doom's gameplay, it makes you pay too much attention to your weapon, and player shouldn't do that, he should be concentrated on enemies and combat. That's where the fun is.

Doom 3 problem was in limited space, so non-stop shooting RL would probably be OP. D4 can avoid that.

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Harmata said:

One more thing: weapon reloading. I have serious doubts that reloading "adds a slim layer of tactical depth to the gameplay", like Tetzlaff have said. I've recently replayed Doom 3 + RoE and i don't remember any tactical situations featuring reloading. What could happen, anyway?

Doom 3 problem was in limited space, so non-stop shooting RL would probably be OP. D4 can avoid that.

I think it comes down to if something takes 10 shells and you have to reload after 4. Or if you are fighting 3 enemies that will take 10 shells. That is the slim combat depth, knowing that you just can't blow away enemies and that you need to reload.

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That is the slim combat depth

Yeah, very slim.

you just can't blow away enemies

And since when this is a good thing, especially for Doom?
Don't answer, i know: since Doom 3, but only if you want to make another Doom 3.

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Mowing down enemies it is.

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I guess it makes sense actually. I've learned a lot about this topic and playing TF2 and HL2. I think TF2 and HL2 add some fun dynamics and gameplay elements with weapons and strategy and having to turn tail and hide to reload... but then with this topic I think Doom isn't like that. You don't run away. Maybe you circle strafe and shoot, but you just mow down until your gun is empty.

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but then with this topic

Ohhh, so you don't have much experience with Doom, I've had some suspicions :). You are more of a Valve games fan?

but you just mow down until your gun is empty

Nah, never, neither in Serious Sam.

Classic Doom series will always be a pinnacle of game design with it's weapon balance, fantastically thought-out enemies and some of the best levels in history. Someday, i'll write an article on this subject.

Oh, and HL2 was really mediocre as a game, and sucked major balls compared to the original Half-Life or OF. But that's a subject of another thread and another article :).

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LOL no I have 15+ years of Doom. Valve is a new thing to me within the past 6 months thanks to the $20 Half Life sale. And yes I was a huge fan of HL1 and liked it better than HL2, but yes another topic.

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Ohhhh, so TF2/HL2 experience made you doubt The Way of Doom? Be strong, brother, don't let heresy darken your faith! :jump highfive:

I was a huge fan of HL1

Yeah, me too.


Oops, "its".

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The one thing that keeps people still playing the original is the ludicrous replay value.

If this game does not have that...then there is little use to be making Doom4.

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Doom 4 should pretty much be Brutal Doom + ID Tech 5. That's it. Could care less about innovation or revoultionary or another stupid buzz words that game devs use to attract gamers. Just give me an awesome shooter with great action.

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Harmata said:

What i don't want:
-Blurry textures and low-poly models.
-Too much of darkness.
-Health regen.

And for sure we don't want steam or other internet stuff for Doom 4, no!

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Deeforce said:

... or other internet stuff for Doom 4, no!

What, so no multiplayer then?

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The internet for installing video games is not great, because there can be times where you don't have internet and then you cannot install the video games. That's really bad. Also because if you think of hackers. I don't mean the multiplayer like classic doom online. I mean things like steam or Origin or the online installation of Starcraft 2.

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