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Doom 4 should have...

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People go back and forth putting blame on one or the other. Either someone sides with id and says Zenimax killed it or they say id is terrible and Zenimax should interfere. Truth is, id has always been a dysfunctional family but Zenimax is also full of shit. I don't care as long as they deliver a good game.

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I have recently been jumping between a couple of new 'oldschool' shooters. I started replaying Shadow Warrior, played a couple of minutes of D3s Lost Mission, a few levels from RAGE through mission selection, of course played a lot of Wolf: TNO. While I do enjoy combat in all of those games, also for different reasons, I gotta say that to me fighting in RAGE is just so much better than anything else.

Maybe I'm the only one but... it just feels so visceral, so dynamic. Really the only drawback is that it has regenerating health. It was a distinct moment when I have just wrapped up the second playthrough of TNO and immediately launched a mission in RAGE for the sake of comparison and was like that: O_O. Such a difference. In a purely oldschool, run&gun way, it's still easily my favourite shooter in recent years. Hell, even D3 BFG with it's increased movement speed still holds up really well. Gotta say, even if id is really messy sometimes, they know how to make a shooter experience that's right up my alley.

I honestly think that id is really the best team to handle DOOM, at least on the combat side. They might screw it up, who knows. But it's gotta be them. That's what I think.

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After TNO and RAGE, I am on;y sure about two things:

1. The guns will be some of the best in recent years. RAGE and TNO is more than enough proof of that.

2. The composer, Mick Gordon is responsible for the TNO soundtrack which is fucking amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhUINujrrwY but his name was also attached to the Doom 4 soundtrack.

As for the other stuff...I simply don't know. TNO and even Doom 3 had decent level design, if Id took a look at those and took it more than a steps beyond, then I would be satisfied. Expecting it to be fully old school is at least very naive.

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It took them years but they've managed to make a really significant leap in terms of combat quality moving from DOOM 3 to RAGE. Unless they went backwards for some reason, the combat shouldn't be something to worry about.

In terms of level design, structurally, I don't expect it to move far beyond the mainstream standard of corridor linearity, unfortunately. It would be awesome to have levels with a bit of interconnectivity (BioShock 1/2 style) but I don't expect it to happen.

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1. Ultra violence and gore
2. Non linear stages
3. Satanic meets cyberpunk aesthetic
4. Gratifying gunplay (following suit of other id games like Rage, Quake, Doom, etc)
5. More ultra violence and gore

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mercuriusfm said:

1. Ultra violence and gore
2. Non linear stages
3. Satanic meets cyberpunk aesthetic
4. Gratifying gunplay (following suit of other id games like Rage, Quake, Doom, etc)
5. More ultra violence and gore

I hope the gore is made serious and not stupid like shooting a guy in the foot and his whole body explodes (Fallout 3 is the major offense)

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Well, you're wrong. You can tear off limbs with shotguns and blood flows everywhere as a result, comically pop heads into pulpy mass, gib them with your Laserkraftwerk like the Doom rocket launcher, sparks fly from enemy armor etc. It's really violent and really satisfying.



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I thought the gore in TNO was ok for a Wolfenstein game. However, Doom needs to be on a whole other level of violence, gore, and intensity from TNO just like Classic Doom was on a whole other level from Wolfenstein 3D.

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doom_is_great said:

I thought the gore in TNO was ok for a Wolfenstein game. However, Doom needs to be on a whole other level of violence, gore, and intensity from TNO just like Classic Doom was on a whole other level from Wolfenstein 3D.

I have thought about this too and I 100% agree. Doom 4 should be an evolution of TNO like Doom was an evolution of Wolf3D.

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a weapon that make your enemies a stone and can be onesho0ted by other monsters aswell

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Amph said:

a weapon that make your enemies a stone and can be onesho0ted by other monsters aswell

I think a Freeze thrower would be better, because it would have the same effect with out being a weapon that shoots Medusa magic, although if it were Heretic then I could see it work.

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Weapons wise, there ought to be a whole class of demon weapons you get to use exclusively in the deepest parts of Hell.

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GoatLord said:

Weapons wise, there ought to be a whole class of demon weapons you get to use exclusively in the deepest parts of Hell.

Agreed. I would love to see the Unmaker return as a rare hell-exclusive weapon: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Unmaker

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And for the Bosses

1.) A Spider Demon's brain hardwired into a wall that controls various objects in the computer station(like a electrical wires) and to kill him you have to shoot rockets at it's brain, similar to the Icon of Sin.

2.) 2 Cyberdemons in an area similar to the tower of babel. Note that you have no access to the inside of the tower of babel until the 2 Cyberdemons are killed in which the tower will open to reveal the true boss, the Cyberdemon Lord

3.) A giant creature.

4.) Once in hell you face the final boss, the Leviathan, the way to kill him is to actually get swallowed and break through his stomach and you crawl around his body until you find his heart and kill him.

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Uuuuh, dunno how to react to this.

Either way, I'm not sure I like the design of that creature.

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Goggles caught this.
The link fails, but google has a description in the link:
"e3 2014: Doom Reboot Revealed by Bethesda
The Escapist ‎- 3 minutes ago
Bethesda's unnanounced new title is a reboot of the iconic FPS: Doom. ... The short trailer shows features a lady talking about how we went and unleashed ..."

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I was thinking about hell levels in Doom 3 and how it feels like a constant fucking volcanic cave. In 90s Doom hell felt vast and overwhelming due to those big mountains and open blood red sky.

Also, some things that could up the replay value a bit in my opinion:

-Difficulty setting/game mode, say Nightmare, that gives monsters a chance to resurrect on their own with a fraction of their health AND possibly random demon that cannot be killed completely - I know its supposed to be fast and guns blazing and gibs flying, but it would add some variation to gameplay, knowing that you're being hunted by a monster that you can't kill, only avoid or slow down. I just like the idea of never knowing whether some sonuvabitch gets up and you just have to blast it again and again or BFG to mulch to make sure it won't come back.

-Have at least slight variation on same monster type appearances, like color hue differences/horns/tusks on demons, armor/clothing/mutilation on zombie troops

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should have map like community chest 4 map 11

this map is really beautiful, you can approach it in different way

and it is also complex enough

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I always say that I don't have any specific wishes for DOOM (4) because (i) they will probably not happen and (ii) I don't want to imagine the game too much. However there are a few things that you could kind of call my wishlist for this game. Guess it's an appropriate time to share those.


* Realistic graphics
That was a rather unlikely scenario but either way, I wouldn't want to see a new DOOM game with cartoony graphics that would supposedly correspond to the original art style (which, as we know, only appears cartoony without a context of past technical limitations). Judging by the art direction of what little I've seen from the teaser, that doesn't seem to be the case, though.

* Expansion of RAGE's combat animations
I think this is pretty significant. Turning away from the hit animations from RAGE would be a big step backwards. DOOM (4) should definitively at the very least do what RAGE did. Preferably it should go even further.

* Pump Action Shotgun
You know, maybe auto shotguns are more realistic and efficient... But there's nothing like the classic pump action reloading so I'd love to see it in this game.

* Interesting setting
One of my biggest wishes is for this DOOM to be built around the Hell on Earth scenario. While that WAS a direction before the restart, the current version (considering the reddish smoke and stuff) seems like Mars, unfortunately. The worst case scenario would be if DOOM (4) was a direct remake of DOOM again, DOOM 3 v2 or something. That would be very disappointing. A part of me tells me they wouldn't do it considering DOOM 3 but who knows.

* Current Gen Only
My second biggest wish. I don't want DOOM (4) to be handicapped by the ancient previous gen consoles. It's not getting anywhere, tech-wise, if it keeps the support for those. It is kind of confirmed that won't be the case (considering that Beta will only be available on new consoles and PC) but you never know.

So, that's about it for me. Everything else is just an endless net of variables so I don't have any specific wishes for that.

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I think it's a safe bet that it will be current gen. There's really no sense in trying to optimize it for consoles developed a decade ago.

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Marnetmar said:

It is worth noting that they're only offering PS4 and Xbox One betas console-wise.

That's good. Hopefully, the current team at id is trying to keep the tradition of making Doom games with cutting edge graphics.

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