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Episode 2 Replacement *UPDATE v1.2*

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UPDATE: v1.2

This is a full nine map wad that replaces episode 2 of Ultimate Doom. The levels take on the theme of the original "The Shores of Hell" and so are quite basic in their design and layout. Gameplay is not particularly challenging but becomes more so if the levels are attempted from a pistol start, all difficulty levels have been implemented although most people should play on UV. This wad is vanilla compatible in theory although it has only been tested on ZDOOM and prboom+. Please tell me what you think.





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Well. In the first room in e2m1, there is tutti frutti on the textures in the slime pit. So there are bugs in vanilla. But I'd recommend putting some screenshots up, help people decide if they want to try the wad or not.

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I've played the first two levels from pistol start so far. I'm enjoying it, although if you don't know about the chainsaw on level 1 then there's an aggravating amount of pistol use in the map.

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Khorus said:

Well. In the first room in e2m1, there is tutti frutti on the textures in the slime pit. So there are bugs in vanilla..

Thats because the offsets for that texture are'nt set at 0 for some reason. Map 1 and map 9 were made back in April, whereas the rest of the maps were made more recently and so shouldn't have this sort of error in.

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Looks nice, too many good level sets are coming out for me to play them, but I'll try get around to this at some point though, because I enjoyed your E1 replacement.

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Great episode. Loved it! - This is the stuff that pcorf strives to play.

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I liked this episode a lot as well - good job, Foodles. What a great nym, BTW. ;)

Did a first-attempt demopak for it yesterday. It seems that everyone in this thread played with (G)ZDoom and missed a critical bug on E2M5: you can get trapped on the platform (sector 77) opposite the red key if you try to spacebar the wall (linedef 416). The platform turns into a pit full of HOM:

Tested with prBoom-plus v2.5.0.8 (latest) in Ultimate DOOM compatibility mode (-complevel 3) and vanilla. The same area has another bug: trying to activate the lift (sector 246) that is supposed to get you out of the nukage lowers the walkways instead, exposing a HOM on the back of the lift. That's in prB+; vanilla crashes with P_AddActivePlat: no more plats! here.

Both of these bugs occur because the linedef specials in question are not tagged to the appropriate sectors (a typical ZDoomism). In vanilla most linedef specials (except the regular door, scrolling and exit ones, IIRC) require a tag, otherwise the engine attempts to apply that linedef action to every sector with tag 0, with unpredictable results.

To fix the lift linedefs 1319 and 1320 must be tagged to sector 246. To fix the HOM pit I would recommend removing the specials from linedefs 303, 304, 414 and 416 altogether - let the player find the switch (linedef 316) in the Imp room to the south in order to lower that platform and proceed. Otherwise why have the switch there in the first place?

Good work otherwise, it's an enjoyable WAD. A bit too easy on UV, but not noticeably easier than the original Shores of Hell. And very good secrets, although in many cases the automap gave away their presence too early - use the Secret flag on those linedefs if you want to avoid that.

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Thanks for finding those bugs, it may be worth investing some of my time in releasing a v 1.1 release, whats odd is that I did test in prboom+ before releasing so I'm not sure how this error slipped through.

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Foodles said:
Thanks for finding those bugs, it may be worth investing some of my time in releasing a v 1.1 release, whats odd is that I did test in prboom+ before releasing so I'm not sure how this error slipped through.

PrBoom+ handles it differently by default, as Never_Again applied vanilla engine behavior. I played through in Doom+ (the limit raising vanilla hack available at the PrBoom+ site, which can be used with DOSBox) and all worked well except the weird lift behavior in E2M5 (fortunately I didn't get trapped like Never_Again did) although there were also some step tutti frutti glitches and a medusa slowdown in E2M2 because a multi-patch texture was used on a two-sided line.

Edit: Here is my FDA recording. It can be watched on PrBoom+, although as noted in the TXT you'll have to force -complevel 2 through command line, unless you make it use the registered DOOM IWAD (instead of The Ultimate DOOM.) Also, here are screens of the two glitches in vanilla I mentioned, a tutti frutti example (in e2m1) and the medusa (up there):

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myk said:

and a medusa slowdown in E2M2 because a multi-patch texture was used on a two-sided line.

Doesn't E1M1 use this in the acid zig-zag walkway room?

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Naturally not, otherwise E1M1 would have been unplayable in vanilla.

myk's explanation of the Medusa effect needs to be qualified: it occurs when a multi-patch texture is used on a two-sided line as the main/middle texture.
There's only one 2s line in the zigzag room of E1M1 with a middle texture - linedef 458 (it hides the sniping spot for DM). Its middle texture is BROWNGRN and that consists of a single patch - WALL62_2.
In your WAD on E2M2 the offending linedef 322 is two-sided and has STONE3 as the middle texture on its front sidedef. STONE3 consists of four patches: W28_7 + W28_6 + W28_7 + W28_6. Thus the Medusa.

BTW, vanilla's internal screenshot function cannot handle it properly, it looks a lot more conspicuous in game than myk's screenie would suggest:

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Ok so I've done a Version 1.1 which can be downloaded on the first post or using this link:

I've fixed the bugs around the blood pit in E2M5, which was the most critical bug, I've also sorted the tutti frutti effect in E2M1 and the Medusa effect in E2M2. Also due to all the complaints that this WAD was too easy I tried to make it a bit more challenging and hopefully people will agree, please tell me if there are any more problems, hope you enjoy it.

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I checked out E2M1 only and it plays quite a bit livelier now with all those extra Demons at the yellow key.
This time I tested in Chocolate DOOM. The Tutti-frutti is still there, as bad as before: on the steps leading to the first set of doors, lining up the nukage in the second room and at the yellow key. If you want to get rid of it, read the Wiki article linked above to understand what causes it and test in Chocolate DOOM.

A couple of misc. notes on E2M1:

  • In the Green Armor secret, the side walls of the lift shaft (linedefs 945 and 947) move up before the lift does, which looks odd. They should have the Lower Unpegged flag set (the way door tracks do).
  • Sectors 134 and 77 are adjacent, yet both have the secret special set, which makes the player think there are more secrets than there actually are. I would remove the special from both and give it to sector 136 instead. That's the last sector of the tunnel and it has the box of rockets, which is presumably the purpose of this secret area.
Edit: I looked at the map in DB2 and it seems that you got the sector differences right to prevent Tutti-frutti (i.e by avoiding tiling textures shorter than 128 units). The remaining Tutti-frutti is caused by every linedef in question having a Y-offset applied for some reason. Removing the offset gets rid of the glitch.

I'm going to have a look at E1M2 later.

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I should say that I have released a new version, v 1.2, based on feedback provided by MegaDoomer, which hopefully will be the final version:
The tutti frutti should definitley be fixed now...
Changes include:
tweaks to the gameplay in most levels
New area in E2M5 (replaces the long vine corridor)

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The Tutti-frutti has not been fixed, neither the lift. I see there's now a berserk pack at the yellow key on E2M1, that makes things too easy and the chainsaw secret pointless.

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Never_Again said:

A couple of misc. notes on E2M1:[list]

  • In the Green Armor secret, the side walls of the lift shaft (linedefs 945 and 947) move up before the lift does, which looks odd. They should have the Lower Unpegged flag set

  • Ah right, unfortunatley both the floor and ceiling of this sector move up for this shortcut lift to work, so If I lower unpegged then when the floor moved up then the walls would still move, not much I can do about this I'm afraid, unless you have any ideas, as for the tutti frutti its fixed now

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    Right, I didn't think of that. The lift could be two sectors then, the larger with the walls of the shaft lower-unpegged and the (slightly) smaller sector within it being the lift itself.
    Or perhaps an instant mover to raise the ceiling of that sector could be used instead?

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    I think I've done something similar to what you were suggesting when you said split the lift into two sectors, link is on the first post

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    The walls of the shaft could use some X-axis alignment but the lift looks more or less OK now. Since you raised its floor, linedefs 941-944 (the armor platform) don't need any specials or tags, they do nothing now.
    And at the risk of sounding like a broken record: the tutti-frutti is still not fixed. Linedef 10 need the Y-offset removed on its front sidedef; linedefs 20 and 173 on their back sidedefs. I don't see how to get rid of t-f on linedef 611 (the step in front of the exit door) except changing the lower tex to GSTONE1. It will match the walls around the door, but not the floor of the step (and the exit room).

    Or you could leave it as is and put "Some Tutti-frutti in vanilla and Choco" in the Bugs section. Fixing these glitches may be more trouble than it's worth.

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    I've fixed all the errors that you've mentioned, in regards to the step in front of the exit, I just made the lower texture GSTONE. Since this WAD tries to emulate the classic DooM feel, I don't think that I have to worry too much about everything being uniform and floors matching walls etc.

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