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Anima Zero

Epic 2 demos [-complevel 2]

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DSDA page aka epic2 // epic2.wad


Tatsurd-cacocaco's UV-Fast demo pack


Considering it's been out for awhile, I think it'd be a good time to start a thread for people to post up their demos for this fun megawad.

I'll start with a UV-Max for map 16. Time for the run comes out to 11:01. The map is also a royal pain in my rear to survive in. Sub-10 might be possible with enough route/strategy tweaks.


Edited by Maribo

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Well, here are some first exits. It's fun how different a map plays when you know everything in it.

MAP01 in 2:26
MAP02 in 2:55
MAP03 in 3:20
MAP04 in 4:36
MAP05 in 4:46 (+ fail in 4:26)


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... really? Welp, topic's title changed without me noticing and I thought the prettiness of this .wad would obviously mean this is Boom. Heh.

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People ignoring WADs' TXT files and Extended Demo Format two years and a half after it was introduced make me want to welp.

Go to Options/General, third page, Demo section and set Use extended demo format to Yes. Presto! your demos can be played straight from the ZIP without any need for frontends, command lines, shortcuts or registry hacks.

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Never_Again said:

Go to Options/General, third page, Demo section and set Use extended demo format to Yes. Presto! your demos can be played straight from the ZIP without any need for frontends, command lines, shortcuts or registry hacks.

Huh, didn't realize that's what it did. Think I'll be changing that now, heh.

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Never_Again said on 11/30/10:
Did you turn off the Extended Demo Format to test if that was the cause of corruption?

Never_Again said on 12/01/10:
You only need to enable Extended Demo Format so that your demos can be played back automatically, specifying the executable and...

Never_Again said on 12/03/10:
People ignoring WADs' TXT files and Extended Demo Format two years and a half after it was introduced make me want to welp.

A new custom title?

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Stop it, vdgg, you're scaring the children tl;dr crowd away from Extended Demo Format!

vdgg said:

Never_Again said on 11/30/10:
Did you turn off the Extended Demo Format to test if that was the cause of corruption?

A new custom title?

This quote looks odd when taken out of context. The question in the original post meant: "Did you turn off EDF because you thought it was the cause of corruption?", not that I thought EDF was the culprit.

To make it completely clear: Extended Demo Format does not and cannot cause file corruption. It will not harm your demos in any way, on the contrary, it will make them a lot easier to enjoy. It is compact, efficient, cholesterol- and trans-fat free and fully recyclable. Complete satisfaction guaranteed or your money back, no questions asked. Try it today!

And thanks, I'm quite content with my custom title.

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xepop said:

I don't know how to name these.

The convention you have used looks good to me. I don't think it conflicts with anything.

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I'm too scared now to enable Extended Demo Format.

But seriously, it might have been there for 2 and a half years but I've only heard about it for 2 and a half weeks. What good are features if nobody talks/knows about them? :P

On another note, I tried to drag and drop e201n255_na.zip onto glboomplus.exe and it didn't work, I just ended up staring at the Doom2 titlepic. Is Extended Demo Format a lie to placate us uneducated masses?!

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Phml said:

I'm too scared now to enable Extended Demo Format.

But seriously, it might have been there for 2 and a half years but I've only heard about it for 2 and a half weeks. What good are features if nobody talks/knows about them? :P

Well, the discussions on the subject pop up sporadically but things would have been simpler if demo_extendedformat had been set to 1 by default two years ago. I think entryway has that on his todo list now, as well as moving demo_patterns to a separate .cfg.

Phml said:

On another note, I tried to drag and drop e201n255_na.zip onto glboomplus.exe and it didn't work

You got it almost right. Now try renaming the ZIP to PK3 and dragging it onto zdoom.exe.

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I was saying this genuinely and meant I don't understand what do you mean by :

Presto! your demos can be played straight from the ZIP without any need for frontends, command lines, shortcuts or registry hacks.

If you're talking about opening the ZIP file, clicking on the demo and having it running without extracting, it seems to work just fine without extended demo format for me. If you're talking about something else, I don't get it.

Edit: nevermind my whole post, extended demo format was already = 1 in my CFG, so I've always been using it without knowing that I did. So it's there at least since PrBoom+ if not earlier.

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Phml said:

If you're talking about opening the ZIP file, clicking on the demo and having it running without extracting

Yes, that's what I meant. prB+ does not support dragging and dropping zipped demos on the executable, such support would be tricky to implement as many ZIPs have more than one demo inside.

Phml said:

it seems to work just fine without extended demo format for me.

There still seems to be some misunderstanding here. Perhaps it's on my part, but let me explain EDF just in case. Enabling or disabling it has no direct effect on demo playback. Since it was introduced (v2.5.0.2, May '08) prB+ checks any demo passed to it for playback with the -auto switch for the presence of the demo footer, whatever the value of demo_extendedformat. This way all demos with proper footers will play back correctly automatically, even if the user never heard of EDF. The option only affects the way demos are recorded.
Of course, it does affect demo playback indirectly: if nobody records with EDF then it will take a lot more work to watch new demos than simply double-clicking demos in the ZIP or Explorer. ;)

Back to the topic: MAP02 NM + 100% Secrets in 2:52. A much better map to speedrun through, especially on NM.


Nevan said:

Map05 in 4:14 and with the correct -complevel.

Good job. And a perfect example why demo_extendedformat should default to 1 and not zero: no matter how much time and effort you put in explaining something some people just don't get it.

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Enabling or disabling it has no direct effect on demo playback.

I meant that I was using a demo recorded without EDF enabled (or so I thought, but it turns out it was on by default).

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Map 7 UV-Max in 2:20. Just a quick demo I felt like doing late this evening before getting off the computer. Quite improvable. I'd expect a low 2:1x or mid/high 2:0x to be a fairly easy target for this level.


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Map 21 UV-Max in 2:56

Took a break for a few hours from exercising my masochistic tendencies on p212. Third or fourth exit, and it's still relatively rough. 2:4x shouldn't be out of the question. Hud used.

Edit: Looks like Erwin Lin came out of retirement to record on...Map 21. I wish everyone would use DW to post demos, so I know not to bother with certain maps. Fucking hell...


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Eternal has a history of building glide opportunities into his maps. It seems, though, that he's finally gotten bored of guided gap glides - too many runners are used to the ol' "squish between the bar and the wall" routine. It's too easy. So, to up the ante, now all the glide shortcuts he builds (that I've noticed, anyway) are "guideless" gap glides, a map construction with the remarkable ability to give any speedrunner a migraine. Of course, being the trick-enthusiast that I am, I took the bait...

MAP07 UV SPEED in 0:50

It features a guideless glide. It's slow, but I'm done trying. If I ever see those two bars again it'll be too soon.

If anyone's interested I'll share my technique and theories in the glides thread.


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I still don't understand how this shit works (apparently neither do a lot of you), but that was pretty cool. :)

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Creaphis said:

So, to up the ante, now all the glide shortcuts he builds (that I've noticed, anyway) are "guideless" gap glides, a map construction with the remarkable ability to give any speedrunner a migraine.

Not just that, but they tend not to be the "easy" east-to-west variety, but (like the one in your demo) west-to-east or north/south.

I'm certainly interested to hear your thoughts on what is going on with these glides (in particular the "drift" to the side when attempting the "difficult" directions), and possible methods for making them work more reliably. Even random unscientific musings based on experience may give someone the germ of an idea that unravels a little more of the mystery.

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