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Teleporting megasphere

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I`ve just started out experimenting with scrolling floors and voodoo dolls and stuff and I have figured out how to teleport keys, barrles etc, but is there a way to teleport in a soul- / megasphere? They wont scroll down the floor as the other items.

I know I can scroll the voodoo doll onto the invul and get it that way, but then it wont spawn in the map so you can grab it when you feel like it.

Is there something obvious I I`m missing?

It`s for Boom.

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There is a thread that has the answer from last year I believe.

EDIT: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-editing/49278-boom-how-to-teleport-a-cacodemon/

You need to use a linedef type 242 (transfer heights) on the scrolling sector that puts the floor above the ceiling.

scrolling sector - floor=0, ceiling=128
dummy sector - floor=129, ceiling=128

This moves items that are off the ground, including flying monsters.

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Um.... soulspheres and stuff don't actually float above the ground, they just look like they do, by having a larger sprite y-offset than the height of the actual image.

Well unless you've done something weird with dehacked but I'm guessing not.

It must be something else. Are you sure the thing isn't getting caught on a wall or a low ceiling? If you're trying to get it to go round a corner on the conveyor it's quite likely it'll get stuck to a wall...

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Hmm. Havent done anything at all (dont even know what deheacked is), BUt I might mention that I have only tested with Skulltag so far. Maybe Skulltag treats spheres as floating?

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RjY said:

Um.... soulspheres and stuff don't actually float above the ground.

Actually, yes they do! I can't confirm right now that sphere power-ups have their "flying" flag checked in DeHackEd, but I do know for a fact that the Boom engine treats them exactly as it treats flying monsters. This means that:

-Both power-ups and flying monsters always spawn on the ground.

-If either sphere power-ups or flying monsters are "resting" on the ground when the sector's floor height changes, then they will move along with it, both down and up.

-They are both unaffected by scroll-floor actions unless you use fake floors to put them "underwater."

The third point is, of course, the only way in which flying power-ups behave differently from non-flying power-ups, which is why this little fact isn't common knowledge.

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Soulsphere in Doom:

    {        // MT_MISC12
    2013,        // doomednum
    S_SOUL,        // spawnstate
    1000,        // spawnhealth
    S_NULL,        // seestate
    sfx_None,        // seesound
    8,        // reactiontime
    sfx_None,        // attacksound
    S_NULL,        // painstate
    0,        // painchance
    sfx_None,        // painsound
    S_NULL,        // meleestate
    S_NULL,        // missilestate
    S_NULL,        // deathstate
    S_NULL,        // xdeathstate
    sfx_None,        // deathsound
    0,        // speed
    20*FRACUNIT,        // radius
    16*FRACUNIT,        // height
    100,        // mass
    0,        // damage
    sfx_None,        // activesound
    MF_SPECIAL|MF_COUNTITEM,        // flags
    S_NULL        // raisestate
Soulsphere in Boom:
  {   // MT_MISC12
    2013,   // doomednum
    S_SOUL,   // spawnstate
    1000,   // spawnhealth
    S_NULL,   // seestate
    sfx_None,   // seesound
    8,    // reactiontime
    sfx_None,   // attacksound
    S_NULL,   // painstate
    0,    // painchance
    sfx_None,   // painsound
    S_NULL,   // meleestate
    S_NULL,   // missilestate
    S_NULL,   // deathstate
    S_NULL,   // xdeathstate
    sfx_None,   // deathsound
    0,    // speed
    20*FRACUNIT,    // radius
    16*FRACUNIT,    // height
    100,    // mass
    0,    // damage
    sfx_None,   // activesound
    MF_SPECIAL|MF_COUNTITEM|MF_TRANSLUCENT,    // flags   // killough 2/21/98
    S_NULL    // raisestate
I don't see MF_FLOAT nor MF_NOGRAVITY.

Now Skulltag did change them from vanilla settings just so that a few of the ST stock maps could feature sphere hanging in the sky that have to be picked up with a jump.

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Gez said:

Now Skulltag did change them from vanilla settings just so that a few of the ST stock maps could feature sphere hanging in the sky that have to be picked up with a jump.

They still haven't fixed this map breaking nonsense?

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I made a small test map. Using pr/glprboom w/complevel 9, or the default, *all* the powerups scrolled when linedef type 253 is applied. I also placed the flying monsters - Caco, LS + PE and they do not scroll - and so need to use the linedef type 242 combination to be moved.


I've used the transfer heights trick to move Cacodemons etc, but haven't needed to move power-ups yet.


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When I tried it in prboom all the items moved exept the monsters, but when I tried it in Skulltag none of the spheres moved.

So is this a Skulltag thing then? Or a complevel thing? I dont know what complevel I tried, I just loaded the prboom.exe and skulltag.exe

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I guess the thing is, if you use the transfer heights method do the power-ups scroll in both Skulltag and prboom? If so then you've got a way to make it work in both/most ports.


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traversd said:

I guess the thing is, if you use the transfer heights method do the power-ups scroll in both Skulltag and prboom? If so then you've got a way to make it work in both/most ports.


I havent tried yet but most probably :) Thanks!

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darkreaver said:

When I tried it in prboom all the items moved exept the monsters, but when I tried it in Skulltag none of the spheres moved.

So is this a Skulltag thing then? Or a complevel thing? I dont know what complevel I tried, I just loaded the prboom.exe and skulltag.exe

Yes, it's a Skulltag thing. Guess why changing stock item for some questionable convenience is considered such a problem!

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Gez said:

I don't see MF_FLOAT nor MF_NOGRAVITY.


I was sure I had to deal with this issue in Boom before. On second thought, it was probably Skulltag.

Sorry darkreaver!

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Absolutely no problem :)

If I`m going to use this trick I`ll probably do what you described, so that the map isnt broken in Skulltag because I guess a lot of people use that port.

Or maybe just take the easy route and add "map is broken in Skulltag" in the txt :P

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Why don't you make an untextured hole in the floor which is thin enough so that you can't fall in or see outlines of the megasphere, yet thick enough to hold the megasphere in it? Sure, it'll look less cool when it pops up and you don't see the cool green teleporting effects, but it works. Maybe as a last resort use this?

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darkreaver said:

because I guess a lot of people use that port.

To be honest, they can use another port if some map does not work because Skulltag broke things. Normally for this a bug report gets filed, the issue fixed and all is well. But somehow that doesn't seem to happen here.

And I fear it will never if all mappers work around it so that it doesn't become a problem for Skulltag to have broken items.

Another option for you would be to make a DECORATE replacement like this:

Actor MegasphereGravity : Megasphere replaces Megasphere
In ZDoom it won't change anything because the flag is not set but for Skulltag this replacement item will behave as the original.

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Decorate? :o Thats way over my head and skill :P I have no clue about that stuff.

deathevo: isnt items infinitely tall in vanilla? I mean, wont the sphere get picked up when the player walks over it?

Anyway: its not really a big problem atm because I havent used this stuff in a map yet, but I WILL use it, so I`m asking beforehand :)

I guess its never really NEEDED, but its cool :)

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darkreaver said:

Decorate? :o Thats way over my head and skill :P I have no clue about that stuff.

Create lump in wad.
Name lump "DECORATE".
Paste content of Graf's code above in lump.

That's it! It's just that complicated!

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Whats a lump? hahaha, I`m actually serious, but I think I know what it is..sort of. I`ve opened a few wads in XWE and my guess its just a...uhm, one of those "files" with info in it.

I guess I`ll be looking into that kind of stuff eventually :)

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darkreaver said:

Whats a lump? hahaha, I`m actually serious, but I think I know what it is..sort of. I`ve opened a few wads in XWE and my guess its just a...uhm, one of those "files" with info in it.

I guess I`ll be looking into that kind of stuff eventually :)

This may become a useful link.

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