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P.Diddy Sued?

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In papers she has submitted to the court, Turks wrote: "[Diddy] went through Kim Porter and Rodney King and knocked down the World Trade Center and then they all came and knocked my children down.

You know what this means - the War on Terror's being fought on a false premise. :D

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Knocked 'em down good. The evidence is all there. Now let's get back to the pressing issue of Bill Gates and Howard Stern stealing my money through the 4th Dimension

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Just so that a dirty european pinko can understand the intricacies of the US lawsuit industry, are those guys suying for multi-million, -billion or -trillion lawsuits ever hope to be "awarded" that money, or in the end they usually settle for more realistic sums within the capabilities of the victims defendants?

Some of the claims exceed the total assets of whole countries and even successful multinational corporations. Hell, I'm sure that the "value" of all pending US lawsuits combined exceeds the total net worth of ALL of the US and a good portion of the industrialized world too. Several times.

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Maes said:

Just so that a dirty european pinko can understand the intricacies of the US lawsuit industry, are those guys suying for multi-million, -billion or -trillion lawsuits ever hope to be "awarded" that money, or in the end they usually settle for more realistic sums within the capabilities of the victims defendants?

The 'strategy' with lawsuits in general tends to be to aim high in the hopes that you'll settle for 'less' but still get what you want. eg: I want 1 million dollars, so ask for 10 million and so on.

However lawsuits like this puff daddy thing are completely baseless and worthless obviously.

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Danarchy said:

I wonder if she knows Jonathan Lee Riches, the guy who sues everyone.

Heh, I suppose having nothing better to do with his time he's getting his 15 minutes of fame by trolling the legal system.

"Some of Riches' defendants are not even people or potentially suable. These include "Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Party" and the "13 tribes of Israel". One lawsuit, which includes George Bush, also includes another 783 defendants that cover 56 pages. They include Plato, Nostradamus, Che Guevara, James Hoffa, "Various Buddhist Monks", the Lincoln Memorial, the Eiffel Tower, the USS Cole, the book Mein Kampf, the Garden of Eden, the Roman Empire, the Appalachian Trail, Plymouth Rock, the Holy Grail, Nordic gods, the dwarf planet Pluto, and the entire Three Mile Island."

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Riches has also attempted to intervene as a plaintiff in the Madoff investment scandal, claiming that he "met Bernard Madoff on eharmony.com in 2001" and taught Madoff identity theft skills.[19]

In May 2009, Riches filed for an injunction against the Guinness Book of World Records, seeking to stop them from naming him as the most litigious individual in the history of mankind.[20]


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