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The Doom Confessional Booth

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Meh. I have a love/hate relationship with them and Revenants. Sure, they can be assholes, but at least I can beat them with ease if they are in small numbers. Pain Elementals on the other hand...yeah go and refer to my rant I made on them earlier in this thread.

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Arch-Viles are also a bitch considering that they can resurrect demons and their attacks take away almost all of your health.

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Patch93 said:

Pain Elementals will always be douchebags regardless of how many of them are there.

They're even worse when on -fast mode.

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I gave up on Plutonia playing through with Brutal Doom because it was too hard then I did something else and it overwrote my saves. Same with TNT.

I also jump/crouch to get to places I shouldn't all the time.

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SavageCorona said:

I also jump/crouch to get to places I shouldn't all the time.

Some maps have some neat areas to jump on even though it was unintended. Almost feels like a different map.

I used to do the car flip trick in driver 2 (ram a car's roof or underbelly while it's on it's side and there's a good chance you'll go flying in the air) to get past construction barriers and explore the land beyond it. Also how you get to the secret city in Leblon.

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I first played doom on a "zsnes" computer emulator which is basically an emulator that plays super nintendo games.
And I first played doomII on "Virtualboy" emulator which plays gameboy/color.
I was playing "super mario world" hacks on "znes" (look abobe) when I was young and I wanted to play more games that are playable through those emulators , and I accidently stumbled upon doomII I looked at what that game is , and it was the perfect game to play, but I first played through doom I , and then doom II.
Then I searched for that game in google and found zdoom , and then skulltag 97 (yeah , long ago) and then GZdoom , eternity , chocolate doom , vanilla.

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I actually think that the shotgun guy is the most annoying monster ever. They fire so fast and are 99.3% accurate, even from a distance.

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Hurricyclone said:

I actually think that the shotgun guy is the most annoying monster ever. They fire so fast and are 99.3% accurate, even from a distance.

Same with those damn cahingunners , but somewhy for no reason the zombieman have a broken pistol.

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I'm planning on making* a third attack for the Arch-Vile, where it targets another demon, turns blue and engulfs it in blue fire like the normal attack. Upon detonation, it deals negative damage. I wonder if percentages of SpawnHealth, individual for each monster can be used as damage values.

*Somehow. It may just need a recolour.

EDIT: It somehow just completes its position of "healer." Resurrecting was a start but never seemed enough, and there wasn't a reason (except for maybe vanilla limitations) for it NOT to heal other monster while they were still alive.

I'd have to make it specific to certain monsters. No use fully healing a zombieman.

EDIT @ Platinum Shell: Cheers, I'll look into it. It's for Eridian Twilight, so it would be cool to have as much new stuff as I can make/get :)

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Do it for great justice. I'd just use paint.net for recoloring. I got this conditional hue/saturation plugin and it's about all I use. After that just put the recolored sprites in slade 3, adjust them, and boom, done.

If you're not really feeling like doing it...I might do it.

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I really dislike using rocket launchers on demons. Chaingunners and weaker, you can kill hordes and watch em gib. revenants and up, and pumping rockets feels strong, but when you use 1 rocket per demon head on, it feels like a waste of ammo and time.

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Unless it's at point-blank range, I will rage like a fucking mental patient when a lone Zombieman scores a hit with their first shot (because probability is evidently conspiring against me), or when they manage to hit me from anything further than ~512 map units* away (for the very same reason). It just triggers something in my mind to have such absolutely shitty luck with this fucking game and its bullshit RNG, and a stream of curses and swears** fill the room before I even realise. You wouldn't believe how often this shit happens at crucial moments either, especially if I'm playing in a Survival server. I'm fucking cursed when it comes to these bits of shit.

*What do you mean that makes no sense? That's equivalent to any BIGDOOR texture tiled four times; a considerable distance given how fucking useless that Zombiemen are supposed to be with aiming.

**"Jesus fucking Christ! You cunt! You utter fucking blocky green-haired piece of shit!", etc..

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Similar to that retarded moment when you strafe around one shotgunner, and he locks on to you several times (ie, always facing you) before firing off pellets that do 30%

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joe-ilya said:

Make them to infight.

That's not just as easy deal as you could believe. Archies are not going to be the primary target for them Chaingunners, 'cause their attacks are "indirect".

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BaronOfStuff said:

Unless it's at point-blank range, I will rage like a fucking mental patient when a lone Zombieman scores a hit with their first shot

or when they manage to hit me from anything further than ~512 map units* away.

Yes, YES, this is me too! Except for me it applies to every hitscan monster, even the Wolfenstein SS.

Makes me wanna whip out a BFG and gib the fuck out of them when they do that.

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BaronOfStuff said:

Unless it's at point-blank range, I will rage like a fucking mental patient when a lone Zombieman scores a hit with their first shot (because probability is evidently conspiring against me), or when they manage to hit me from anything further than ~512 map units* away (for the very same reason). It just triggers something in my mind to have such absolutely shitty luck with this fucking game and its bullshit RNG, and a stream of curses and swears** fill the room before I even realise. You wouldn't believe how often this shit happens at crucial moments either, especially if I'm playing in a Survival server. I'm fucking cursed when it comes to these bits of shit.

I'd imagine you're not a fan of the beginning of E2M1 then (especially on UV), since there are three groups of Zombiemen at the beginning of the level (one before the red inverted cross, one before the Blue Key, and one after the first teleporter). On bad days I can lose a good chunk of health at one of those spots.

The more annoying Zombiemen packs to me come from E1M2. I always try to leave every level with maximum health and armor possible, and it seems more time than not I get hit enough times by Zombiemen in E1M2 that collecting all of the Armor Bonuses in the map will not bring me back to 200% armor (and there is no Blue Armor in the map either).

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My latest confession is that I've been playing Icarus: Alien Vanguard. No, that's not the confession. The confession is, that I haven't really been enjoying it much, if at all.

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Jayextee said:

My latest confession is that I've been playing Icarus: Alien Vanguard. No, that's not the confession. The confession is, that I haven't really been enjoying it much, if at all.

I mostly felt that same way apart from a few maps I recall enjoying.

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I always found DSPDIEHI (the weird "BAWK" noise you make when you die from heavy damage) to be probably the most hilarious noise I've ever heard.

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