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I haven't played Doom in awhile (at least not on the PC), but whenever I do I use GzDoom with crosshairs. However, I take off auto-aim. I may be old school, but I do find it satisfying to actually carefully aim at enemies. Makes for a good challenge.

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i played classic style (autoaim) for a while, but upon switching back to mouselook + crosshair i realized i'm more nimble that way, i found it easier to survive situations that gave me a hard time before, so i guess i'm staying with that. although i must say i like that steady movement with autoaim .

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It depends upon the source port. In any ZDoom derivative, I like to turn on mouselook and a standard crosshair and turn off autoaim. When I play PrBoom then I still play with mouselook, but auto-aim and crosshairs must remain on and off respectively due to both the requirements of the source port and my own personal tastes in that situation.

EDIT: Shouldn't this thread be merged with "How do you like your Doom?"

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myk said:

Actually, vanilla and Chocolate "support" it by using a PWAD that replaces the weapon sprites with a graphic that also adds a red (or whatever) dot or sign in the middle of the screen :p

There's also the old school method of cutting a little piece from a sticker and putting it in the middle of the screen... :p

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I'm with the people that said using mouselook detracts from the game. You already have enough advantages over the demons. Sometimes freelook and crosshair will allow you to kill monsters from a distance that were meant to be faced close up, or used as a trap or something. Kinda ruins the flow of the game.

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Face23785 said:

I'm with the people that said using mouselook detracts from the game. You already have enough advantages over the demons. Sometimes freelook and crosshair will allow you to kill monsters from a distance that were meant to be faced close up, or used as a trap or something. Kinda ruins the flow of the game.

That's how I feel - then again, I have no room to talk, I'm no puritan. I use a crosshair / autoaim. I use the mouse to turn and the keys to strafe, which, when compared to free look, kinda makes me a hypocrite.

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Face23785 said:

I'm with the people that said using mouselook detracts from the game. You already have enough advantages over the demons. Sometimes freelook and crosshair will allow you to kill monsters from a distance that were meant to be faced close up, or used as a trap or something. Kinda ruins the flow of the game.

I don't use crosshairs in Doom myself but I've been using mouselook for years. Can't say I've seen a lot of instances where this was really a problem, though I admit it does look odd when looking at a 2D sprite from above, for instance. So, in that sense I could say it does do something the engine wasn't really designed for (but that's a slippery slope since source ports are designed to do stuff beyond the limits of the original engine).

However, I can name at least a couple of instances where mouselook does help on a fairly regular basis - e.g. shooting at cacodemons that are flying overhead or shooting at monsters that are sniping from a distant ledge without relying on the engine to figure out what to autoaim at. In that sense - I'd say it definitely does improve on the limitations of the original engine by allowing the player greater accuracy (an important consideration in maps with little ammo or dependence on inducing infighting).

If you'd prefer to be a purist - by all means, do so. I just think that if a level is well-designed, mouselook isn't going to do more than give you a slight edge that you didn't have before or at the least smooth over some of the engine's limitations.

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When I use a crosshair it tends to be the smallest available, don't use mouselook if it means loosing mouse movement and I only disable autoaim if I'm feeling adventurous.

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Face23785 said:

I'm with the people that said using mouselook detracts from the game. You already have enough advantages over the demons. Sometimes freelook and crosshair will allow you to kill monsters from a distance that were meant to be faced close up, or used as a trap or something. Kinda ruins the flow of the game.

Heh, purist.

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