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Things about Doom you just found out

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The "Things about Doom you just found out" thread is the last place I would have expected Doom 2016 spoilers.

Well, maybe not the last. But still.

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Gez said:

Thanks to some Doom 2016 demon narration samples included in a remix, I have just discovered that Repercussions of Evil is actually officially canon. I mean:

Same plot. It's official, the Doom Slayer is John Stalvern.

That just goes to show that Marty Stratton has made Doom 2016 like a layer cake, truly thought provoking stuff!

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40oz said:

In Vanilla, you gotta change your mapping process to fit the mold. I focus on getting the functional layout done first, work on gameplay, then pump in as much detail as the game will allow after you've made the map fun to reduce the risk of making compromises. In many cases its much harder to fix a broken map than it is to start a new one and the results sometimes aren't even worth it.

That doesn't seem like it would be Vanilla exclusive, the only difference is that, when you get to the 'pump in as much detail as the game will allow' stage, the other ports will be far more generous about that. You can always do the same even in an OpenGL port, just focus on the functional layout and gameplay before you start adding ZDoom functions. I don't get why some people think that restricting themselves to Vanilla makes them better mappers automatically. Granted, it could be a useful learning tool at first to understand fundamentals but people have made great things with Boom/ZDoom extensions.

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Nothing ever happens automatically. But if people think that building ships in a bottle disciplines them, then why not.

I tried, but I thought it restricted me more than it encouraged good practices. In this sense I think it's actually safer to start with a limit-removing engine, because the restrictions aren't nearly as discouraging.

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Da Werecat said:

In this sense I think it's actually safer to start with a limit-removing engine, because the restrictions aren't nearly as discouraging.

Words of truth. And I say this as a vanilla mapper; but I did indeed start off with limit-removing for these reasons (moved to source ports as soon as I could download one back in about 1999/2000-ish, because I think my third ever attempt at a map VPO'd bigtime and - not knowing what the error was - I scrapped it).

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(I found it a long time ago, actually) tnt.wad CWILV20 lump has red pixels in it (after the third "I").

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I just noticed flipping through romero's art dump to see if there was anything extra neat in there that the nukage flat is missing a frame. there's four frames drawn, but only three are used. the addition of the fourth one actually makes things look quite a bit nicer, honestly.

I guess that when they upgraded the nukage animation, they never actually edited the script that grabs all the graphics from their respective sheets to grab the fourth frame, perhaps.

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InsanityBringer said:

I just noticed flipping through romero's art dump to see if there was anything extra neat in there that the nukage flat is missing a frame. there's four frames drawn, but only three are used. the addition of the fourth one actually makes things look quite a bit nicer, honestly.

I guess that when they upgraded the nukage animation, they never actually edited the script that grabs all the graphics from their respective sheets to grab the fourth frame, perhaps.

Have an animated gif comparo?

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I've noticed that certain textures in Doom 2 have been used way too rarely. For example, TANROCK2 have been used only 2 times, ever: in map 08 in the room with cacodemon and in map 27 in the starting room, near the sky ceilings. ZIMMER5 is also very rare: it appears only in map 06 in rocket launcher secret and in map 28 near the starting room. ZIMMER8 also appears only in map 28.

I wonder what's the rarest texture ever used in Doom 2..

Btw, while reading this thread long time ago i found out that the rarest texture in Doom 1 is probably BROWNWEL, it's used only in E2M3 in the cage with cacodemons at the start of the map.

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lil'devil said:

I wonder what's the rarest texture ever used in Doom 2..

The Icon of Sin face textures.

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Job said:

Have an animated gif comparo?

Sure, I just made one

The 3 frame animation

The 4 frame animation

Though a gif doesn't quite show the effect super well (the biggest detail is that a bright patch seems to flow forward and then snap back. In game, the 4 frame animation makes it look like a layer flowing over another layer, which does look alright). Here's a wad file with the change: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69608548/completenukage.wad. Should hopefully work in any port

EDIT: no, EE and PRBoom are choking on it. Maybe I need the dummy FF_START lump. it did work in ZD and chocolate doom, heh. (and, indeed, it seems like that's all I needed. now it works fine in EE and PRBoom+)

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lil'devil said:

I wonder what's the rarest texture ever used in Doom 2..

I guess, all those big demon textures which are used only once in map30.

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Skinscab seems pretty rare in Doom2, only used one time on one line. Skincut only twice. Both these textures in map28. Graytall is only seen once in map10, but is used 71 other times on unvisible parts of lines. Ickwall7 used 3 times in map12.

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InsanityBringer said:

Sure, I just made one

Woah.. So uh, is it just me, or is the NUKAGE flat just a transparent FWATER animation playing over top of a lone, non-animated darker green slime frame from the Alpha versions? I've noticed lately that a few cool textures in Doom seem to be transparent versions of scrapped textures layered over eachother. This is how a lot of the quality custom textures have been made over the years, I didn't realise ID was also doing it during development.

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huh, wow, that's a pretty good connection. I just popped open all the original sheets into an image editor and yep, all the details for the original alpha NUKAGE line up with the darker layer of the NUKAGE flat. It seems they're also still animating the under layer, with the order being 1-2-3-2 in the full 4 frame animation.

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MetroidJunkie said:

How about the rarest not intentionally made to be used in only one circumstance? :P

The demon face flat made of 4 separate flats is only used once in MAP20, and once in E1M8.

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That the switch in the alcove opposite the mega armor in the room with the blue key in map26 apparently does nothing (and yes, this is a roundabout way of asking what it does without starting a whole topic for it).

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Well this is slightly off topic from DOOM directly, but I just noticed today you can submit your own news on Doomworld's front page :/

Kind of makes me feel dumb all these years later.

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Richo Rosai said:

That the switch in the alcove opposite the mega armor in the room with the blue key in map26 apparently does nothing (and yes, this is a roundabout way of asking what it does without starting a whole topic for it).

It's a 103 S1 Open Door Stay. It opens two doors. One is the red key door at the east end of the room (as far as I can make out, only with any effect in deathmatch starts; I think there's no way into the room in singleplayer without opening that door from the other side, and it's a D1 Open Door Stay).

The other one is the secret door in the south of the starting room, which can also be opened by activating it directly. Hence if you know the secrets you've probably opened it already, so the switch in the alcove does nothing at all.

Since deathmatch players could just open the red key door from the west side and the secret in the starting room from the south, it seems to be a bit pointless - it doesn't even release stuck deathmatch players.

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I recently learned that with the damage changes to zombies made in Jaguar Doom (which I believe were inherited by most of the later ports, including PSX Doom and Doom 64), that under the right circumstances, zombiemen can now gib other zombiemen since they can do up to 24 damage.

having 20 hp makes you vulnerable to gibbing from so many things, now including bullets. its kind of amusing.

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I just realised that monsters' projectiles can pass through any decorations, no matter if the decoration is passable or not. But lost souls on other hand are blocked by everything, even passable decorations.

joe-ilya said:

This is actually a level from Doom :

I like the constrast between floor/ceiling textures and wall textures. Doesn't look bland like most Doom 2 maps do.

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