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15th March: National Day in Hungary

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Just to make something interesting: this day is is the memorial deay of Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

In this year, there were a lot of revolution is Europe, especially in the Hasburg monarchy. Although the independence war during this year wasn't successful, it was a very important event in the history of Hungary.

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No offense or anything, but what are we suppose to discuss? There are a shitload of holydays all over the world but besides the ones that are celebrated almost everywhere or in a large number of places (like christmas and easters) I don't really see much point in creating a whole thread about some holyday that is only known/talked about in Hungary.

That said, I will still congratulate you for your revolution and wish you a happy independence day.

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It's not exactly an independence day. Throughout Hungarian history, there were very few completely successful rebellions, revolutions or uprisings. It's more a case of "that showed 'em", I think.

Anyway, it seems that everyone knows about this holiday... apart from the US agent for the dental surgery that I'm attending. The upshot is that I am needing to stay longer in Budapest than anticipated.

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Soon, it will be 25th of March, the anniversary of the Greek Revolution towards the Ottoman Empire in 1821.

Tune in, and watch the show, as severe disruptions are expected at the traditional parades, as they seem to be happening a lot recently. First time for as far as I can remember, and I've watched and even took part in quite a few, both in school and in the military:

Because you can't fuck up a people and then ask them to march proudly and stand to attention impeccably to those that fucked them up....oh wait maybe you can.

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Yeah I think it's safe to say no one in the "far west" (America and Canada, and the others) would know a bit about this. We're still largely isolated, and stuff like this never passes on. I don't think anyone in the UK would know about this either, really.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm being a realist here.

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Happy Hungary day :)

Is this the day of Hungarians worldwide, by the way? I believe there is a day like this, which prompts our Romanian extremist groups to gather in the Hungarian-populated areas to make noise :)

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You can learn about these kinds of things easily if you are interested in them. For example, I know a large amount of Romanian history, even though you're never going to get the opportunity to learn about it in any school in America, not even college, outside a few sparse mentions given to the periods of Ottoman resistance (starring Vlad III Drăculea) and WWII.

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