geekmarine Posted May 13, 2012 What I find fascinating here is that we have religious people basically declaring war on the 1st Amendment. They want to make their religion's definition of marriage the official government definition of marriage, but they fail to see the problems they create. The whole point of the 1st Amendment is to protect freedom of religion by ensuring that the government does not endorse any one religion's views. They're saying, "Nope, I want the government to endorse one religion's views," without considering that maybe one day the government will endorse the views of another religion. I mean, what if, say, Muslims wanted their definition of marriage to be the only one recognized by the government? These same people would lose their shit, but they don't see the precedent they are setting. 0 Share this post Link to post
yellowmadness54 Posted May 13, 2012 I honeslty couldn't give any less shit about it, and sick of seeing arguments from either stand point. I don't care, at all, if two homosexuals want to marry, period. This whole out break about it is just retarded. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 13, 2012 geekmarine said:They want to make their religion's definition of marriage the official government definition of marriage, but they fail to see the problems they create.They fail to see nothing; they WANT America to be a Christian nation. They want the constitution and bill of rights to be read through a Christian perspective. They fail to see that the constitution was written so the government could not scorn different faiths becasue that would be contrary to their agenda. They don't care what other religions want. Their opinion is: if you don't like it, move. Sadly, they DO fail to see history for what it was. Back in the days when the constitution was still being written, Christians of all sects were not buddy-buddy. The Catholics were hatted by the WASPS and no other small denomination got a long. Only ONE Christianity was correct and the rest were heathens. They didn't have other deities and atheists to group up and fight. But then again, faiths were not this lame happy sing-a-long that evangelicalism has turned it into. 0 Share this post Link to post
doom_is_great Posted May 13, 2012 Technician said:If the people who want equal rights actually voted, this would have never passed. Religious zealots are the ones that vote, not the rational people, sadly. Yeah! They're all too busy smoking pot and thinking rationally. 0 Share this post Link to post
geekmarine Posted May 13, 2012 Well, I realize that, Technician, I guess my point was more, as you stated, that they don't understand the historical significance of the First Amendment. It's like they don't even understand there are different denominations of Christianity, and even if you structure our country as a Christian one, your particular flavor of Christianity might not be the one represented by the government. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 14, 2012 DooMAD said:...the actual fuck? HAHA OH WOW! 0 Share this post Link to post
lupinx-Kassman Posted May 14, 2012 DooMAD said: video I feel like that guy directly behind her during the soapbox performance. 0 Share this post Link to post
Snakes Posted May 15, 2012 DooMAD said:...the actual fuck? Classic moment, right here. My favorite part was when she spelled out P-E-N-I-S but straight-up said anus within three or four words. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 15, 2012 At least she's not claiming they fist and eat the poo-poo.lupinx-Kassman said:I feel like that guy directly behind her during the soapbox performance. Soapbox? This is stand-up comedy at it's best. She needs to go on tour. It would be a grand day if this women was the ultimate troll trying to demonstrate the bat-shit anti-gay ideology. 0 Share this post Link to post
NiTROACTiVE Posted May 15, 2012 Well that's complete bullshit. What's so bad about gay marriage? To me, gay marriage is no big deal because it tells us not everyone is born to marry the opposite sex and it should be allowed, even though I'm not gay. 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted May 15, 2012 Let's analyse that book the opponents to gay marriage are using right now. That verse they love to throw out so much in Leviticus. 20:13. Yes, that one. THE ONE THEY DONT EVEN QUOTE FULLY. You want to know why? “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Woo. When you back up your argument with a cherrypicked verse in your religious book that discusses who to kill, you're just an asshole. 0 Share this post Link to post
chexwarrior Posted May 15, 2012 Technician said:This is stand-up comedy at it's best. She needs to go on tour. Hell, we have enough of those "comedians" anyway... it might be time for a show on Comedy Central. 0 Share this post Link to post
eargosedown Posted May 16, 2012 Csonicgo said:Let's analyse that book the opponents to gay marriage are using right now. That verse they love to throw out so much in Leviticus. 20:13. Yes, that one. THE ONE THEY DONT EVEN QUOTE FULLY. You want to know why? Woo. When you back up your argument with a cherrypicked verse in your religious book that discusses who to kill, you're just an asshole. Wow, that's pretty bloodthirsty :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
Quast Posted May 16, 2012 Csonicgo said:Let's analyse that book the opponents to gay marriage are using right now. That verse they love to throw out so much in Leviticus. 20:13. Yes, that one. THE ONE THEY DONT EVEN QUOTE FULLY. You want to know why? What on earth are you talking about? You don't think there are more than a few people out there that would gleefully praise the death of a gay person? Particularly if they felt it was justified by divine revelation? 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 16, 2012 Quast said:What on earth are you talking about? You don't think there are more than a few people out there that would gleefully praise the death of a gay person? Particularly if they felt it was justified by divine revelation? I'd like to think most of America would wince in disgust, but I can imagine a huge hoe-down if it were enforced in a few Southern states. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vordakk Posted May 16, 2012 Quast said:What on earth are you talking about? You don't think there are more than a few people out there that would gleefully praise the death of a gay person? Particularly if they felt it was justified by divine revelation? And here are some of those very people. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted May 16, 2012 The rest of that verse reveals the actual Christian agenda (yeah I said it) - after they get their way with banning gay marriage, then they'll ban public display of homosexual affection, and then they'll outlaw doing business with gays, affiliating with gays, etc. Then they'll herd gays into death camps euphemized as sexual "re-education" centers. If you think it's too far-fetched, the ongoing efforts to pass "kill the gays" laws in several third-world countries are a direct result of efforts lead by the same people who are behind what's going on right here on our own soil. These people are grade-A Hitler-style evil. 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted May 17, 2012 Vordakk said:And here are some of those very people. Muslim, Christian, all the same backwoods stuff to me. They both hold the world back, and want people dead that harm no one but what both think is their "god" in their little heads. Technician said:I'd like to think most of America would wince in disgust, but I can imagine a huge hoe-down if it were enforced in a few Southern states. DO you not remember reading reports of "mass celebration" in bible belt states when JFK was assassinated? Or have they scrubbed that from history books? These morons do not know piety. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 17, 2012 Quasar said:The rest of that verse reveals the actual Christian agenda (yeah I said it) - after they get their way with banning gay marriage, then they'll ban public display of homosexual affection, and then they'll outlaw doing business with gays, affiliating with gays, etc. Then they'll herd gays into death camps euphemized as sexual "re-education" centers. If you think it's too far-fetched, the ongoing efforts to pass "kill the gays" laws in several third-world countries are a direct result of efforts lead by the same people who are behind what's going on right here on our own soil. These people are grade-A Hitler-style evil. Yeah, sadly a lot of the evangelical missionaries preaching homo-hate are of American or Catholic origin. Csonicgo said:DO you not remember reading reports of "mass celebration" in bible belt states when JFK was assassinated? Or have they scrubbed that from history books? These morons do not know piety. I know Texas has had an agenda with altering American history... 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted May 17, 2012 For those that don't know: "The campus erupted," recalled Ben Jobe, then a graduate student at the University of Tennessee, who is now featured in the film. "When I walked out of the classroom, the students were running through campus with rebel flags. I never dreamed that people would celebrate the assassination of a president." 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 17, 2012 My sister is a lesbian. Like turn women gay type of lesbian. She says gays should have something similar to marriage... but don't call it marriage. Call it warriage. Her gf finds that offensive and says gays should have marriage too and not call it warriage. My sister points out gays and lesbians are the same thing but they use different words to be special. 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted May 17, 2012 geo said:My sister is a lesbian. Like turn women gay type of lesbian. She says gays should have something similar to marriage... but don't call it marriage. Call it warriage. Her gf finds that offensive and says gays should have marriage too and not call it warriage. My sister points out gays and lesbians are the same thing but they use different words to be special. That is the funniest thing I've read in a while. 0 Share this post Link to post
Snakes Posted May 18, 2012 Somebody's been playing too many Mario games! 0 Share this post Link to post
Remilia Scarlet Posted May 18, 2012 geo said:My sister is a lesbian. Like turn women gay type of lesbian. She says gays should have something similar to marriage... but don't call it marriage. Call it warriage. Her gf finds that offensive and says gays should have marriage too and not call it warriage. My sister points out gays and lesbians are the same thing but they use different words to be special. O_o ...yeah, how about we just call it marriage? Or perhaps "fuck buddies with tax breaks"? 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 18, 2012 geo said:My sister points out gays and lesbians are the same thing but they use different words to be special. Yeah I've said the same thing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vordakk Posted May 18, 2012 yukib1t said:O_o ...yeah, how about we just call it marriage? Or perhaps "fuck buddies with tax breaks"? Tax breaks and visitation rights in hospitals. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted May 18, 2012 Also post-mortem transfers of pensions and life insurances. That's really important. 0 Share this post Link to post