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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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I found this image browsing through some old threads, and I was curious to know what number 31 is. Got any ideas?


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Hi. I have been browsing the wad archive backup and I have found this wad for Doom. I believe it’s a wad collection of some sort. Here’s the link for anyone interested. 


If anyone knows what the original wad file is please post it here. @Doomlover77  

Edited by Doomlover77

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Hi, I've been looking for a megawad i played a couple years back, I don't remember the name tho and i don't entirely remember it what the levels were like, but what i do remember it started with a level inside of an apartment there were windows that were broken a bit and you had to leave the apartment to end the level, there were some levels in a city, one took place in a subway, and one of the levels end with you being captured by wolfenstein ss and the next level starts with you escaping the electric chair


Does anyone know the name of this wad this is?, Sorry if my explanation is not that descriptive




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There's this remake of both the 0.4 and 0.5 alphas that was probably built with ZDoom that I haven't been able to find, and the only source I can find is this playthrough:


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I remember not so long ago this year I found a map in which there were floating buildings and platforms in space on small islands, under a black starry sky, on each of the islands you could either jump off with a run or get a teleport. The beginning of the level was quite intense, I remember a place on the level with long seats like in a movie theater.
The map seems to be old, but hardly from the 1990s, early 00s are most likely, it seems to have been found in the thread a la "Little-known maps that are worth checking out" or something like that.
I really want to find this map, because it was very atmospheric and unusual.

Edited by Vanilla+Unicorn

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I remember moving them to an old portable hard drive years ago when I switched computers. Unfortunately, that hard drive is now broken, so I can't access these levels, or anything else Doom related that I put on it.

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>A wad in Maximum Doom called something like City2 or Town2, it had a Cyberdemon in a cage who would snipe at you, and in one part you had to run over several rooftops (of STARTAN block "buildings", it was 1995).


>A wad that was in an old /Newstuff Chronicles, apparently it had something like 55 levels of varying (but low) quality. One of them was a small island with a house on it, which was in one of the screenshots.


>A (mega?)wad from the 90's with some modified graphics. Also every level's starting room was the same as the previous one's ending room. The clips were small, black and laying on their sides with a yellow bullet visible inside. They weren't the alpha graphics, just coincidentally similar.


>A wad called something like "Hall of the Spider God", but I can't find it with all sorts of variations on those search terms. It had psychadelic blue revenants and mini-arachnotrons that bite.

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On 6/22/2023 at 7:28 AM, Deathbringer2 said:

>A wad in Maximum Doom called something like City2 or Town2, it had a Cyberdemon in a cage who would snipe at you, and in one part you had to run over several rooftops (of STARTAN block "buildings", it was 1995).


I think this one might be CITY.WAD (dmcity on /idgames).




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So this is a difficult one to describe, but I feel like this wad is probably decently-known (like maybe it was a cacoward winner, runner-up, or honorable mention from a few years ago) even tho I can only remember some general stuff from the first few maps:
(1) The first map had some sort of tech-ish complex with a large cavern in the middle of it with mancubus sentries stationed on four little platforms toward the middle with smaller enemies potshotting you from platforms around the outer edge, along with a bunch of distinctly height-varied areas outside the complex with nasty ambushes including at least one cyberdemon.
(2) The second map had a bunch of symmetrical ambush-laden rooms with trenches and raised walkways to allow enemies to take shots at you from above if you fell in, and it maybe also had some sort of platforming challenge in a room with a bunch of big rock stairs/cliffs (this might have been in the third map instead).
(3) The third map had a tech fortress with a semi-protected archvile sniper on a high platform surrounded by an open area with smaller buildings and like a sinkhole with either water or lava at the bottom?
It's pretty difficult to describe these areas in more specific and memorable terms but hopefully this is enough.

Edited by Gibbitudinous

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I was wondering if I could find the spinning POV mod "dundidit.wad" That was featured in the Icaruslives "wobbly shaders" video. The provided link is dead. I wanted to make my own Doom version of Tetripz lol

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I'm dreaming about Doom 2 but every map treated as a separate mini-episode and thus having multiple sub-levels that progress in difficulty and complexity and each of them having their own mini-boss in the end, is there anything like it?

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Does anyone still have a copy of this compilation? The links in the post seem to be dead.


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11 hours ago, Endless said:

Was looking for some Doom images and found a PDF study paper with an interesting screenshot. Anyone know what WAD that is?



You've probably looked here already, but my first guess would be the collection of maps in the code repository to which the paper links. (Apologies: I would check there myself but I lack UDMF-enabled tools.)


Actually try full_deathmatch.wad map01, it looks like it has two green and one blue red armour vests in a row like that.

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I've been trying to find this WAD for a while now, and haven't had any luck so far. I'll try to describe it as best as I can.

I don't remember the name, but everything in me wants to say it's "Drown in Blood" Even though I know for a fact it is not. This is probably due to the fact that Drown in Blood can be abbreviated as DiB and I seem to remember confusing them on Zdaemon back in the day (like it could be "DiD, "BiB, BiD, etc...or maybe I'm completely misremembering lol. I would've played it somewhere between late 2006 and early 2008, and it was a slaughter map

One map I remember featured a volcano in the center of a dark, open arena. it kind of felt like seeing a volcano in a giant underground cave. The floor was non-damaging lava, and the volcano had a spiral ramp all the way to the top with thousands of demons on it (Mostly mancubi, arachnotrons, and pinkies iirc) and tons of cacos. At the top were a bunch of cyberdemons and a switch (that I think ended the level). The biggest identifying feature of the map, however, was the presence of stationary "turrets" in the lava outside the volcano. You would take a lift up to the switch for it, and activating the switch would rapid-fire hundreds of BFG balls, plasma, and rockets in a wide pattern similar to the spread of the SSG.

The second map I remember felt like a WW2 inspired map, with trenches and bomb craters scattered throughout a green grassy field. I seem to remember some of the craters having landmines or something in them that would explode when stepped on. Again this was a slaughter map, and also featured the same BFG/plasma/rocket turrets as the other map I described.

I hope someone here knows what WAD this is...it's been driving me crazy trying to find it. Thank you for any help you can offer.

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