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The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

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Does anyone have tribute.wad with the MP3 music it used to have on it's primary release?

The one on idgames has midis that fit way less than the originals.

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On 4/27/2019 at 10:49 PM, XIII said:

Oh man, first post ever despite having played Doom for so long ever since the ZDaemon years.


So I'm trying to find a WAD I played around a year ago on a Zandronum server, and I think no mods were used. The mappack in question might have been a slaughterwad, judging from the one level I played and never beat.


Now, the map itself, I remember neither its name nor its number (though it might have been MAP09, I could be very wrong here) but what I do remember is that it was... very gray. Gray textures everywhere. You start off in a small square room which leads to a large outside courtyard-like area littered with cacodemons, with a bunch of revenants crowding atop some pillars. Beyond lies a long rampart that stretches along the length of the courtyard. There were two elevators on either side of the rampart, each leading up a corridor full of imps, and some archviles at the end. Both corridors end near the center, where lies a switch. I never got to hit those switches, so I don't know what they do and how the level progresses further.

Still no hits on this?

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I'm not sure if I posted this or not but I think I have somewhere and still got the wrong wads in multiple replies. I'm looking for XMAS1994. There was another with the same title but wasn't the same thing. I swear I played this when I first got all the D!Zones Demon Gates and Sams Publishing books. I've yet to find it and my fiancé thinks I'm lying. It had reindeer instead of pinkies. The spiderdemon was a skull with a santa hat, and just about every graphic was replaced. It was a single level not a full megawad, and that far back in time should have been awarded for all the work that obviously went into it. I used to even know the guy's name who made it but have since forgotten. I also played it several times on different days so it wasn't a dream. I even tried at an early age to make follow-up levels only to realize it probably wouldn't have been okay.

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On 5/10/2019 at 9:41 PM, Terminus said:

Does anyone have tribute.wad with the MP3 music it used to have on it's primary release?

The one on idgames has midis that fit way less than the originals.

Check this. I don't sure this is what you are looking for, but its size (40 Mb) is much bigger than idgames file.


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22 hours ago, Grazza said:

It's this one:


Gameplay is poor, which is perhaps why it isn't widely remembered.

Yep. I've honestly been looking on and off for about... yep 2 years now. I wanted to show my fiancé. I didn't think it was that bad for a '94 level there were definitely worse. I wish it have more work put into the levels but those 1994 graphics....!

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Been racking my brains trying to remember the wad i saw on youtube ages ago

Features I remember:
-HUGE Hub world, weapon shop, item shop, powerup up shop.
-had slopes and elevation changes.
-First level was outdoor, had a MASSIVE amount of space.
-Ending of the first level was a cutscene of you being a badass and challenging a cyberdemon to fight you.
-one of the levels had you in a lab looking places with a center left and right path, and a generator room that you had to shoot something to make a hole in the wall to progress. lots of ai friends.
-Full voice acting.
-had a gallery you could view all the monsters you encountered with thier stats and weaknesses.
-total conversion
-one of the secret int he first area was in a river, that you had to swim under and had imps in it with tnt barrels.

Cant for the life of me find the damn thing but it was lit.

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40 minutes ago, exreiuji said:

Been racking my brains trying to remember the wad i saw on youtube ages ago

Features I remember:
-HUGE Hub world, weapon shop, item shop, powerup up shop.
-had slopes and elevation changes.
-First level was outdoor, had a MASSIVE amount of space.
-Ending of the first level was a cutscene of you being a badass and challenging a cyberdemon to fight you.
-one of the levels had you in a lab looking places with a center left and right path, and a generator room that you had to shoot something to make a hole in the wall to progress. lots of ai friends.
-Full voice acting.
-had a gallery you could view all the monsters you encountered with thier stats and weaknesses.
-total conversion
-one of the secret int he first area was in a river, that you had to swim under and had imps in it with tnt barrels.

Cant for the life of me find the damn thing but it was lit.

You might be looking for PRODOOMER?

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Need help remembering the name of a few wads/maps please. The first map I am trying to find had a very long stairwell. Also, I think it had 2 columns with switches on each side. You had to hit a switch on one column, then run to the other column and hit a switch. 

The other map I’m looking for started out in 4 long connected hallways. You would shoot a switch and a wall would drop in another location. After lowering all walls, you could enter the center to complete the level. 

Thanks for the help!

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I'm looking for this WAD from a few years back which was an amalgam of all the Doom maps from E1 to E3. It wasn't exact copy-pastes of the maps and I believe it used Doom 2 monsters etc and was quite difficult. It wasn't Memorial.wad but somewhat similar in concept.

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4 hours ago, Cacatou said:

I'm looking for this WAD from a few years back which was an amalgam of all the Doom maps from E1 to E3. It wasn't exact copy-pastes of the maps and I believe it used Doom 2 monsters etc and was quite difficult. It wasn't Memorial.wad but somewhat similar in concept.


Doomed Deja Vu might be what you're looking for.

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Has there ever been a mod which corrects the many misalignments found in the IWAD textures? I know people make all these HD replacement textures, but those don't look to great when applied to geometry without proper texture alignment.

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Is there a mod that makes demons automatically infight with eachother and ignore the player? I just want to watch huge AI fights and not get shot at but I can't find anything of the sort anywhere.

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I am looking for the Wardust HD textures and Myst map for download desperately! Any help would be immensely appreciated. I hope I have come to the right place. I've attached YouTube links for review. ☟ ☟ ☟ 


Star Wars Doom - Wardust HD Textures


A MYSTerious Doom II Wad


Please help!!!

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3 hours ago, polyhistor said:

A MYSTerious Doom II Wad

It's from @T-Squared. Unfortunately, we haven't seen him/her in a while :(

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I'm looking for an old slaughter map. It's a large, low detail, rather ugly level.

There are corridors fanning out from a center hub. Each corridor contains a single monster type, and there's one corridor for each monster type in the game. After you've entered each one, the rest of the map opens up and there's a huge number of arch viles positioned behind tall pillars.

There is also a green cacodemon I think, or it shoots green fireballs.

This map was probably mentioned in a 'biggest/hardest maps' thread but I can't find it.

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Repost since it's been a while and I haven't got it identified.

So I'm trying to find a WAD I played around a year ago on a Zandronum server, and I think no mods were used. The mappack in question might have been a slaughterwad, judging from the one level I played and never beat.

Now, the map itself, I remember neither its name nor its number (though it might have been MAP09, I could be very wrong here) but what I do remember is that it was... very gray. Gray textures everywhere. You start off in a small square room which leads to a large outside courtyard-like area littered with cacodemons, with a bunch of revenants crowding atop some pillars. Beyond lies a long rampart that stretches along the length of the courtyard. There were two elevators on either side of the rampart, each leading up a corridor full of imps, and some archviles at the end. Both corridors end near the center, where lies a switch. I never got to hit those switches, so I don't know what they do and how the level progresses further.

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@polyhistor I've linked the pk3s for Wardust in the video description. You can rip the textures from there but be sure to check the readme for credits and other information regarding the resources use.

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So there's a map or mod I want to play again but don't have.. I have seen epic2 and powerslave. Sadly not but it seems highly inspired of it. Also looked up maps for doom2 with themes of Egyptian, pyramid, ancient, powerslave, and epic2. Nothing..

What I remember is the first map.. when you start behind you is a helicopter. There was like four huts you can enter. Small bridge with a stream and its a desert. A canyon with a waterfall.. Snake Imps are heavily used. The next area i remember a wall to the right a small portion comes down. It had a small maze. And two areas to enter.. front was a temple like area with two big pillars. The other... i remember a big area with crushers and a red electric orb thing as an enemy. I remember an area connected to it that looked just like powerslave with a fountain with health bonuses.


Thank You

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Are there any mods in the spirit of the games Scorn and Agony, guns, maps or enemies? I would like more weapons of course.


Edited by SprayRUS

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