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A question of time

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Is anyone else's DW time an hour out?

I've noticed this before but haven't been arsed to say anything until now.

inb4 people asking me whether I've selected the right time zone or not or if my computer's time is correct, I've double checked and yes they are.

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Mine is, probably because my home land is one hour later than where I am now. But I'll return! :) :(

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DST where? In the states? Because here in Australia we're on normal winter time at the moment. I changed the time zone to Brazil time and it's an hour out there as well.

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I'm pretty sure it's DST-related and can only recall being in sync with the forum clock during March and October, when both North America and Southeast Australia are on summer time.

Edit - Checked the time offset in my user profile and it's an hour fast. My wall clock said 9:37PM - it's a minute slow.

All times are GMT +10 hours. The time now is 22:38. Please select your time zone from the list:

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Yeah, you might wanna check your timezone setting in your profile.

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Done that, mine's normally set for East Australian Standard Time and the forum clock's an hour fast. If I change the zone to Pacific, Eastern or Greenwich Time the clock's correct. I'd say the forum clock assumes we're all on Summer Time at the same time.

@glenzinho - try using Tokyo Time (GMT +9 hours) until early October, then revert to East Australian Time for about 5 weeks after which a switch to Solomon Islands Time (GMT + 11 hours) might be necessary until early next March, then a few weeks on East Australian Time before switching back to Tokyo Time. Or have a word with one of the admins.

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