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Overcoming Writer's block

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So, here's my dilemma. I've been writing a script for a game I'm working on, and I can't seem to continue any further. Like, I've totally hit a roadblock, and despite my efforts, can't seem to pick it back up. Development is skidding along because we're working off of an unfinished script and I'm desperate to overcome it. I've read articles online but they don't seem to help much (change environment, schedule, etc).

On the flip side, I have no problem writing code, and can stare at long chunks of code all day long; when it comes to the script though, I can barely write 5 words. Before this, I used to be a decent plot/story writer and was able to flesh out all sorts of things. I don't think I'm the best writer on the planet, but I certainly try and, well I used to, have a flair for it. Wrote stories all throughout school. The last project I worked on I did most of the writing and dialogue myself, but I can't seem to dig out of this weird hole I'm in. It seems my brain flipped when I started doing more coding.

So, for the writers out there, is there a way to jumpstart my creativity and get to writing this script? It's a little bit of everything - dialogue, walkthrough-style, limited narrative, things like that. This is completely different though in what I used to write - with this, I have to take into consideration external factors (other designers, limitations with game engine, etc). I have a friend who said she'd take up the mantle but I don't want to just shove it off. If I have an idea/vision/etc, I generally like to see it through.

Maybe it's because I'm doing other things on this project (program code, artwork, etc)..?

Any advice is much appreciated!

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Okay, here's what you do. Get a tape recorder to speak your thoughts and ideas into, put on a large variety of music, and take some shrooms. Your mind will lead you.

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Sodaholic said:

Okay, here's what you do. Get a tape recorder to speak your thoughts and ideas into, put on a large variety of music, and take some shrooms.

When I mentioned "writers", it didn't include someone filling up forums half the time with aimless posts. Who knows, you could be telling the truth. Could explain your behavior at times.

Humour noted and discarded.

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Is there a particular juncture you're stuck at? Sounds as though you've written the interesting bits and you're at an impasse because you're not as excited about what you're writing.

Why don't you do a provisional handover, let someone else sketch some bare details. Maybe, once the ball's rolling again you'll get your inspiration back. You can always edit or re-write what the provisional writer wrote if it doesn't fit in with the rest of your writing.

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Maybe try putting what you're currently writing on one side and start something completely different afresh. Think up some crazy premise and pour out whatever bullshit comes into your head. Could come up with some good ideas for your main project that way.

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I find having some sort of limitation can be helpful. To me, writer's block always seems to be a problem of having seemingly endless possibilities and not knowing which way to go. Maybe, since you have a friend who was willing to help, have her give you a jumping off point for the next part of the script. Maybe have her write a page or two, or something along those lines, and then pick it up from there. Having to adapt to a scenario someone else gave you might help give you focus.

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Have you written out an outline?

I assume you have a conclusion for your story. Just make an outline of what plot points happen between where you are now and the end. Then write them out as interestingly as you can. If you can't find a way to write them out interestingly, then come up with more interesting ways to get to the conclusion of your story.

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Sodaholic said:

I was being serious.

And that's why no one takes you seriously. I'm being 100% honest with you here.

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Thanks guys, I'll take some of these into consideration. I haven't beaten it, but I've been thinking about it more.

@Danarchy - part of it was the outline issue. Usually when I write about something I write up a beginning, middle, and end. I wrote up everything but the middle, so I suppose I'll start from there.

@Purist - essentially, yeah, that's what happened. Sometimes I'll just write and write and write, it'll flow that way, but when I run out, a lack of an outline or direction is what kills me. When you write a bunch of filler (player walking to this direction, start cutscene, then here, here, here until next cutscene, etc) it gets boring at times.

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