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Does anyone ever listen to Doom music while mapping?

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I've recently started listening to Doom I music while using Doom Builder. Does anyone else ever do this?

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a lot of times i find a music track before doing any (or much) design, and listen to that track on repeat for the entirety of the design process for the map. one map i had been working on for 2 years on and off or thereabouts i think, and i'm pretty certain i listened to the same track every time i pulled the map up and worked on it

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Yes! In fact, I find it difficult to map without music these days. Music probably provides a very big portion of my inspiration too, believe it or not. Finding some new music is one good way to get myself out of a rut if I'm feeling totally uninspired. Mapping and music are so intertwined in my process that I generally can remember what artist I listened to the most while working on any given map.

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I always do this. Not sure if it really gives me inspiration but it definitely saves me from boredom.

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Tango said:

a lot of times i find a music track before doing any (or much) design, and listen to that track on repeat for the entirety of the design process for the map. one map i had been working on for 2 years on and off or thereabouts i think, and i'm pretty certain i listened to the same track every time i pulled the map up and worked on it

Yeah same here. Well, at least VERY often.

I have this map I`ve worked on for like...1-2 years, and I`ve always listened to the same track while working on it. In this particular case it was/is the midi from Evilution map06, "Open Season". The midi actually inspired me to make the map.

In most cases it has to be midi though. I`m a sucker for midis and they get me in the right mood.

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Oooohh yes. All the time.

A few of my favourites are An intermission from doom (the doom 1 version), Doom victory music, and e1m4.

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Mechadon said:

Yes! In fact, I find it difficult to map without music these days. Music probably provides a very big portion of my inspiration too, believe it or not. Finding some new music is one good way to get myself out of a rut if I'm feeling totally uninspired. Mapping and music are so intertwined in my process that I generally can remember what artist I listened to the most while working on any given map.

Exactly the same for me! Music makes me much more creative, and sometimes when I'm playing through part of one of my maps, it will remind me of the song/album I was listening to.
For example: in map01 of Return of the Triad, it always reminds me of 'Animals' by Pink Floyd because I listened to it a lot while making that map.

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Sure do, but mostly I listen to a mix of SoundCloud and video game remixes (ocremix, mainly). I'm following evildirk on the former, and he's got some pretty Doomish sounding tracks.

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I tend to loop an album or a few tracks when mapping, and what's funny is that I end up making a mental association with the maps when I listen to the music -- but not vice-versa.

Obligatory Exemplification: When I hear this track, I immediately think of NEIS E2M3 (as well as the place I was sitting when most of the mapping took place), since that's what I was listening to at the time. The same thing doesn't happen in reverse, though -- when playing the map, I neither think of the song nor the setting but rather whatever the hell I was thinking when making the map itself (which in this case boils down to "curved staircases are great").

Psychology is weird.

Also, you should listen to the linked song because BT is great. I usually can't stand rap, but this stuff makes it perfect. :P

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I'll sometimes listen to the PSX Doom soundtrack but mostly when mapping I'll listen to either the Quake soundtrack or Nine Inch Nails' Downward Spiral. Something about Trent Reznor's music really helps my inspiration haha

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Yep, a lot of the time I'll listen to Doom music on YouTube while I make maps. I also listen to Quake 2 and other video game music tracks now and then as well.

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