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SOMEBODY.... Help me find a machine gun? :)

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So, Im looking at weapon mod/replacements....
And I was wondering if anybody knew any good ones for the chaingun. Or even something that replaces another slot. Something that maybe fires a little faster or does just a LITTLE more damage than the chaingun. Something cool looking. A good m16 or rifle of some sort. Ive looked through the archives and theres just SO MANY mods available. I dunno where to start. And the ratings and reviews certainly dont help, being so varied. LOL

Does anybody have a fave weapons mod they like to use? Or any suggestions?

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Hi! If you're looking for a simple replacement, maybe something from Realm667 will do the trick. The quality is much better than many of the archive weapons.

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Those ARE incredible!
I never even heard of that site.
Are all those guns different? I mean, technically? Diff rates of fire, tweaked damage? It lists plenty of info, but no real stats.

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LaughingMan008 said:

Those ARE incredible!
I never even heard of that site.
Are all those guns different? I mean, technically? Diff rates of fire, tweaked damage? It lists plenty of info, but no real stats.

Yes, all those guns are different. They fire all sorts of projectiles from bullets to grenades to whatever. Of course, you could always tweak your/these weapons.

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The Heavy and Light machine guns are perfect. Both of them.
Thanks again for the find. I apologize if the question posts I make seem stupid or ill informed. See, I both hit the archives, AND Googled what I was looking for, but found next to nothing. Only when I come here do I get a quick, accurate answer to what Im looking for. Never even saw that site you linked me too. I guess I just let the community pass me by too much. :)
Thanks again for putting up with my random dumb questions.

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