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General Rainbow Bacon

Speedmapping Session 8/26/12 - 8/27/12

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Can't be good an earlier date? I'd like to do something at the moment but I won't have time on 25th.

Anyway, if this day is OK for everybody else, I'll try to adjust to the date.

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I'll join in on this
What kind of maps are we making?
Haven't been in one of these before so I don't know the details.

edit: I think everyone forgot this I would love to try some other day though

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Maybe. Moving into college on Friday. Dont see hwo that would impact Saturday though.

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Well, here's how they work: Someone posts that one will be happening soon, then people sign up, then the morning of the day everyone agrees on, I will post the theme, time limit, and what time of day I will be accepting submissions until. Then the next day I compile at and it's good to go.

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General Rainbow Bacon said:

Well, here's how they work: Someone posts that one will be happening soon, then people sign up, then the morning of the day everyone agrees on, I will post the theme, time limit, and what time of day I will be accepting submissions until. Then the next day I compile at and it's good to go.

Got it, Im in for this

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Oh crap, I forgot, Here's the theme:

Make your version of map 05 from doom 2 (The Waste Tunnels) using stock textures. Time limit: 120 Minutes.

Sorry about that, had a busy week :/

E:I changed the date to today through tomorrow.

E2: Remember you can playtest your map past the time limit, 120 minutes is simply when you must put your creative pencil down.

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I was creative and quick, so I did this map during 110-115 minutes, including playtest. It's second half might be a bit harder - but the beginning is surely playable. Vanilla-comatible, no difficulty settings.


Possible map names:
The Hidden Brick Factory
Brown and Red
Shit Bricks
Shotgun Tube

PS.: I don't know Doom2 MAP05 very well, however I hope it will fit to the theme. =) btw, I'll hug that guy who is able to finish it on Nightmare difficulty...

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"Finished" my map, but it hasn't been playtested at all. I'm gonna spend the next 30-40 minutes playtesting, adding difficulties, map name fluff, but I'm not going to touch the architecture/textures/monster numbers at all. I'm pleased with it.

EDIT: Wow that took longer than expected. There was some HOM effect going on that I had no idea how to fix. Everything should be in working order though.

Download Filthy Burrow. Music by Paul Corfiatis.

Post Mortem: This was a lot of fun, but it's aggravating when your 2 hours are up and there all these unaligned textures and lighting issues. I'm terrified of how it would've played if there was no time to playtest... it's fine gameplay-wise now, although still a bit rough around the edges.

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My map: Tunnels of Excrement

construction: 2hr
playtesting, monster/item balance, etc: 1hr

boom-compatible, no difficulty settings, a few alignment errors (as expected)


edit: played through the other 2 maps thus far

katamori's: fairly easy, nice homage to the switch room. hurray for berzerk punching arch-viles!

filthy burrow: holy god the start of this one is rough. It took me probably 10-12 tries to get out of that first room alive, after that it was smooth sailing. In the last room a baron seems to be stuck until you shoot at it, but you mentioned you were still editing it so I figured you caught that already.

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Here's my map "Waste the Tunnels"
No diff settings or detail but I put some music in it.
Took 85 minutes cause I messed up the planning.
I'll try making another map later I know I can do better than that but I'm busy at the moment.

edit: just saw I posted twice, sorry it won't let me delete

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Here is my map, done exactly in 2 hours: DL

btw allowing to playtest\etc after the time runs out is wrong IMO. At least for me that kinda defeats the point of speedmapping.

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2 Hour bullshit slaughter map

I spent most of my time on the layout, usually I like to spend a good portion of time working on game play but with 2 hours I figured putting most my time on layout would be the best goal. There is a high emphasis on using 45-degree's so I think this layout is highly stylized for the time spent. There isn't a lot of fine details there was simply just not enough time to really go past a interesting layout for the size of the map.


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not sure if that map conveys 'waste tunnels' to me, but was still pretty fun. Took me 13:57 to max. dear lord, how many imps come out of that teleporter?! 100 rockets and 300 shells later they were still pouring out -.-

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I'm really impressed with a lot of the other maps... you guys definitely spent more time making an actual level than I did! I still refuse to believe Ribbiks and Pottus made their maps in 2 hours.

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That is 2 hours for me man, why would I want to cheat? I got nothing to prove by doing that there is absolutely no honor in cheating, I did as much as I could do in 2 hours. Tell me to map something anything and I'll do more than that in 2 hours straight up.

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Ok, I'm sorry it just felt insulting, I've spent a lot of time mapping and I really wouldn't want people to think i'm a "cheater" as your post in my view was strongly insinuating that point.

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