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"Legitimate rape" comment makes GOP Senate candidate backtrack

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Sen. Claire McCaskill is probably having a pretty good Sunday. Her opponent in the Missouri Senate race, Republican Rep. Todd Akin, has spent most of the day backtracking after saying that victims of "legitimate rape" cannot biologically become pregnant and thus do not need access to legal abortions.

"First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy after rape] is really rare," Akin told KTVI-TV in defense of his stand that rape victims should not be allowed to access abortions. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Akin said that even if a rape victim does somehow become pregnant, "I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child."

I haven't seen anything so stupid out of a Republican's mouth since Orrin Hatch and Lamar Smith both opened their dumb fucking mouths. The female body does not work like that, dumbass.

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Seems the plan to have a dumb populace has worked SO well, that now the people running the show are just as stupid. Or possibly even more so.

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Quasar said:

Seems the plan to have a dumb populace has worked SO well, that now the people running the show are just as stupid. Or possibly even more so.

I have a feeling this man is also a young earth creationist. That's why he's on the science committee. For balance!

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Mr. Chris said:

The female body does not work like that, dumbass.

I suppose anything's possible if you pray hard enough. Where does the party find these idiots?

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FUN FACT: Republicans are really Muslims in disguise.

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God DAMN the Republican party has become so crazy that extreme positions in their party, like "no abortions no matter the circumstances", are now becoming mainstream for them. I'm not sure whether to laugh or be scared.

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Republican Rep. Todd Akin said:

"If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Mr. Akin, please tell us more about the biology of your shapechanging reptilian species from the Hollow Earth, since obviously you were not talking about human women here.

Maes said:

FUN FACT: Republicans are really Muslims in disguise.

GOPformers! More than meet the eyes! GOPformers! Muslims in disguise!

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"If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Oh god. What.

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The sheer amount of pure fail that Republican's speech consisted of is comparative to that of a bottle of piss of which has been sitting for a year, and has a massive caked layer of ammonia on top. Sorry for the expression, but it's true.

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printz said:

With all this ridiculousness, are they really trying to let Obama win?

Well, I saw some news headline on google this morning saying that currently, Obama is at 44% and Romney at 48%.

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Back in the early days of human development rape was the primary way of gettin' manjuice in the pussyhole. The only thing about the "woman's body" that shuts down reproduction with a rape is the pure fucking horror of having been violated.

Also if I were a rapist and lived there I'd use "2 Legit 2 Quit" as my theme song while bangin' them bitches against their wills.

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Dear God... I love the fact that he released a statement saying he misspoke, but nowhere in his statement does he actually acknowledge what the fucking problem was in the first place. Is he really that stupid? More importantly, just what the hell is going on that anyone anywhere tolerates this kind of craziness?

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Well hey the good book says a woman should marry her rapist. Expect that to be the next suggestion some wild eyed republican makes.

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Like in Irakistan? What happens in many "rape" cases, if I may, is that the woman is impregnated by a ghost of some sorts, perhaps a holy one. This always results in pregnancy, whereas legitimate rape does not, as the victim goes through a "temporary menopause" of sorts. I understand if all this terminology doesn't make sense to non-Christian scientists, but I assure you we've thought this through.

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Quasar said:

Well hey the good book says a woman should marry her rapist. Expect that to be the next suggestion some wild eyed republican makes.

Not if she gets pregnant, though -- at least according to the latest Republican Science -- because then rape can't objectively be said to have occurred.

This latest finding will make the prosecution of sexual assault charges in the future much easier to deliberate on, I'm sure.

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I love the bizarre oxymoronic-sounding term of "legitimate rape" too.

Or maybe that should just be moronic?

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Man, the Democrats have been praying for a moment like this to happen. With this they're going to try and rile up the public in order to make them forget a lot of the idiocy that has been coming out of there side lately like Biden's "they're going to put y'all in chains" comment that he made to a largely African-american audience.

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Overheard elsewhere: Well if women have a biological function that stops pregnancy in cases of rape, then rape basically equals abortion, right? So, the GOP should be trying to stop rape.

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Bullshit. He didn't misspeak; I call that "accidental honesty".

doom_is_great said:

Man, the Democrats have been praying for a moment like this to happen. With this they're going to try and rile up the public in order to make them forget a lot of the idiocy that has been coming out of there side lately like Biden's "they're going to put y'all in chains" comment that he made to a largely African-american audience.

A lot of what Biden says is abrasive or "not ready for prime time", but he's not stupid. The GOP has a lock on candidates and officials who are just plain ignorant and uneducated.

Incidentally, what idiocy would you be referring to? I assume there's a lot of examples you could provide.

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So, what is this legitimate rape.. something like asking:"Excuse me, may I rape you?" or asking to be raped:"Hello there, would you like to rape me?"

I was once asked if I could be raped by two girls. I told them, sure go ahead... But I think they confused raping with hugging or something like that.

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Seeing as this is related: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/08/24/ryan-on-abortion-exceptions-rape-is-just-another-method-of-conception/

"Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan says that he personally believes that rape is just another “method of conception” and not an excuse to allow abortions."

I swear these people are paid to make these statements, it's the only logical explanation. :/

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