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Loading Saved Games from ZDoom 2.5.0 With ZDoom 2.6.1?

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I had ZDoom 2.5.0 for some time now, but when I try to load a game saved in that version with ZDoom 2.6.1, it won't let me from some reason and just says "older version". Is there a way to be able to load saved games that are from older versions or not?

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NitroactiveStudios said:

Is there a way to be able to load saved games that are from older versions or not?

Depends on how old the save is, demo and save game compatibility aren't high priority goals for ZDoom. There's a backward compatibility list and some more info here.

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Short answer: no. If you have "unfinished business" with a level or entire megawad, it's advised that you finish them with the version you started them before upgrading. That's true of ANY source port, really.

Long answer: it COULD be done if Randy had no life and bothered writing converters fro and to every single version that every poor sod "left saves behind". But he has a life. And the differences between the memory layout of different ZDoom versions can be so great that the side-effects of loading (even if forced/tricked) old games won't just be minor errors.

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Savegame compatibility only gets broken if there's considerable changes to the engine's internal workings that make it impossible to load old saves.

And there have been many, many changes between 2.5 and 2.6

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