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Okay.... n00b question....

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So I really like the PSX TC Doom mod. Ide like to play some levels in that mod that weren't made for it. Running new levels inside the TC is easy, but the problem is all the missing textures on some of those levels.....
How do I fix that? Do I need to edit something in the wad? Extract textures and put them someplace? Is there a tool that will give me an easy way to determine if a texture is missing from an archive? An easy tool that lets me change textures? As I said, Im a n00b at this stuff. But Ide like to learn how to mod Doom all sorts of ways and this seems like a good start.

Thanks for your time.

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First, why do you want to run unrelated mods with the TC? The most interesting aspect of the TC in my opinion is the colored lighting added to the levels, and this is something that you will not magically obtain for any levels from mods.

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Make the experiance longer, for one. (Yes, Im must be insane, wanting to add MORE levels to the 80 plus level campaign you have going on in there) While the colored lighting is excellent, and a big draw, the other draw is the general and slightly different feel to the game that everything else from the changed sounds and music to the slightly different hit values provide. Playing the levels Im trying to import feels different already...
It could just be my imagination, but state of mind and atmosphere is a big part of things.

Also, once I start learning this stuff, maybe I can throw in some colored lighting and actually start making my own levels. As I said, this is kind of a stepping stone. Ide like to learn how to mod Doom in general, and Ide like to start here.

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LaughingMan008 said:

... the problem is all the missing textures on some of those levels.....
How do I fix that? Do I need to edit something in the wad? Extract textures and put them someplace? Is there a tool that will give me an easy way to determine if a texture is missing from an archive? An easy tool that lets me change textures?

One issue you'll find (indeed, you already seem to have found it) with wads using custom textures, is that just throwing in an add-on level not specifically designed for that wad will create missing-texture errors. A couple of things for you to know:

1. Custom textures can replace stock DooM textures in a wad (e.g., the DooM texture named STARTAN can be replaced with, say, a texture of a slab of rock). So long as the dimensions of the replacement texture are the same as the stock DooM texture being replaced, anytime you play an add-on level with your custom-texture wad, any stock DooM textures in the add-on level will seamlessly be replaced with the replacement texture. While you won't get errors, the aesthetics of the add-on map will probably be messed up. The original map with the custom textures was specifically designed with the custom textures in mind, whereas the add-on map was specifically designed with the stock DooM textures in mind.
2. Custom textures can be inserted into a wad to be used in addition to stock DooM textures. Playing an add-on level that is not specifically designed to use the custom textures will result in wholesale missing-texture errors.

Now, in answer to your questions:

1. How do I fix that? Do I need to edit something in the wad? Extract textures and put them someplace? If you're trying to play a random map that you found, say on the idgames archives, you're shit out of luck trying to run it with the PSX DooM mod. Short of manually re-texturing your random map, you're not going to get a visually appealing map. Even manually re-texturing the map will likely come up short, because of improper texture widths or texture clashes.
2. Is there a tool that will give me an easy way to determine if a texture is missing from an archive? An easy tool that lets me change textures? Virtually all map editors have error checks that will flag missing textures in a map. I'm not sure if there is a tool that allows a find-and-replace method for textures, but if there are any that do this it will be DooM Builder 2 or DeePSea.

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