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Floating UAC Base on Triton (UPDATED)

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I'm having some terrible reviews and, since I'm a beginner as a mapper, I'm looking forward to create better WADs. I want to upload better things to /idgames, in order to get better reviews.

I've made a little test. I've tried to take in consideration the design and gameplay and everything I saw until now. I would like you to play my little map01. It looks like a map01, short and this one, in my opinion, has a more "Original Doom" style.

New things? I've created a new skybox and the music is mine (Poisone Wein).

A description?

Triton is one of the moons of the planet Neptune, so, it has some "Unreal Tournament" sky style. UAC has constructed a base there.



Thank you very much for any opinion!




I'm leaving here the two options, so that you can analyze my progress. I've made SEVERAL changes in this map01, and I'll create some more before uploading to /idgames. I really want to do a good job with this one, and in my opinion, I've followed all the tips this time (Texturing, Height Variation, Gameplay, etc). There's one "inescapable deathpit", but it's so obvious that don't even could be considered like one (A giant hole to open-space). No jump or crouch needed, but I've tested it just with Zdoom (I'm not familiar with other ports or map-editors yet).

That's it, thank you again for any opinion. You all are really helping me to improve my skills.

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Again, good music as always! The next thing to work on, more wall details and a bit more interesting shapes.

I recommend using 45 degree walls fairly commonly it's a good design style and not overly difficult to implement.

Also you need a bit more height variation.

Anyways from your first maps you've come along way! Also check your message box.

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Thanks for the tips :). Since this is a basic test, I'll try to put there some 45 degrees walls, and I'll play Doom2 and analyze this "45 degrees" more deeply. And I'll also analyze the "height variation". I've put some basic details on the walls ("Lab stuff"), but as you've said, it needs more. Then I'll analyze this in particular by playing Doom2 again, and Final Doom, etc. I'll observe all the walls, texturing, height variation, etc etc etc. In fact, I'll open Doom2 maps on Doombuilder and analyze all this through there.

After doing that, I'll post here the result. Thank you again! :).

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A great WAD to look at would be Sunder.wad the use of 45-degree architecture is glorified in that wad.

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Pottus said:

A great WAD to look at would be Sunder.wad the use of 45-degree architecture is glorified in that wad.

Heh, I recommended that too, although more for it's slaughtermap gameplay. Another excellent wad for architechture and detailing is Whispers of Satan. :-)

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First off, it's nice that you included the music, but could you at least make it a standalone, or at least smaller? Your wad is 7.52 MB, 95% of which belongs to a single music file...

Now, onto the map. A typical UAC base, but isn't the difficulty a little....hard? I mean, if you don't know where to go, you'll get bum raped by hitscanners and the lack of health.

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I've played sunder.wad and it was really good. But I'm analyzing more deeply the original Doom2/Doom/Final-Doom/etc WADs.

BloodyAcid said:

First off, it's nice that you included the music, but could you at least make it a standalone, or at least smaller? Your wad is 7.52 MB, 95% of which belongs to a single music file...

Now, onto the map. A typical UAC base, but isn't the difficulty a little....hard? I mean, if you don't know where to go, you'll get bum raped by hitscanners and the lack of health.

I've adjusted more the Gameplay of it. I don't think it's a good a idea to change the quality of the .mp3 in kbps, because it's just 7 mb. I mean, in these days a file with this size lasts seconds more to be downloaded, so I don't think it's worth changing. But most of my maps will have .mid files, so, this is a special case.

Thank you for your comments!

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tellerstein said:

I've adjusted more the Gameplay of it. I don't think it's a good a idea to change the quality of the .mp3 in kbps, because it's just 7 mb. I mean, in these days a file with this size lasts seconds more to be downloaded, so I don't think it's worth changing. But most of my maps will have .mid files, so, this is a special case.

No offense, but listening to the synths in that mp3, I find it weird how it would amount to 7 MB. Just because it's the 21st century does not mean people enjoy downloading large files simply to discover that 99% of it is music. Don't you ever wonder why extremely popular wads, that have 32 maps, are still less in filesize than this one basic map? Just something for you to think about. Good luck with this updated version - I'm not downloading it again.

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I wouldn't listen to BloodyAcid teller, your all about putting in kick ass music in your Doom wads nothing wrong with that unless it was crappy music which none of it is I would download pretty much anything just to hear what you came up with.

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the wad took me all of 10 seconds to download. downloading is not an involving process whatsoever; click the link and do your other shit till it finishes. the argument about filesize is really outdated (and has been for a while, imo), especially so given that i'm sure many of us are used to downloading entire albums at a time and torrenting gigs upon gigs of stuff.

if a 15 second difference in download time is what makes or breaks your decision to playtest something... wat

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Pottus said:

I wouldn't listen to BloodyAcid teller, your all about putting in kick ass music in your Doom wads nothing wrong with that unless it was crappy music which none of it is I would download pretty much anything just to hear what you came up with.

Of course, it's all personal preference. It's just some opinion from the other side. Although I ping well to servers and whatnot, my dl speed is shit.

Tango said:

if a 15 second difference in download time is what makes or breaks your decision to playtest something... wat

Can't complete the sentence? I've already played the first one, and I doubt this second one has any difference from the first version apart from a few extra sectors or a reduced monster count.

Tango said:

i'm sure many of us are used to downloading entire albums at a time and torrenting gigs upon gigs of stuff.

And I'm not one of them :)

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BloodyAcid said:

Can't complete the sentence? I've already played the first one, and I doubt this second one has any difference from the first version apart from a few extra sectors or a reduced monster count.

here let me finish the sentence because apparently it wasn't clear enough?

if a 15 second difference in download time is what makes or breaks your decision to playtest something, then you're being retarded

and yeah ok if you had already downloaded it once that's fine, i understand. but i also don't see why you have to post to say "sorry bro but i'm not downloading this again!" instead of just not saying anything 9_9

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here let me finish the sentence because apparently it wasn't clear enough?

I knew very well what was to expected. I mean come on, you're halfway done insulting me and you leave the sentence hanging? I was taunting you, if that word's applicable :P lol.

instead of just not saying anything

Teller quoted me, to which I replied to. Then you came in. (not blaming either of you, in case anyone takes offense). I never insulted him anyways.

Can you give us some download rate test results Bloody for fun ?

I think that's around 600 Kb/s when downloading a file. However, my internet is shared constantly by up to 4 other devices, so it's usually alot slower than that. I know what you're thinking: That's not slow at all. It can probably download the 7 MB file in about 10 seconds, but again, like I said earlier, it's personal preference to not download large music files and a small map file.

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BloodyAcid said:

Teller quoted me, to which I replied to. Then you came in. (not blaming either of you, in case anyone takes offense). I never insulted him anyways.

lawl. yeah. i realize that. but it sounded... unnecessarily blunt.

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Well.. I really didn't add "extra sectors". I've worked only on the tips you all gave to me. I'm new in this thing and, obviously, I'm not going to be a mapper like John Romero. The imortality of these WADs depends entirely on the interest of new people. But anyway:

I'm not going to change the size of my music. But I'll explain to you: I've improvised it with a ROLAND JUNO DI some time ago, and the size wasn't that big, but, the original file is in other Hard Disk. So, the only available source for me right now is the Youtube. I've downloaded it from my own channel and I really don't care with the size of it, because it's really irrelevant. If you don't want do download my WAD because of the size of the music, it is because you don't want to download it at all. And I respect that.

That's it :).

Thank you all again for the attention!

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While I agree with you on everything, there's this little tidbit:

If you don't want do download my WAD because of the size of the music, it is because you don't want to download it at all.

^ is illogical. If I didn't want to download your map because I didn't like your map, then I would tell you, I DON'T like your map. I don't need to hide behind some feeble excuse to not download your map since this is for the sake of your improvement, but in this case, I simply object to downloading a music file.

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BloodyAcid said:

^ is illogical. If I didn't want to download your map because I didn't like your map, then I would tell you, I DON'T like your map. I don't need to hide behind some feeble excuse to not download your map since this is for the sake of your improvement, but in this case, I simply object to downloading a music file.

I've understood. But you've seen my works before, so, as you've said:

BloodyAcid said:

I've already played the first one, and I doubt this second one has any difference from the first version apart from a few extra sectors or a reduced monster count.

And I've said all those things up there concerning the "improvement". So, you're judging what I've created basing yourself on what you've saw before. Which means.. It lacks of interest (It's not just because of the music). Because, obviously, if it was a mapper with a "bigger" name, with a large amount of Music in the size of the file, I really think you would download it how many times it would be necessary. There's no problem at all in "not having interets". No one has interest on things that are just not good.

But.. I could say it with more confidence: I've thought in all the "45 degrees" stuff, I've thought on the height variation, in the texturing, in the gameplay, etc. And in fact, I've ADDED more monsters (But I've improved the gameplay). And the sectors are almost the same. I'm spending a lot of time here and I would be really idiot if I didn't understand ALL the tips you all gave to me. But I'm still new in this..

Anyway, it may be bad, but it's a lot better than before.

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Tried the original first, and then the update. I thought this was a neat little map, I like how it emphasized on taking cover. I didn't think the map was too hard, if anything it was fairly easy, additionally the music gave it a nice atmosphere. File size was not an issue whatsoever.

Detailing wasn't top of the line, but it was pretty good. Lighting was better in the update, although the scrolling sections at the start looked strange. Another thing, seeing 4 Neptunes in the sky is just weird. If you can find a way to blank 3 of them out it would be cool.

Other then that, I enjoyed it for what it was, a few minutes of fun. I looked around for the secrets, only found 1 of them. Would like it more if it was a bit longer, or there were more maps.

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Seiat said:

Tried the original first, and then the update. I thought this was a neat little map, I like how it emphasized on taking cover. I didn't think the map was too hard, if anything it was fairly easy, additionally the music gave it a nice atmosphere. File size was not an issue whatsoever.

Detailing wasn't top of the line, but it was pretty good. Lighting was better in the update, although the scrolling sections at the start looked strange. Another thing, seeing 4 Neptunes in the sky is just weird. If you can find a way to blank 3 of them out it would be cool.

Other then that, I enjoyed it for what it was, a few minutes of fun. I looked around for the secrets, only found 1 of them. Would like it more if it was a bit longer, or there were more maps.

I'll do more maps before uploading it to /idgames. I want better reviews with this one so, I'll improve this first one and create more. Thank you very for your opinion... (I did short because, the maps of the original Dooms, the first for example, is just short.)

And, concerning the skybox...

It's just impossible hahaha.. I don't even tried, because I think it's just impossible. The skybox is just a texture and.. If there's one planet in it, it will repeat Ad Infinitum. It's far from "Unreal Tournament", where the planets in the sky are made with a complete different technology. Anyway, I really don't think that's possible.


A solution to the neptune issue would be calculating more the ceilings. But.. I want a more "open-space" thing :(. It's just sad :).

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tellerstein said:

And I've said all those things up there concerning the "improvement". So, you're judging what I've created basing yourself on what you've saw before. Which means.. It lacks of interest (It's not just because of the music). Because, obviously, if it was a mapper with a "bigger" name, with a large amount of Music in the size of the file, I really think you would download it how many times it would be necessary. There's no problem at all in "not having interets". No one has interest on things that are just not good.

No, mappers with a bigger name do not automatically warrant an extra download. I either wait for the final or play a beta and leave it at that. Don't make assumptions about me simply because I refused to download this one. The only exception is with Community Chest 4, where I was actually eager to play the maps and 32-in-24, where I actually helped make the maps.

Also, don't quote me to prove my own point wrong. I downloaded both versions of your "Gallery of Suicide" to check out the improvements made. I don't mind downloading a file several times to help out newer mappers to help them improve. I'm doing that there and not here because I don't want to download a 7mb song. (Yes, even in this day and age.)

On a seperate note, I find it funny how these terrible Terry wads generate alot of interest and commotion for something that's "bad"

To solve your little Neptune dilemma, there is a good example here of using patches to quilt together a larger sky, so you won't have to repeat the planet several times/ Link

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