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Strange errors in DB 3D mode (+questions)

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I've been using DoomBuilder the last few days, building my first map and stuff, and I've been running into some strange graphical errors when going to 3D edit mode:


This is how I see it on 2D Mode:


The map works flawlesly but I'm worried I may be doing something wrong because it's not the first time I see this glitch (not the missing texture in red, I'm talking about the flat exceeding the map boundaries).


EDIT: Also, I don't know how to make monsters in one sector don't hear the player when he's on an adjacent sector.

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Your map geometry is fucked up. You have overlapping lines, one of which even has its front side pointing outside the map.

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LkMax said:

The map works flawlesly but I'm worried I may be doing something wrong because it's not the first time I see this glitch (not the missing texture in red, I'm talking about the flat exceeding the map boundaries).

Yes, you are doing something very wrong: Never allow lines to overlap or cross each other, unless the lines are exactly the same length and meet exactly at the vertices. Doombuilder will automatically merge lines that coincide exactly, but any other overlapping lines are going to cause major problems, because there's no way to know what your nodebuilder or the Doom engine will make of your geometry. Sometimes it'll work anyway, and sometimes all kinds of crazy stuff starts happening with your map. Don't do it.

If you want to attach a sector onto a line longer than the sector, you must split the line into segments of the proper length; if the line is already composed of segments smaller than the sector you're trying to attach, you must add the corresponding splits to the sector's line you're trying to merge. eg:

RIGHT:              RIGHT:
           |                   |
           |                   |
 +----+    +         +----+    +
 |    | -> |         |    | -> |
 |    |    |         |    +    +
 |    | -> |         |    | -> |
 +----+    +         +----+    +
           |                   |
           |                   |

WRONG:              WRONG:
           |                   |
           |                   |
 +----+    |         +----+    +
 |    | -> |         |    | -> |
 |    |    +         |    +    |
 |    | -> |         |    | -> |
 +----+    +         +----+    +
           |                   |
           |                   |

+  Vertex
-| Line

LkMax said:

EDIT: Also, I don't know how to make monsters in one sector don't hear the player when he's on an adjacent sector.

The "block sound" flag of a linedef is slightly misleading: sound can in fact cross a line that "blocks sound", but will be stopped by second such line it encounters. Because of this, it is impossible to stop sound originating in one sector to be stopped by sound blocking lines before entering the adjacent sector, however you can work around by placing an extra sector in between the two, with the lines on both sides of the sector set to block sound. Note that the two lines rule doesn't apply when sound is blocked by a line with incompatible sector heights (the ceiling on one side is at the same height as or lower than the floor on the other, so there's no gap) - sound will be blocked by a single line in this case. Also, when using sound blocking lines, remember that Doom will consider all possible routes for the sound to take, so it's very easy for sound to "leak out" if you've forgotten one line or sector and created a "gap" through which the sound can escape.

The "deaf" attribute of monsters is also misleading, as it doesn't actually make them deaf at all. It is actually cased the "ambush" flag in the Doom source, and causes monsters to not chase after the player immediately, instead they wait for the player to come to them. This behaviour can easily be verified by creating a map with a "deaf" monster facing away from the player. Firing a weapon in this map (without hitting the monster) will cause the monster to turn around and start attacking, something which obviously wouldn't happen if it really was deaf. If the player hides behind a wall before firing, the monster will not react immediately, but will wait until the player comes out from behind the wall, and then turn around and attack, even though it never saw the player, because it heard him coming.

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Yeah, I saw my stupid mistake. =P
Thanks for the advice on sound "leaks". After some tests I successfully separated two battle zones.

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