The Doomist Posted October 1, 2012 Okay, before I say anything, yes, I read the tutorial, and I do not get it, at all. It's confusing to me. Is there an easier explanation to make 3D bridges? (Linedef to be exact) 0 Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted October 1, 2012 2 threads below. 0 Share this post Link to post
ReX Posted October 2, 2012 The Doomist said:Is there an easier explanation to make 3D bridges? (Linedef to be exact) Are you referring to Doomworld's Regular DooM Tricks for 3D Bridges? Or to 3D bridges using ZDooM or GZDooM? The former is somewhat complicated to implement, but the latter is extremely easy. 0 Share this post Link to post
The Doomist Posted October 4, 2012 Doom World's Regular DooM Tricks for 3D Bridges. 0 Share this post Link to post
hex11 Posted October 4, 2012 The easiest way for me to understand was poking around in an actual map that used 3D bridges (Iikka's MAP13 in Requiem). In a map editor you can select stuff (tagged linedefs & sectors) and better see what's going on than in a static picture. 0 Share this post Link to post
PhantomTMac Posted October 15, 2012 The Doombuilder command for 3D floors is 160 with Arg. 1 being the sector tag, Arg. 2 being whether it is solid or not, and Arg. 4 being it's transparency. Even though DBuilder 1 does not include this as a command, typing in 160 in the Linedef action spot will still work. Bridges, on the other hand, are made by using a Bridge "Thing" in ZDoom and raising it's ZHeight to the height of the bridge. To make the bridge visible, you'll usually want to use Stair patches in a crosshatch formation (easiest if you combine a bunch of 8x8 sectors). I know it's confusing, but if you look at maps that have bridges and follow their example, you'll understand in no time! 0 Share this post Link to post