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Good Temple Music?

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I'm back! I am making a marble temple map for the 'Doom II in name only' project and I would like it to have custom music. Right now the song that is best suited for it is ROTT's 'Mist Ache'. I am looking for WADs that ALLOW resource sharing that have good, dark, evil music.
The type of music that would accompany a medieval temple, fortress, or catacomb. Oh, and please don't suggest any official DOOM music, we've all heard those tracks way too many times. Any suggestions would be appriciated. Thanks!

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A number of Ultima 8's MIDIs are good for temple/marble/gothic based levels.

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Maybe have a look (well, ok, listen) through Scythe 2? Probably some interesting midis there, and I`m quite sure he "stole" them all from various other games.

Some of them might be a little overused though, I dunno.

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When I think spooky, I think Osiris. They credit Jeremy Doyle for the soundtrack, though, who is the point of contact for reuse.

Example (and gratuitous Osiris plug):

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It's never occured to me to check out the Heretic and Hexen soundtracks.

Are they also by Bobby?

I know a ton of different music. I could suggest something, but it would help if you provided some screenshots, if you wanted something appropriate suggested.

good luck in any case

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Blood is also a good potential source. CBLOOD7, CBLOOD10, and UNHOLY in particular.

Maybe try some of sirjuddington's Doom songs (click on "other music"). "Grand Design", "Hex'd", and "Chaotix" might fit.

Maybe "Underground" or "Nightmarescape" from Ribbik's songs.

Obsidian said:

Try some of the music from Epic and Epic 2.

I wouldn't mind hearing Alice: the Unbegotten Child more (Epic 2 MAP28 song).

gemini09 said:

Are they also by Bobby?

Nope, Kevin Schilder. He's been Raven Software's music guy since day 1.

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