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Radioactive Jelly Bean Vodka

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Sodaholic said:

Is this a good idea?

Why yes, yes it is! You can tell us all about the idea by logging out, just click that button nice and slow...

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Enjay said:

I thought that Absolut had made themselves too unpopular to drink in the US

I dunno, I just grabbed something random off of Google images.

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Sodaholic said:

Is this a good idea?

Only if it gives you this superpower.

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I think it's actually good that Taylor never spammed Imp Encounter on every possible occasion. Just sayin'.

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Enjay said:

I thought that Absolut had made themselves too unpopular to drink in the US:

Assuming that was meant to appeal to Mexicans, why did they stop there? Why not show a map of the First Mexican Empire as it existed in 1821, before the Central American states decided to secede from it? Oh wait that would be too politically incorrect in the Latino world :P

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Bloodshedder said:

I've never been privy to use a forum that had a multi-quote feature. Can you give an example of how it works?

It's usually a button on each post that automatically pastes a quote of that post into the quick reply box (another thing Doomworld lacks, unless I turned it off) at the bottom of the thread.

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Actually, I might as well give some context. I was talking to a friend about all the odd alcoholic drinks made from fermenting various things. I thought what if somebody fermented and distilled fermented jelly beans? I then thought what it would be like it was specifically formed from SOUR flavored jelly beans, and was carbonated? Then, what if it glowed neon colors somehow? This is where the "radioactive" part came from.

So there, this thread is still about something retarded, but now it's slightly less retarded since I gave some more serious detail behind this idea. Why didn't I just say what I said in the first place? idunnolol

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If you consider Planck's law, you could say that all objects above absolute zero emit electromagnetic radiation. Does that count or does it have to be as a result of the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei? You would be hard-pressed to find a vodka that doesn't emit radiation.

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No no, I'm with you on that Blackfish. Alternatively, somebody needs to get off of the internet and only come back when they have something genuinely useful to add, rather than just every scrap of retard that their misfiring neurones produce.

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BlackFish said:

Somehow I think this is relevant to the thread. I could be very wrong.

Too bad his name isn't Bulletholic.

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Guys listen

I have the best ide

Guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll put jellybeans



I'll put radioactive

Guys listen here

I'll put JELLYBEANS in vodka and then I'll add......l.lRADIOACTIVE NUKAGE

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