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Doom Shareware Boxes

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Hello Doom World forum members, I have a question regarding the first boxed versions of Doom shareware.

I recently picked up a couple variations of Doom shareware, and I was surprised to receive one that is so small.

I know the larger one likely came bundled with other software, as one similar is currently on eBay bundled with Wolfenstein 3D.

Thanks in advance for any clarification!

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Nice find. The smaller box looks to be mail-order sized though I don't know if they were marketed that way.

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Thanks for the responses, baronofheck82 & Grey Ghost! I'm hoping to have a copy of the mail order shareware from id.

From what I understand, the mail order shareware version from id is the first official physical representation of Doom.

I know that Doom was first released online, but I'm more interested in finding the first tangible format.

Some argue that id never released a mail order version of shareware. Can anyone shed some light on this topic? Thanks again!

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I never wondered what the boxes for the shareware looked like and it's interesting to know that there are different versions of it. Thanks for sharing these pictures.

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Do you have a clearer picture of the third image as I can't read the text on the back.

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NiTROACTiVE - No problem!

Mr. Chris - I've already packaged them back up for storage, but I was able to find this scan: http://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/doom/cover-art/gameCoverId,194558/

AlektorophobiA - In my quest for information about this topic, I've come across this video on YouTube. Thank you for posting it for others to see. It also serves as a great reference for what's inside the larger box.

Since we seem to have a consensus on the larger box (came bundled with other games), what's the deal with the smaller box? Is this the elusive mail-order version? Thanks again everyone!

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GreyGhost said in a different thread:

"Would be easier to tell if the boxes weren't shrinkwrapped. AFAIK, the smaller mail-order box was used for registered Doom up until v1.666."

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