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Wolfenstein: The New Order annouced

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Clonehunter said:

Dual wielding sniper rifles? Hot damn, is Nazi Super Science cool!

With all the ups and downs of the new Wolf series, I do enjoy a lot of the over the top touches through the current entries of the series. It's sorta depressing to know WWII was really never this cool, with mutants and undead vikings and shit wrecking havoc in Germany while giant robots and mech-men look on.

It could have been if germans would have completed more of their "wunderwaffens" like tornado and sonic guns, or moving fortress aka p1000 ratte or many crazy looking jet fighters

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Holy shit! This topic made me go to wikipedia to search for lost german prototypes and some of this shit is pretty crazy!




A fucking SUN GUN! Yes, they were serious about this. Now in the game they probably got the tech using supernatural methods but it really makes me think: if time travel did exist back then then they probably would have made something like in Wolfenstein.

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Is that the player's shoe we see on several of these shooting sequences? That's nearly as good as Duke's double-kicks.

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Following the link above the animated gif, it says the player is sliding and shooting. Hence the foot I presume.

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kristus said:

Following the link above the animated gif, it says the player is sliding and shooting. Hence the foot I presume.

Bulletstorm had that and it was very useful.

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Too bad Bulletstorm mostly used the same old overused fad gameplay mechanics of modern FPS games.

I didn't think Wolf09 was that bad honestly but it really could've been a whole lot better.

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Avoozl said:

Too bad Bulletstorm mostly used the same old overused fad gameplay mechanics of modern FPS games.

Yes! I remember the video (Duty Calls) that came out just before the game which parodied the modern shooter. After playing Bulletstorm I couldn't really see how it was NOT a typical modern shooter. Sure they had added points and crap for shooting and the tone was different. So what? It was still a (invisible) walled garden. Errand boy mission setup. You could still only carry a couple of weapons. Regenerating health. Jumping that made no difference. The works.

It had some insanely beautiful backdrops though. Overall it wasn't *bad*, but it certainly was a modern shooter in almost all respects.

I didn't think Wolf09 was that bad honestly but it really could've been a whole lot better.

Yeah. The catastrophe I'm referring to is the development of the game described in the blog I linked to. Wolf2009 was pretty forgettable. Solid shooting like in all the raven games of that time, but not much beyond that.

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The term "modern FPS" loses all meaning when you're using it to bundle a game with unique weapons and fast movement which in every bit of its gameplay design encourages an aggressive, almost speedrun playing style together with cover-based military shooters.

Avoozl said:

Too bad Bulletstorm mostly used the same old overused fad gameplay mechanics of modern FPS games.

List please.

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I'm starting to get pretty excited about this game. It seems to me the 10 years of getting less interesting shooters is starting to pay off. Of course, to the nostalgia glasses wearing crowd everything new or different that was not in Doom is a misstep, but personally I'm very excited to see the less linear approach merged with strong story "funnels".

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Right there with you Shav. As someone who has had little interest in shooters outside of the new CS over the past ten years, every new video I see of the new Wolf gets me super excited. I haven't felt this way about a new video game since I was back in highschool

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If you can run RAGE, you can probably run this. Anyway, regardless of how it turns out, I'm sure it will be loads better than Wolf2009. It was so bland it's not even worth complaining about.

EDIT: I'm tempted to preorder this but I will wait until I see some actual, uninterrupted gameplay. The story is Wolfenstein, the guns are wolfenstein, the enemy variety is wolfenstein, the villains are wolfenstein, the campy but still kinda serious atmosphere is wolfenstein but is the gameplay truly wolfenstein? How often are they gonna interrupt the game with cutscenes?

All they still need to convince me is that the gameplay is as good as they make it to be. I can understand people calling it a COD clone, all we've seen thus far are story moments and cutscenes which although very good kind of contradict the old school vibe they want to portray.

I've also read in another source that the game is reportedly very long, about 15-20 hours...but I can't find it. If anyone is interested in digging some interesting news, some help would be appreciated. It's starting to bug me to read all these interviews that offer the same information over and over with just scraps of new information.

Ralphis said:

Right there with you Shav. As someone who has had little interest in shooters outside of the new CS over the past ten years, every new video I see of the new Wolf gets me super excited. I haven't felt this way about a new video game since I was back in highschool

I know how you feel. I REALLY hope this is good, it would break my heart if it sucks.

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DooM_RO said:

If you can run RAGE, you can probably run this.

well, run and run... it RAN alright. sure, the textures popped like shit, and the framerate wasn't at a steady rate of 60, but it was playable alright. but not very enjoyable in the state it looked like. :p

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I really wish they hired Splash Damage to make the MP component. Perhaps we will get one if it's successful.

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Wow, this actually looks kinda cool! I wasn't sure if this would be any good. Now my hopes are raised slightly. Maybe I'll pre-order it when I get the cash.

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Here are a few other interesting bits

What’s different are the alternate paths. Pushing into one hangar, I’m confronted by all the Nazis in the world. After twenty years of playing first-person shooters (I suddenly feel so very, very old), even on the hardest difficulty, and with all their flanking and grenade-throwing, it’s not too hard to push through them. However, if I’d thrown a single grenade into the rocket store I found outside the hangar, it would have detonated and opened up an alternate route behind their defenses. Not original, no, but new to Wolfenstein.

These alternate paths can also be very Wolfenstein. Thirty minutes after a dozing B.J. mumbles that quote, I’m scaling the outer walls of a fortified tower with the corseted-grace of Adam West’s Batman, as planes explode above. Inside, I happen across a miniature shrine, reminiscent of the Fuhrer paintings present in Wolfenstein 3D. You know the kind of thing. Big painting of Deathshead. Suits of armour. Draped flags on the rough stone walls. All the faux medievalism of the pseudo-historical Teutonic Knights. Completely Wolfenstein.

One of the knight’s swords is bent, so I unconsciously, anally, bend to straighten it. It straightens. Deathshead’s stern visage recedes into the wall to reveal a secret passage. The passage leads to a vent in an office, where an officer is sitting at a fine old desk, presumably doing the Swastikaword. As the level designer has invited me to, I sneak up behind the officer and silently insta-kill him with my knife, preventing him from summoning reinforcements with his wired-in radio.

Note, bene. Not only have the developers taken a key element of the original Wolf 3D, the secret passages behind paintings. But they’d also recognised that this was a viable way to increase the diversity of paths through their game and encourage a different, stealthier, type of combat. Also, that’s exactly the stealth combat that comes from the original 1981 Castle Wolfenstein, which id had intended to put into Wolf 3D but cut because they created the FPS genre instead. And as he was the fifth officer I’d killed stealthily, I’d completed some objective hidden away in the game’s extensive menus and unlocked the ability to throw knives. Looking at the menu, I notice a whole other bunch of RPG menus too, with character descriptions and maps. It seems The New Order draws on not only Castle Wolfenstein and Wolf 3D but Wolfenstein RPG too.


I seriously can't wait for this. If this is as good as RTCW, we have a winner.

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This preview is a lot more substantial that the usual. It actually provides it actually talks about stuff like level design and combat complexity in greater detail. If you have trouble navigating, you have to click the screenshots for the next section.

This is my favorite part

It's brilliantly non-linear
This is the first and most striking thing that will surprise you. Mainly because after being trained for years to expect modern FPS to have a certain direction--ie. forward--you’ll probably discover it by getting entirely lost and confused.

It won’t last long. Once you recalibrate your brain to how it works, Wolfenstein’s level design is a delight. While each level does have a vague, A-to-B path running through it, every area is littered with tangents, secrets and alternate routes, and I’m not just talking about basic side-rooms and hidden weapon caches. I’m talking about the kind of side-routes that go on for so long, and branch so much in themselves, that for a while you’re not even sure which is the ‘right’ route. I’m talking about Nazi camps with secret routes on, above and below the ground, effectively providing three different levels in one. I’m talking about whole chunks of opposition you can stealth-kill instead of shooting, or vice-versa, if you explore a bit. It takes a while to get up to speed, but once you do, it’s great.

As with anything take it with a grain of salt but I see no reason not to at least hope it will be good.

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People generally seem to be very dependant on previews. Maybe I'm alone here but my approach to games is that if a game catches my eye for whatever reason, I usually buy it regardless of what people say. Wolf is such a case for me. I will get it. Even if it gets horrible reviews and everyone says it's terrible, I will still get it, because people are stupid and they usually don't know what they're talking about. It's nice to read a positive preview but at the end of the day, even negative ones would not stop me from buying a game I want to play.

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If the review says "it's good" or "it's bad", that's the reviewer's subjective opinion and isn't very interesting.

If it says, though, that there are several ways to tackle a level -- alternate paths, stealth vs. frontal assault, etc. -- then that's presumably objective and quite interesting, assuming they aren't lying.

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