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Hardest Level You Ever Played

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What was the hardest level(s) you ever played for Doom or Doom II?

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pwad or original level?

original level probably e4m6.

pwad? hmm oneweek.wad map11 is pretty fucked up... haven't played many really hard pwads.

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uc.wad - the 'Ultimate Challenge'

Wait, no...

...that was the lamest level I ever played.

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I have fond memories of Eternal map26, "No Parking" perhaps the largest and most detailed map I've ever played. (EDITED)

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*Ultimate Doom - e4m5, definatly.
*Doom1 - none really, episode 3 was harder than ep. 2 or 1 though.
*Doom2 - map22 I think (right after nirvana).
*TNT - dont have this one
*Plutonia - dont have this one either

Hell Revisited or Hell Revealed or something like that (it had ROTT music in it). About the whole damn megawad was hard. Though map07 and map08 were distinctly acute.

DeathTC - e4m9 (original ult. doom map), monsters would kill you within 10 seconds of starting the map if you didnt run up to the central building and dive for the shotgun (and 50% of the time you'd die from either the cacos or the imps before you got out).


*Ultimate Doom - e4m3, e4m8
*Doom1 - Half of the levels in the game. e3m1/e3m9 were the worst tho.
*Doom2 - Tie between map25, map04, and map17.


*Doom1 - e1m2, e1m3, e1m5, e1m8/e3m4, e2m2, e2m4, e2m6, e2m7.
*Doom2 - map01, map05, map06, map18, map25, map30

*Memento Mori I - map07 (but it plays funny when converted to midi...)


*Doom1 - e1m4, e3m1/e2m9, e2m3
*Doom2 - map10, definatly

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sirgalahadwizar said:

*Memento Mori I - map07 (but it plays funny when converted to midi...)

Try this page for a properly-playing midi version of that song, as well as a bunch of other good ones.

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Map 26 of Alien Vandetta where you start with a cyby in you face surrounded by revenants, knights and baron. It was the hardest at UV I've ever played.

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IMO it's quite easy to make a map that's extremely difficult or impossible.But to make a map that's extremely difficult and a fair challenge, i.e. one that relies on skill and not luck to complete,not so easy.Also the map should be satisfying and exciting to maintain interest.One that springs to mind is HR22,a truly great level,and as AJ says in his demo,probably Yonatan's best.Give it a go if you haven't.
Gotta agree with Erik also,oneweek.wad map11,that one was a bitch!

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IWAD: Plutonia 32. I had to give up and revert to the savegame back on 31 and use the normal exit. I still haven't completed Plutonia. It really gnarls me as well cos I always get to a stage on 32 where I can get most of the monsters to fight each other, but then some fucktard kills me with some lame shots seconds before I grab the next megasphere.

PWAD: God, I can't remember. I've played some silly 37 cyberdemon challenge wads but like Magikal said they don't count.

Probably AV Map 24 or 26 in that case, though one of the late teens ones gave me a lot of trouble for a bit.

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av24 is not hard imo... av26 is quite hard if you don't know what you are doing.

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hell reveled, map... it was eather 16 0r 17? carn't remember. there are problby harder map on that wad but i don't have the will power it finish it past map 17.

as for Plutonia... I did finish it (including map 13 and 32) on UV... it's not to hard with somthing like Zdoom. i'm not shure, but i think i went back and played it through with the doom2.exe...

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Fredrik said:

End of discussion

w3rd, exactly my thought. It's certainly very difficult for most of us, but dont forget that Adam Hegyi already beat it within a minute when it first came out ;p

Arch46: nuts.wad wasn't even playable at all :(

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Back in the early days, when I first played this level, I don't know, it just freaked me out. To the point that while I play harder levels with no real complain, I still hate this one so much it scares me.

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I like to pistol-start Plutonia map32 on ultraviolence. It calms my nerves. It's probably the most challenging level I've played in this manner.

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Megalyth said:

I like to pistol-start Plutonia map32 on ultraviolence. It calms my nerves. It's probably the most challenging level I've played in this manner.

And I guarantee you've got IDKFA and IDDQD turned on, unless you're a Doom God. :)
As for me, the hardest level I've played so far would be neighbor.wad for DoomII.
It's an interesting level, but it's so damn hard.

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Zaldron said:



Back in the early days, when I first played this level, I don't know, it just freaked me out. To the point that while I play harder levels with no real complain, I still hate this one so much it scares me.

I know what you mean. That map scared me pretty good when i played it with SNES for the first time. I still play this map pretty quickly.

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Doomboy: I don't cheat. However, I never claimed to be able to do it all in one shot, with no saving. I'm still working on that. But there's definitely enough ammo and health to survive, and I have damn near beaten the level.

The reason it calms my nerves is playing a level that difficult takes deep concentration, and it doesn't allow me to think of much else. Quite simple really.

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