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Stopping a crushing ceiling and resetting it to its original height?

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Anyone know of a way to accomplish this in vanilla? I tried stopping the crusher with (74) WR Stop Crusher, then making a separate linedef with (40) W1 Raise Ceiling to Highest Ceiling, but it seems like the crusher overrides all other linedef actions, once activated. Aything thoughts or creative ideas?

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From http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Linedef_type#Crusher_ceilings

Once a crusher ceiling is started it remains running for the remainder of the level even if temporarily suspended with a stop type. No other ceiling action can be used in that sector thereafter.

The first idea that comes to mind is to have the Stop Crusher linedef in an alcove near the crushing ceiling such that you can only leave the alcove when the ceiling is high. You can use a joined sector mixed with a teleporter if you don't want the alcove near the "real" crusher. I don't know if I'm making sense, I can make an example if you want.

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Hmm not sure i know what you mean about the joined sector and teleporter, but i can visualize it with stairs. With the teleporter, are you talking about the ceiling immediately above the teleporter joined with the crushing sector... so that it raises as the crusher does, and you can only step into the tele when the crusher ceiling is high?

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I'm a little braindead right now so here's an example instead of trying to fumble more words.

Basically the sector that is the actual crusher and the sector that blocks you in after you teleport are the same sector, even though they're discontinuous. Although I guess they can be separate sectors with the same tag, as long as they're the same floor to ceiling distance initially.

There's a lot of different things you can do, the main idea is that the player is forced to stop the crusher when it's near it's max height, by impeding the player's movement.

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Oh one downside to making them the same sector I just realized is that the sound source isn't going to be in the right spot, which is maybe important for crushers. Probably best to use separate sectors with the same tag.

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Ahh! I see what you mean now. A joined sector (joined to the crusher) that blocks your exit from the tele destination, until the real crusher is at its high point. This might actually work out better than what I had planned originally. I'll need to make some heavy modifications to my map, but, in the end, i think it will be nicer your way. :)

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Ack, on reading this again it's obvious why you need a single joined sector for the way I've done it: if one crusher actually crushes something and the other doesn't, they go out of sync. Oh well. I'm glad this helped you some, I can't think of a better way, though there probably is one.

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Nice! TBH I was wondering why you needed the ceiling to reset in the first place, but it makes sense now.

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The only problem I have with it is that once in a while, if the player gets killed in just the right spot, as he's dying he'll pass the Stop Crusher linedef at just the right time to make the crusher get stuck halfway down... effectively making it so no one can get to the BFG for the rest of the match. Brainstorming ways to resolve that now.

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