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Project : Bloodstained Memories

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Hi,I recently made a Doom Megawad named Bloodstained Memories,a 32 level megawad,I started this project myself only,this game consists of some classic mapping style,this was the first time I create maps,I watched some of the maps then I decided to create ones,I had that dream of creating a megawad for myself since my childhood and that dream finally came true,I got a doom builder last year and I spent a lot of time creating a lot of maps until finally at June I finished creating all the maps required
The game also consists of Skulltag monsters with weapons,items which the Skulltag engine is needed to play the game
I have screenshots for the game if you wanna take a sneak peek on it

Here's a link of the first map played on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH4L0Ie-gZc

If you're intrested to play the game here's the download Link http://www.mediafire.com/download/r88fb1ffmr5zr87/Bloodmem.zip
hope you like it

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Shouldn't this be in Wads and Mods? It will probably get more attention there but it looks very good judging by the screenshots. I am unsure of the ST monsters being used in this but hopefully they are used well and not just placed willy nilly around the map. Have you thought about uploading this to id games archive seeing as it's a full release? Just played through the first and second map seems to be a cross between good and bad. DOORTRAK's that aren't unpegged (this bothers some people but I don't mind) you also seem to have a fair few texture misalignment's every now and then and the balance seems to be all over the place, I am unsure of the minigun being placed right at the start for example, the texture choices in some places as well is a bit iffy and yes, get some more curves implemented thinking about it. So far though, it's quite a decent attempt for a first wad and I'm enjoying it a little bit.

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I see you have a fetish with square stuff...

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This looks pretty good but I'm unlikely to install Skulltag, a port I have no interest in, just to play it. Can you do Skulltag levels with Zandronum? I've at least been meaning to install that, sometime.

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Megawad out of nowhere = awesome!

E: In map 02 you have missing textures in the blue key room next to the panels when you first enter the room. Also, none of your doors have sides that are unpegged. But so far, really good.

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I'm done with the first three maps and saved at the start of the fourth one. So far, it's been pretty fun to play, and the music choices are good. However, is it me, or am I seeing a lot of Dark Imps but barely the regular ones? The minigun right at the start of map 1 isn't a good idea. Springy is right about that. I tend to slam through hordes of monsters way to easily with it. Also like Maes said, things seem squarish, but I don't mind if that's your mapping style.

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"is it me, or am I seeing a lot of Dark Imps but barely the regular ones?"

There's a lot of Dark imps in this game,The Regular ones are treated
like the Zombiemen in the Original Plutonia,The Regular Imps are so rare for a change because I realize that Imps are overused in most of the games,they will start from MAP07 Like the Zombiemen Start from the Original Plutonia

"The minigun right at the start of map 1 isn't a good idea"
Yeah I knew that,However the Wad was designed mostly for the Pistol Start,I tested it myself and insured that those maps becomes difficult for the challange.

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