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Non-Ultimate Doom [5 speedmaps based on childhood drawings]

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So when I was a kid (probably around 6-7 years old) I used to draw doom maps on paper. I'm currently at my parents house for the holidays and I stumbled across a set of 37 maps compiled into a "megawad" in the form of a paper booklet crudely stapled together. Looking back through them now brought me quite a bit of entertainment: It's all a giant mess of abysmal map design, nonsensical layouts, and cringeworthy spelling errors. I've been in a speedmapping mood recently so I thought it would be a fun idea to turn some of the old shitty drawings into new shitty maps, yay. So I regretfully present to you Zach's Non-Ultimate Doom:

The cover alone makes me wonder what I was thinking.. I clearly attempted to draw a cyberdemon (recreating the famous cover art) but I guess I realized that would be too much work and settled on a lost soul instead. Also I'm still unsure what the title is all about, maybe I noticed halfway through that I had been using the doom 2 bestiary so it wasn't compatible with the ultimate doom iwad... who knows.

Anyways, the booklet contains some wonderfully shitty and borderline copyright infringing maps such as: map11: circle of Doom (same mapslot as the original even..), map12: under ground tunnels, map18: Alein's revenge, map20: double death (I honestly have no idea what's going on in this one).

So basically I thought it'd be a fun idea to fire up doombuilder and see if I can utilize the basic idea of these layouts to try and make a playable map. I've finished 5 thus far, and might make more depending on how frisky I'm feeling. I didn't (and don't intend to) spend much time on this, just some quick stock-textured speedmaps: -complevel 9, only UV is implemented, unless noted otherwise:

Download [v05]

Below are some pics for the maps I've made thus far:

map01: Death is here (aka fun tunnel)

map08: pyrmid of Doom (suck it, SoD_32!)

btw the maps play on slots 01-05 in the wad.

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This is the coolest thing ever. I used to draw maps in a book but never for something like Doom, and rarely ever managed to convert them into actual game maps.

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Oh god, this concept is so great... tempts me to try the same with some things some day. I did an arseload of map drawings myself as a kid so it'd be fun to try and desuckify some of them. Although that would probably take ten zillion gallons of elbow grease to do... D:

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Do 'em all! You know your 7 year old self is begging you to and you owe it to him pal!

I think I only ever had one similar sketch as a kid. It was called 'the Vein' and it had a channel of blood flowing through it. If I can find the drawing I might do my own reconstruction :-)

Meanwhile, I should get Dylan to draw his own megawad that I can file away until he's older....

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FDAs for 01 and 02.

Reminds me of the Axe Cop webcomic... if both the kid and the adult were EVIL. "Fun tunnel"... *shudders* :)

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Hey, getting your future self to make maps for you is cheating, I think. Just kidding, that's cool that you made drawings as a kid. Seeing the original drawings compared to the finished product is pretty funny.

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Hihi, thanks for the comments and demos and stuff. Veinen your map02 was certainly fun to watch, no idea how you beat that last part on your first try. I'm glad you at least died on the YK trap in map01 though, to complement Phml's breezing through that :p

Anyways, I made a new map.

map16: Gas leak

download links updated (new map in slot 03): DOWNLOAD [v0.3]

it's kind of challenging to try and make something interesting out of an inherently shitty stringy hallway layout, but I did my best :p took a bit longer this time, about 4 hours to make this one start to finish.

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Ribbiks said:
Veinen your map02 was certainly fun to watch, no idea how you beat that last part on your first try.

I wish I knew :p The headless chicken -tactics usually render worse results.

Anyway, here's the FDA for map03. Pretty fun stuff yet again.

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Ahh certainly not. I have a nasty habit of only testing stuff in gl graphics so I seem to miss stuff like that often, doubly likely when mapping hastily. I think once I get bored of making new maps I'll incorporate fixes, difficulty settings, etc.

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Yay, another new map.

map10: the pit, what a wonderfully creative name.

I try to keep reasonably close to the drawing but this one didn't give me a whole lot to work with. I definitely included the perched mancubi and a brick of imps, I guess I was destined to make slaughter-style maps from the beginning :p


new map plays in slot 04, it's also an order of magnitude more difficult than the other ones thus far.

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FDAs for map03 and map04, using v4.

I didn't beat the :30 par time. :(

Interestingly enough, the pit feels closest to your early designs so far. Looking at the drawing it's easy to see the finished map after going through it once. Perhaps because there's so little it's abstract enough everything can fit. Plus the layout as a whole has this weird gun-shaped... shape.

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hah, awesome demos. I liked the SR shortcut you found, as well as your disapproval with the slime-textured sladwall in map03:)

Your map04 demo is a mastery of cheesing puzzle-solving, really got your money's worth out of that YK fortress. Grats on beating it, even if you were ~24 minutes over the par time :p

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FDA for map04. Apologies in advance if you decide to watch this cheesefest. The end dragged a bit 'cos I thought I had no rockets left.....

Certainly a step up in difficulty, as advertised. I actually felt that map03 was surprisingly painless by your standards but thought I better keep my mouth shut or the next one would be completely evil.

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oh hi. remember this? noticed the book of drawings on the edge of my desk and decided to make another map.

map19: head town

Looking for a good time? Look no further than head town, we've got it all.

As drawn the map contains nothing but cacodemons (and a lone arachnotron in the bottom right), for playability reasons I took some liberties with this, but tried to stay as faithful as I could. New map plays on slot 05, UV and HMP are implemented. Heck is here!

Download [v05]

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