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Doom Year Resolutions 2014

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So with a new year upon us almost (or perhaps is already for some at time of post, in which case Happy New Year!), what kind of Doom-related New Year's resolutions you thinking of Doomworld?

Mine is to have played and finished Plutonia, TNT:Evilution and Alien Vendetta by the end of the year, since I've not really played any of them before aside from the odd ZDaemon co-op map way back.

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Mine is to keep being involved in the Doom community, to keep making maps and playing Doom, to get better at mapping and also more effective (quicker and less procrastinating), and to actually finish and release some smaller project of my own, as well as maps for community projects, possibly.

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Finish the thy flesh consumed episode I am working on. Also hopefully tidy up maps for NOVA/D2INO and SF2013.
Get back to playing wads for the doomworld megawad club.
Hopefully restart 2012.wad in some way, shape or form.

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Reach 100 finished and released maps without phoning them in by the end of the year.

Do not start any project that I don't finish.

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Pick up my mapping again after such a long time of inactivity. Be around the forums more often.

I have to say the enjoyment and motivation to work on Doom maps wasn't there, so it all went downhill.

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1) Play more systematically; too often I randomly fire up random PWADs at random times, the upshot of which is that I don't get the best out of whatever it is that I'm playing.

2) Get back into multiplayer.

3) Take some time to finish this.

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Avoozl said:

To create my first map and get it uploaded to idgames.

Same here. I've done maybe 20-30 maps, but they're all incredibly lame, and obviously not worth uploading. I hope I can improve this year.

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Make a decent map, get back into competitive play (hopefully with [VGL] again), finish my big arse single player map and the rest of my abandoned multiplayer levels. Oh, and last but not least, fart on some forum member who least expects it. In all seriousness though regarding Memfis` post; I`m pretty certain we all have a life outside of Doom you know.

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Here's a new one.

Actually FINISH Eternal Doom IV, all maps with as much kills/secrets as possible.

Wish me luck.

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Once, just for once, finish one of my own projects.

Seems there are other folks with same dilemma? Glad to know I belong same club.

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Like many here, my resolution is to make a good map. But given my laziness so far, that likely won't happen.

Oh, and to finish Doom 2 Done Turbo.

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Memfis said:

Stop wasting life on games, get a life, get a girlfriend/boyfriend, make money, etc?

Seeing that I'm about to embark on a new job (almost certain) after a year of being unemployed and living with my parents, yep pretty much this. However, I'd like to have at least that one hobby that has absolutely nothing to do with work or self-improvement. Therefore, my plans are as follows:

- finish UV-Max runs of unmaxed Jenesis levels, because I think it's great.
- do some more UV-Fast runs of The Rebirth. I'd like to have a run for all the maps eventually (will probably take a few years, but I love the challenge)
- tip my toe a bit further into making slaughter map runs and other more varied (especially larger and harder) types of maps
- learn how to make a TAS run and dip some more toes into that
- obviously, play some more awesome map sets
- maybe get to know a few of the awesome blokes and lasses around here better. I'd love to play some co-op and death match as well.
- get more people to drink of the elixir of awesomeness that is Doom.

Happy new year Doomers of all flavours and tastes! *lifts glass and chainsaw in the air*

Edit: Oops did I say chaingun? I meant chainsaw. Although I guess chaingun could work as well.

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Finish a massive chunk of my mod.
Some of us need some 3d monsters yesteryear *repeatedly smacks himself in the face* Now get to it swine!

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To get back into Doom. This new fangled modern laptop has stalled my time with all the new games.

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I should get back to speedmapping. I did a lot early in the year (or was it last year?), but I've kind of fallen back on my old habits when it comes to mapping and I'm back to not finishing anything.

Speedmaps might be seen as a quantity over quality approach, but is it really quality when it's never actually finished?

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