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OpenChasm (by alexey-lysiuk)

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This is pretty interesting also i compiled it it couldent completly finish loading the data files although its runnable

Here what i wish for OpenChasm

* A Better Level Editor
* TCP\IP Multiplayer
* Computer Bots
* 16 Player Support
* Maybe a Teamplay and a CTF mode :)

I think it had the Chasm Source it seems.

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It's full of disassembly and IDA pro files, so yeah, it's reverse engineering.

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For those who program C++ lets help and support this source port :D

This could be the best chance for Chasm to be more easy-to-use and more

I remember having a frustrating experience with the Map Editor
i also remember on youtube when Awesomeware said :
"editor is completely broken especialy due to wrong setting of player start (you have to hex edit the map file for them to work) map is mirrored ingame but not in the editor aswell as other problems easy not complex much like wolfenstein but one can work with 3d objects on ceiling/floor to break out of fixed wall height option to place/render lights on textures within the editor is a great unfortunately unusable for people that do not want to spend a lot of time and nerves with problems."

And the multiplayer playing in the singleplay maps having dead ends and such, sometimes spawning somewhere outside the level

You can also post your suggestions and your wishlist on what you want to see on the source port :)

And the source was by "alexey-lysiuk"

Heres my wishlist

* A Less-Buggy and Functionable Level Editor for Windows
* Computer Bots for Practice (I also remember quakec bots as well.)
* 3O to OBJ/OTHER - OBJ/OTHER to 3O "Model Converter"
* More...

Best Regards
- xBRYAN2000x

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Technician said:

Who owns the IP? Atari?

It's one of those up in the air things. ActionForms Ltd. seems to have made a small comback as their name is still on the Carnivores franchise, but I have no idea if they still retain Chasm's rights. During the 90s I believe all of their games were published through Wizard Works. Fuck knows what happened to them, unless they found way to lose money with the Doom Shovelware market

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Da Werecat said:

They also made Vivisector and Cryostasis.

The official site states that Chasm was published by GT Interactive.

Ah, you're right. I think WW had something to do with it anyways, like Carnivores, but I forgot about GT. The CD also has a compnay called Megamedia mentioned on it, but I don't know what their involvement is otherwise.

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Clonehunter said:

Ah, you're right. I think WW had something to do with it anyways, like Carnivores, but I forgot about GT. The CD also has a compnay called Megamedia mentioned on it, but I don't know what their involvement is otherwise.

Before Chasm was released in September 30, 1997

Theres Info from Megamedia from May 1997

It has pretty good info

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Avoozl said:

While it sounds good I'm still wishing someone would also reverse engineer Blood.

Hmm, then someone can make a Blood Source Port
i also wished someone would also reverse engineer Quake III IHV leak and write a bsp compiler for IBSP 43 that would be nostalgia as in early 1999 before Q3TEST

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I recall looking into Chasm and being somewhat disappointed that it has no hardware acceleration support, and its resolutions max out at 640x480. I suppose I'm spoiled by source ports at this point, but I like my old FPSes running smooth at 1920x1080 (or at least 1440x1080). <_<

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xbryan2000x said:

Before Chasm was released in September 30, 1997

Theres Info from Megamedia from May 1997

It has pretty good info

Now that is nice. And I see where the Laser Crossbow came from, too. I guess they thought it would've been cooler than "Arrow Gun". I wonder what Harpoon would'v been. Sounds like it had major pushback, or maybe hit them, reel them in, and hit 'em while they're unable to move? Very nice image quality here too. Dinosaurs too, huh? I think those are still in the game files, right?

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