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FPS games with ambient music?

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Is there any FPS games out there preferably older FPS games with ambient/dark-ambient or maybe even techno-ambient music kind of like in Chaser?

I don't mean horror FPS games though but if it has only a little bit of horror I wouldn't mind.

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Also Quake and Blood, of course.

I don't know if Thief series can be considered FPS games, but ambient soundtracks are there for sure.

Regarding techno osts - it depends on what are you willing to hear, I can name some with faster music that in Chaser. About the same speed... hmm... IGI 2 would pass.

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Well I probably should've mentioned the ones I already have although I didn't think they had much ambient music such as Blood and Quake.

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Some Chasm The Rift levels have a techno ambient beat, as well as the demo screen. Though I don't remember a ton of levels with music anyways.

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BlackFish said:

original painkiller if you turn off the battle music.

Is that possible? I remember some people whining about the battle music and how you can't turn it off while keeping the ambient music. Didn't want to install the game just to check it out.

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Even if it is, Painkiller isn't Painkiller without its battle music. Even Overdose with its unconvential (in relation to the series' habits) approach still offers some great tunes.

I remember though that the first PK demo (which consisted of Town and Oriental Castle) had only ambient tracks on these maps, and I also remember that inexpressible feeling that something was missing. Well, shortly after I realised what it was.

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By the way, Deus Ex counts, too. There are different genres in the mix, so you can find a bit of everything during the course of the whole series. Invisible War is all about ambient, however, this game is rightfully considered the weakest one among all DX games; soundtrack-wise, too (despite it still being written by Alexander Brandon). Not really a bad one, however, just try not to compare...

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It's not a pure FPS, but Mirror's Edge has an excellent soundtrack with many ambient tracks. In-game, the music is dynamic, changing between atmospheric and action, depending on what's happening.

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Clonehunter said:

Don't Doom 64 and PSX Doom use the same soundtrack?

Nope, but both soundtracks are from the same author (Aubrey Hodges), with the exception of one track in PSX Doom.

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Clonehunter said:

Don't Doom 64 and PSX Doom use the same soundtrack?

Same guy who made both the soundtracks (Aubrey Hodges, who is an absolute genius I might add) but both games had completely different tracks.

For what its worth, "Dead Island" and "Dead Island: Riptide" (Really isn't an FPS per say, but you can get guns and it is in the first person view) has some good ambient tracks in it (I also wouldn't class it as a horror game unless you are scared of things like Doom 3).

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyvlYZhhwFQ

"Alien Trilogy" for the PSX (Not sure about the PC version, I can't get that one to work :/) has some nice techno terrors and ambient tracks with dark corridors (with the worlds worst face huggers).

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c10LPe1uQaI

"Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown" For PSX has some more action like ambient tracks and techno beats as well.

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOxRDcyPTKA

"Half Life" had a good ambient track or two:

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFbYev0rx3w

One people seem to miss with PSX Doom is that "Final Doom (PSX)" had an entirely separate release from the original game and even had some new soundtracks:

Example (and my favorite PSX track): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3SZJ_zEnh8

I'm sure I know more, just can't remember them right now.

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