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Something's wrong with my STEP2 texture

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The thing looks fine when I view it in doombuilder 2 but this is what it looks like in game: http://postimg.org/image/xlvkm135f/

Looks like the bottom half is wrong, and actually it's like a part of the surrounding wall texture (not that that has anything to do with it; just a coincidence)

How do I fix that? I can upload the file if it's necessary to solve it.

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This also happens to me when I use this texture as well, I think maybe the texture is supposed to look like this? I dunno.

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It's an error in the IWAD texture. The patch has a negative Y-offset, which due to a bug in vanilla does not render correctly. Ports (and editors) which fix the bug will render the texture differently to how it would appear in vanilla. The only way to fix it is to replace the texture with one that has valid patch offsets.

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As far as I remember, vanilla Doom has problems with negative Y-offsets for patches in texture definitions. I didn't know it's also the case with PrBoom+ though.



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STEP10 is the one that is the bottom of that stair texture I think, and it doesn't have a negative Y-offset. But yeah what do I import and what do I change its offset to to fix the problem, I still don't get it.

Maybe someone can make a new texture that combines the two halves into one image, that would probably be the best thing to do.

EDIT: STEP10 isn't the bottom for it. In fact, the bottom for the STEP2 texture isn't in doom2 at all. what the heck...

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odysseyofnoises said:

EDIT: STEP10 isn't the bottom for it. In fact, the bottom for the STEP2 texture isn't in doom2 at all. what the heck...

What are you talking about? It's the middle part of the STARBR texture. It's clearly visible in your own screenshot: it's the horizontal divider just under the computer panels.

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