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My map to your map.

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This is Termination, a 1 map E1M1 wad for Ultimate Doom (Or Doom) that I made a while ago:

I was playing a bunch of wads by other Doomworld users when all of a sudden I got this weird idea...

What if you were to take my map and turn it into one of your maps?

So here is the gig: If you are interested in doing so, you can download my map and edit it to your liking until the map is no longer my map and it has become your map, I am interested in how our different styles play out in the same scenario.

Here are some quick rules:

- The map you make has to be an edited version of my map, you will have to fire it up in an editor and tear away at it.

- You can use custom textures.

- Custom enemies are a yes.

- [EDIT] You can even change map format (I.E ZDoom or Vanilla if you can)

- You can change themes and even map number (Like changing it to E2M5 or E3M9).

- Your incarnation of this map can be have as many changes as you want.

- You can even change monster placement and such.

- The base map must still be somewhat still there, but made to your liking.

- Please replace or remove the Easter Egg I implemented, I doubt you share the same opinion on the topic.

Here is the Download and map information:


Format: Boom
IWAD: DOOM.wad (Ultimate Doom/Doom)
Mapslot: E1M1 (You can change this if needs be)
Extra resources: None used (You can add some but you must include them in your wad or a download link)

I am interested in what you do to this wad (who knows, maybe we can slap these all together into a little single wad and have 1 or two episodes covered?).

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This exercise might be worthwhile for someone with a similar philosophy in level design to your own, but I imagine that there will be quite a few folks (myself included) who don't see a way of editing the map to fit their sensibilities without finding that they might as well have started from scratch.

Perhaps the idea might work more if you could conceive of a smaller, more "neutral" map. One that is less bias toward one type of design than another.

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Alfonzo said:

more "neutral" map.

Yes. Or another possibility is a template of the map that has no triggers, things, keycard strip textures etc. to make it easier to go in and edit. As it stands if someone wanted to be drastic they'd have to undo the level flow, and only then get started on revision.

Cool idea though, I think I'll try and make a 'twisted' version of the map, like after the demons got ahold of it... could be fun :)

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Alfonzo said:

This exercise might be worthwhile for someone with a similar philosophy in level design to your own, but I imagine that there will be quite a few folks (myself included) who don't see a way of editing the map to fit their sensibilities without finding that they might as well have started from scratch.

Perhaps the idea might work more if you could conceive of a smaller, more "neutral" map. One that is less bias toward one type of design than another.

You have a ponit there, I would guess that it would be much easier (and beneficial) to make a smaller and much more template style map for this idea.

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It's not too large of a level already, and without triggers etc. it would be much faster to change anything to suit the other user. Alfonzo has a point because the structure is already in place so it would take a bit of work if someone wanted to make it more open/drastically change the layout.

It's a neat idea it's just that with all the variables in place it would take some work to undo things to edit the map even a little bit. Kind of like redecorating lol.

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Yeah, stuff like this works better with very template-like maps. In the Russian community there is a traditional contest where a very simple computer-generated map is taken (and before the start the organizer edits it to make it even simplier by removing some tiny details, etc) and then everyone has to edit it with some restrictions (can't go too far from the original map). It's kind of interesting, although I personally don't see the appeal in modifying maps not made by me, just not my thing.

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What I am thinking of doing is either making a completely new level to edit (basically a few rooms) or editing a version of the wad I was going to use until it is nothing but interconnected basic rooms. Which would be better?

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I was already planning on taking the triggers out of the map, and keeping the original intact for reference. I haven't played the map yet but I got a few ideas from the screenshots, the thought of a Hell version kept screaming at me while reading the details hehehe (I've already downloaded it and to remove things doesn't take too long)

Do what you will, but the original intent for the thread is this map, why not do both in turn if you end up wanting to?


Ok so now I've played the map and I know how it works, it'll be easier to change :)

*map spoilerz!!!!*
I played on UV, killed all monsters and got 3/4 secrets. I didn't find the RL so the fight at the end was tough, but doable. Maybe it's in the secret I missed? Ammo and health always seemed to appear just when I needed it, though I died once at the very end but that's only because I'm a goof. The quick or observant player may also run past the last fight entirely to the open gate...

Highlights include missing the shotgun room and having to punch a sergeant to death, when all I had left was shotgun ammo and no shotgun, entirely surrounded by spectres in the gray 'exit' room lol.

Overall a decently challenging map with solid design, although I may be biased because I like tech tunnels and consoles and sewers. The medic room was cool too. Solid map *thumbs up*

EDIT 2: Ah yes, I found the last secret, that's the only thing I might suggest: Multiple barons on UV with shotgun/chaingun makes me dizzy lol. I'd suggest giving players some heavier firepower in the open near the end, but that may just be my preference.

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reflex17 said:

I was already planning on taking the triggers out of the map, and keeping the original intact for reference. I haven't played the map yet but I got a few ideas from the screenshots, the thought of a Hell version kept screaming at me while reading the details hehehe (I've already downloaded it and to remove things doesn't take too long)

Do what you will, but the original intent for the thread is this map, why not do both in turn if you end up wanting to?


Ok so now I've played the map and I know how it works, it'll be easier to change :)

*map spoilerz!!!!*
I played on UV, killed all monsters and got 3/4 secrets. I didn't find the RL so the fight at the end was tough, but doable. Maybe it's in the secret I missed? Ammo and health always seemed to appear just when I needed it, though I died once at the very end but that's only because I'm a goof. The quick or observant player may also run past the last fight entirely to the open gate...

Highlights include missing the shotgun room and having to punch a sergeant to death, when all I had left was shotgun ammo and no shotgun, entirely surrounded by spectres in the gray 'exit' room lol.

Overall a decently challenging map with solid design, although I may be biased because I like tech tunnels and consoles and sewers. The medic room was cool too. Solid map *thumbs up*

EDIT 2: Ah yes, I found the last secret, that's the only thing I might suggest: Multiple barons on UV with shotgun/chaingun makes me dizzy lol. I'd suggest giving players some heavier firepower in the open near the end, but that may just be my preference.

Yeah, I suppose I could just keep this map as it is and add some other template maps as time progresses.

As for your summary of my map I would like to thank you for playing/participating in this project... Thing. I am glad you also enjoyed the map (and I do admit that the rocket secret doesn't really stick out so well) and I cannot wait to see how you translate it into your own map :D

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mrthejoshmon said:

You have a ponit there, I would guess that it would be much easier (and beneficial) to make a smaller and much more template style map for this idea.

Yeh this idea of all participants working from a standard base map/template has been kicking around previously -> http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/873697

Someone needs to just post something or invite a limited number of submissions for the base and then poll what is considered the most versatile to use for the map pack.

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So far I've replaced all the textures and reworked the level to follow a different path. I won't change anything too much, it's mostly a re-texturing of the place, but I'll try to throw in a few surprises.

EDIT: some screenshots of "Damnation"

EDIT 2: <closed>

I'll post the d/l link here soon, I just did the final run-through...

Edited by reflex17

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Alrighty, here's the map:

EDIT: <link closed>

Thanks for the idea mrthejoshmon, that was fun! :)

Edited by reflex17

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WOW now that is a huge contrast to the original map! That is actualy really imprssive work! Well done on that one, it's just brilliant!

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I decided to use this thread as an excuse to release a bunch of my old textures while staying relatively lazy. It took a bit longer than expected.


As requested, the original map is "somewhat there", but I understood "as many changes as you want" quite literally. The result may be a little too dark, cramped, or gimmicky, and I have a suspicion that gameplay is retarded, but I don't want to tweak it any further without feedback.

IWAD is Doom 2. Mostly tested in PrBoom+ with complevel 9.

A music track by Aubrey Hodges is included. I probably shouldn't have done that.

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that's really neat, I like the textures. a bit of a departure from Doom's regular style. reminds me a lot of some of those mecha games from the SNES era

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That was incredible!

I am amazed you could make such a unique and tense level based off of a primitive slaughter styled map!

All I can really say without spoiling anything is that I was expecting a jumpscare, but was (un)pleasantly surprised and shocked by what happened instead. The map kept me on my toes the entire time with some amazing atmosphere (The "Easter Egg" room replacement was especially creepy) and when comparing it to the original the one you made is far superior.

Great work!

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Thank you very much.

I wouldn't compare the two. I had a few years of accumulating ideas for the project that's in development hell now, and I just crammed them into this map. New textures also help.

Anyway, I'm just glad it works.


I've planned the "big fan" scene for a long time, it even predates said project, but the harsh reality of the way Doom engine works forced me to make a few serious alterations. Which made the fight too easy. So I added a fourth arch-vile, only to discover that the fight became too chaotic and unpredictable. Was it too hard or unfair for anyone who played the map?

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Da Werecat said:


I've planned the "big fan" scene for a long time, it even predates said project, but the harsh reality of the way Doom engine works forced me to make a few serious alterations. Which made the fight too easy. So I added a fourth arch-vile, only to discover that the fight became too chaotic and unpredictable. Was it too hard or unfair for anyone who played the map?


I didn't think it was to unfair. I got annihilated the first time I made it to that room, but on my second try I just ran to the back, hid from the first arch-vile assault, took out the arch-vile in the back with the SSG and then just worked my way back around. Managed to do this on UV

I will say I loved this map so much. Its atmosphere was just amazing and the new textures really added something.

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Da Werecat said:


I've planned the "big fan" scene for a long time, it even predates said project, but the harsh reality of the way Doom engine works forced me to make a few serious alterations. Which made the fight too easy. So I added a fourth arch-vile, only to discover that the fight became too chaotic and unpredictable. Was it too hard or unfair for anyone who played the map?


It was a great segment, it wasnt too unfair or overly difficult seen as though me of all people beat it in one full sitting, no deaths (Probably because when I get really enjoy a map I try hard the shit out of it) but I can tell you it did make me jump a fair bit.

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Thank you, Nordevai.


Okay, I'll leave it alone then, at least for now.

By the way, I forgot to say, but I didn't implement skill levels on this map.

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