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Voxel not moving?

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Hello, this is my first time doing a voxel thing and i think it looks decent, but i can't make this thing follow a path (it's supposed to move in circles), here's the decorate:

actor Fishy 10701
health 4666
speed 11
mass 128
Painchance 20
Radius 20
Height 16
mass 400

DFIS A -1 A_look

DFIS A -1 A_Chase


NOTE: As you can see i'm not good at decorate, i've done decorate things just 3 times in my life, 2 of them trees and the third one is this, so i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.

path script:

#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 open



Fish has tag of 1 and path node 2 (then it follows path 3, then 4, then 5 then 2 again, repeat)

What i'm doing wrong? do voxels don't move? i need just sprites?

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Ledillman said:

actor Fishy 10701
    health 4666
	speed 11
	mass 128
	Painchance 20
	Radius 20
	Height 16
	mass 400
		DFIS A -1 A_look
		DFIS A -1 A_Chase

Your problem is absolutely unrelated to voxels. Voxels are merely a replacement for sprite, whether an actor is represented by sprites, voxels, or even nothing at all (TNT1 A frames) does not have any influence on its behavior.

The problem comes from how you have defined the states. A -1 A_Look or A -1 A_Chase. That means that they enter the state and then stay in that state forever and ever. You will need to use an actual looping state -- with a non-infinite duration.

Remember that codepointers are only executed when the actor enters the new state.

Look at actor code like for the imp for example:

    TROO AB 10 A_Look
See? Finite durations so that the state is exited after 10 or 3 tics, and then the next state is entered or it loops back to the first. Each time a state is entered this way, the codepointer is run.

And it's especially important for A_Chase. If you want the actor to move, keep in mind that it'll move up to its Speed amount of map units each time it calls up A_Chase. So the smaller the state durations, the faster it'll move. That's why the imp has AABBCCDD 3 instead of ABCD 6.

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Thank you Gez! i realized and it works now! in fact, i edited the voxels and made the fish move his tail and looks better now, thank you very much! :-D


NEVERMIND i figured it out!

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