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What would your life be like if you had a cacodemon as a pet?

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Demons are chaotic evil, so I figure it would be only a matter of time before it either swallowed me alive or otherwise maimed me horribly like that lady who got her face and hands ripped off by a chimpanzee.

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It would be amazing. Assuming I could command it.

Then I would fly on it to work and save money on fuel, get it to perform tricks to impress friends, and also have it incinerate my enemies.

I don't know how much a Cacodemon eats though and it also needs a pretty big place to live in, so those are the offset costs.

There is also the fact that it will still be grinning widely at times when it is potentially inappropriate to do so.

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If it any nearly as much as this Andean Condor, then you'd be quickly in massive debt. Unless of course you let it catch its own prey and deny any responsability....

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I have enough trouble getting small dogs to follow simple commands, so the first order of business would be to work out how to muzzle a caco while it's being trained.

@pritch - you could reduce the cost of ownership by letting the caco eat your enemies after they've been incinerated, which is also getting rid of the evidence.

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When that cute baby Cacodemon reaches adulthood then it would probably eat me while I'm sleeping at night.
I've heard a story of a person who kept a tiger as a pet and got devoured by him in a similar fashion.
Neither Cacodemons nor tigers are domestic animals by nature. So it makes sense.

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