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Favorite WAD you have played

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Hellbound is a very good WAD. But fuck me, it's difficulty took some getting used too and the SHEER. VOLUME. OF. ENEMIES.

DOOM II Re-loaded is also a very good WAD to play. Only uses stock DOOM II textures too, very impressive when you see the size and scope of the levels on offer. THAT stealth level however, somebody must have been high to think that was going to be awesome... But I have to admit, it was a very novel idea.

Out of the two, Hellbound wins it for me, due to the narrative and just sublime level design. But be warned, I've been playing DOOM on UV for 15+ years, and this WAD kicked my arse hard several times A LEVEL. NOT for the casual Doomer, even on the easier difficulties, it was a little trying.

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FreddBoy said:

DOOM II Re-loaded is also a very good WAD to play. Only uses stock DOOM II textures too, very impressive when you see the size and scope of the levels on offer. THAT stealth level however, somebody must have been high to think that was going to be awesome... But I have to admit, it was a very novel idea.

I love Doom 2 Reloaded, definitely in my top 5. It uses a lot of custom textures though.

I don't know what my one favourite wad is, but other ones that come to mind are TVR!, Rylayeh, Requiem. NOVA is up there too. Also I've got a soft spot for King REoL's maps, eccentric as he was.

And also.. Hexen.wad and Heretic.wad. Curse Of D'Sparil is really good too.

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Hell to Pay/Perditions Gate, if they "count", Icarus, 5th Project of Doom, Wonderful Doom, TNT Renascence, all up there on my top list.

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I've played a lot of wads and enjoyed most of them, so it's always kinda hard to pick favorites. At the moment it's Biowar, Pleiades, Insertion, Massmouth 2, Dimensions of Time, Twilight Zone 2...the list goes on.

Canofbacon said:


Of course, I always have a special place in my heart for the Underdogs.

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Deus Vult II/Action Doom II for Doom, Icebound for Heretic. Haven't played enough Hexen wads to pick a favorite for it.

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Favorite SP and Coop stuff:
Momento Mori
Scythe 1
E1 themed stuff
+So many more I can't think of at the moment.

Favorite Deathmatch stuff:
Select maps from Dwango5 and Dwango6
Greenwar / GW2
Fun, obscure old 90's crap.
Most of the dweller, judas and danzig maps too. (How original)

Other favorites:
Pirate Doom
Doom Center
Zdaemon City
Brutal Doom + other fun gun/gameplay mods. (again, how original)

Area51.wad blew my mind when I was a youngster, I think it was the first time I had seen edited sprites in Doom. I also have a soft spot for shitty old wads like DMD2DIE.WAD just because I played them as a kid.

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Scythe 1 and 2 have been my absolute favourite for a long time. The Action Doom series (notably 2) are the most creative I've played, and fun in their own almost non-Doom kind of way.

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With megawads, Alien Vendetta all the way. Then there's Icarus, Hell Revealed, Scythe 1 and 2, the Memento Mori duology, and Requiem. Smaller wads, I like all of Jim Flynn's offerings, and Sverre Kvernmo's Cabal series.

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My faves have been etched in stone since '96.

Single map: Doomsday of the UAC

Stock mapset: Fava Beans

TC/Mod: Osiris

I've played tons of harder maps, and many many cool ones, but these are the ones I keep coming back to.

Among recent mapsets, I concur with Suitepee in rating BTSX E1 very, very high.

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Xaser said:

I downloaded this one because I'm always reppin' the '90s, and the possibility of a '90s classic I may have missed is very intriguing. Based on the tremendous fun I had in E1M1 and the beginning of E1M2, I downloaded the sequel and his more recent Awakening map for ZDoom. I fully anticipate having shitloads of happy-spazz fun with these maps. Thanks for the tip, Xaser!

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Here is my list:


-Memento Mori II (I haven't played through the first one yet...)

-Scythe II (I enjoyed the first one but definitely not as much as the sequel which had more interresting maps and better dosed difficulty during the last few maps).

-KDIZD (Yes I said it, so what?)


-UAC Ultra

-Winter's fury

-Thunderpeak (Special mention to Black rock from Zpack)

-Claustrophobia 1024

-Deus Vult II (Even though it isn't finished, it's still awesome. My personnal favorite: map 20 - Stargate)

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SteveD said: I downloaded this one because I'm always reppin' the '90s, and the possibility of a '90s classic I may have missed is very intriguing. Based on the tremendous fun I had in E1M1 and the beginning of E1M2, I downloaded the sequel and his more recent Awakening map for ZDoom. I fully anticipate having shitloads of happy-spazz fun with these maps. Thanks for the tip, Xaser!

Pls let us know about your impressions (here or in the "What are you playing now?" thread... end2 should keep you busy for a good while :) ). I think I left comments on both on /idgames (not on Awakening though, which is best). End remember, E3M8 can be beaten, and even more, in a more-or-less safe way.

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vdgg said:

[b]Pls let us know about your impressions (here or in the "What are you playing now?" thread... end2 should keep you busy for a good while :) ). I think I left comments on both on /idgames (not on Awakening though, which is best). End remember, E3M8 can be beaten, and even more, in a more-or-less safe way.

Wow, that was one kickass full-episode demo, vdgg! How many run-throughs did it take for you to learn the maps that well? The layouts in that episode are completely crazy, and very much like some stuff I plan on doing soon, i.e., my Amiga Demo Party maps. ;) I can tell that I will die a lot if I play end2 on UV, so I might go HMP on my first run to learn the maps and see if I want more after that, but these maps look like a shitload of fun and extremely hardcore for a 1997 set of Ultimate Doom levels. I will definitely post my impressions in one of the threads you mentioned as I play them. No demos from me, though, I can see that I will never be able to survive these maps without save-scumming. :D

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I played through this episode continuously for like three days in a row until my first successful attempt. But I was quite familiar with half of the maps already when I was starting. I see now E3M7 is so massive it had to be memorized a bit, and E3M3 and E3M9 are confusing for me due to symmetry, but the rest seems logical in retrospect. Thanks for watching.

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Stronghold: On The Edge of Chaos.

Sorry for anti-ZDoomers, but that was simply superior for me.

I have various favourites in non-ZDoom era as well, such as Revolution!, Claustrophobia 1024 + 1024 2, Epic 2, 5till L1 Complex (from Russian mapper Lainos), NeoDoom, Eternal Doom, Jenesis, 1Monster, H2H: Xmas, Hellbound...

All of these WADs are my favourites in some aspects (Revolution for great realism + gameplay combination, H2H: Xmas for the feeling, Clau1024+1024 2 for the community feeling combined with superawesome level design, etc.), and Stronghold is the best if I watch every aspects.

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