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Far Cry 4 to be set in the Himalayas. But who will be the enemy?

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Far Cry 4 will be set in the Himalayas. This has been confirmed by the developers. There will be wildlife spread around the maps that may be hunted as in Far Cry 3. There will also be Elephants that may be ridden by the player as a form of transportation. There will be outposts around the map that may be liberated. I am wondering why or how the Himalayas are occupied by a force of evil soldiers, but since Vaas was killed in Far Cry 3, it will not be his forces that have taken over the mountain country.

I hope that the graphics in this game are better than what we saw in Far Cry 3. That looked far too much like a console game even at 1920 * 1080. And the sniping distance needs to be increased. This is the main annoyance in Far Cry games. But this promises to have some awesome vistas. The Himalayan scenery will be incredible. Would you be able to see Mount Everest in the distance? There will be a mix of Snowy scenery as well as sunny warm Tibetan landscapes. Setting this in a land-locked area is rather like Far Cry 2. That game was set in a troubled African nation and involved warlords fighting for control.


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neubejiita said:

I hope that the graphics in this game are better than what we saw in Far Cry 3.

I must be getting old, because it looked pretty good to me.

Seriously, what are the kids saying 'looks good' these days?

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neubejiita said:

I am wondering why or how the Himalayas are occupied by a force of evil soldiers, but since Vaas was killed in Far Cry 3, it will not be his forces that have taken over the mountain country.

None of the Far Cry games have been related to each other, so why would anyone think that there would be even a slim chance of Vaas' pirates being involved? My only worry is that since the game will take place in Himalayas that the game will be somehow politically charged, fighting terrorists or insurgents or whatever instead of just some petty criminals and mercenaries.

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Avoozl said:

Well in a sense 3 is kind of related to 2.

The crazy lady in Badtown was ranting about the Jackal from FC2, and there were conflict diamonds to be collected in the game, so FC3 was following on from FC2 in a way. And I do think that FC2 looks better than FC3 in 1920*1080p resolution. I did not like the blurryness in the distance in Far Cry 3. Arma 3 does not have that. You can see for Kilometers in any direction.

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The enemy? Pirates and snowmen. Maybe military strongmen like in Uncharted 2.

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neubejiita said:

Far Cry 4 to be set in the Himalayas. But who will be the enemy?

I don't know, but as long as they decide to keep setting it in foreign regions, we'll surely get more racist accusation by tumblr like we did with the third.

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neubejiita said:

Far Cry 4 will be set in the Himalayas. This has been confirmed by the developers. There will be wildlife spread around the maps that may be hunted as in Far Cry 3. There will also be Elephants that may be ridden by the player as a form of transportation. There will be outposts around the map that may be liberated. I am wondering why or how the Himalayas are occupied by a force of evil soldiers, but since Vaas was killed in Far Cry 3, it will not be his forces that have taken over the mountain country.

I hope that the graphics in this game are better than what we saw in Far Cry 3. That looked far too much like a console game even at 1920 * 1080. And the sniping distance needs to be increased. This is the main annoyance in Far Cry games. But this promises to have some awesome vistas. The Himalayan scenery will be incredible. Would you be able to see Mount Everest in the distance? There will be a mix of Snowy scenery as well as sunny warm Tibetan landscapes. Setting this in a land-locked area is rather like Far Cry 2. That game was set in a troubled African nation and involved warlords fighting for control.


I am currently playing through Far Cry 3 right now. I picked it up in the Steam winter sale but with work and everything only just getting round to it.

I'll agree that when I first loaded it up, the graphics were underwhelming coming from several months of Skyrim. Bear in mind though that due to my current card I am running in dx9 on High - my new card is on the way and I'll be interested in what difference that makes at 1920x.

Now I've settled into the game though it doesn't bother me. The island itself is beautifully presented and there is no feel of copy and paste which I seem to remember feeling in Far Cry 2 (and which plagues Skyrim's dungeons fwiw). Based on this I would feel positive about FC4's setting, wherever they choose the overall environment, shouldn't matter hugely. I think they'll be wise enough to avoid a monotonous snow-only environment. We can certainly expect a lot of elevation change, and probably therefore a lot of skills/equipment based around that.

Which brings me on to the first of many annoyances about FC3 - apologies, but I've been itching to get these off my chest, heh. Some of these have plagued the whole series and by the heavens, I hope they finally do something about them in FC4...

  • Controlling equipment/vehicles could use an overhaul, for PC anyway. And please, less mashing cutscenes.
  • Increase the view distance - probably a performance thing, but as you say, it's fairly hideous.
  • Proper adjustable zoom for sniper rifles.
  • Magically disappearing vehicles. Uh, I just drove that truck here, I've reached a checkpoint or triggered something, and it's vanished? Thanks.
  • Savegame implementation - this is well documented, but Ubi has been stubborn with it. I actually don't mind the checkpoint system, but if you're going to go with that, it is unacceptable to have people play methodically for 20-30 minutes and then have to lose all that because they have to go to work and can't save, because there are no autosave points in all that play.
  • Menus, generally. Honestly, I can't believe how bad the save/menus are given the rest of the work that's gone into the game. No quick craft, no quick sell of anything other than standard loot, even when you've crafted everything already (my favourite thing is to sell 16 komodo dragon skins one at a time... especially when the sell menu is bugged and sometimes crashes the game)
  • Dialogue. Some of it is plain weird. More voice actors please.
  • Clichés. Characters and story elements. This is a big one. FC3 is horribly clichéd in that special way only a game made by young American nerds could be. Sex with the mysterious dark-skinned warrior goddess? Oh dear. This feeds on to Jodwin's point - please do not go down the terrorist/political route, because the chances are it would be horrible. And please do not make the protagonist a weedy preppy American college boy again. Basically I suspect the dev team all look like Jason Brody and want to imagine themselves handing ass to multitudes of hardened mercs. Hmm. No.
There, that feels better!

I don't want to be too down on it though - it is a very entertaining and compelling game, and I keep itching to load it up.

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For the most part I enjoyed Far Cry 3 and I was right there with them in the story, but when the main character suddenly decided to stay on the island for some reason I experienced a huge disconnect that was never really repaired for the rest of the game. That was so much *NOT* what I wanted to happen that the emotional connection was lost completely. This is where choice would have lifted a pretty good game to a damn good one.

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Shaviro said:


For the most part I enjoyed Far Cry 3 and I was right there with them in the story, but when the main character suddenly decided to stay on the island for some reason I experienced a huge disconnect that was never really repaired for the rest of the game. That was so much *NOT* what I wanted to happen that the emotional connection was lost completely. This is where choice would have lifted a pretty good game to a damn good one.

It is pretty obvious after the first encounter with Earnhardt that that is what's going to eventually happen, though. I actually got a bit bored of waiting for how long it was going to take, heh, because I knew it would be linked to finally getting to South Island. That's another FC irritation btw - this north/south divide thing in the middle of the game, well I've got a boat and that island is like 500 metres away, why can't I just go to it now?

I felt no attachment to the "friends" at all. They're all pretty annoying stock characters. There's the guy from Wall Street, the stoner, and the two absolutely standard women. Also Jason keeps losing brothers, then 5 minutes later you can be playing poker and he's laughing and joking.. the emotional balance of the game is kinda out of whack, and to be honest I think they could just lose that element altogether in FC4 and it wouldn't be detrimental to the experience.

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I think it was a brilliant opportunity for a "get off the island" scenario where you would build up the escape plan with (yes, more interesting) friends while also having more meaningful interactions. Build a conflict, love triangle, whatever. Just do something with it and let the character(s) grow above the obstacles. Instead of island religion crap.

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pritch said:

And please do not make the protagonist a weedy preppy American college boy again. Basically I suspect the dev team all look like Jason Brody and want to imagine themselves handing ass to multitudes of hardened mercs. Hmm. No.

Yeah, that aspect of the game really made it hard for me to suspend my disbelief. I mean, seriously? A college frat boy with probably no military experience all the sudden turns into Rambo and starts annihilating every enemy on the map? Yeah, not gonna happen.

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The whole idea of mostly just fields and mountains with ice and snow really seems boring to me, especially if they add dull limited colour because of this.

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I think in the game there will be somekind of tropical den hidden in some valley or something which is that "paradise inside wasteland" cliché

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doom_is_great said:

Yeah, that aspect of the game really made it hard for me to suspend my disbelief. I mean, seriously? A college frat boy with probably no military experience all the sudden turns into Rambo and starts annihilating every enemy on the map? Yeah, not gonna happen.

Shouldn't any single human being being able to kill hundreds of pirates and veteran mercenaries all on his own, regardless of his background, make it hard for you to suspend your disbelief? Whining about Jason's background is silly when I'm pretty sure not even real life Vietnam veterans would be able to do what you're supposed to do in the game. :P

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Doominator2 said:

Now we just need Crysis 4 sooner or later.

If only each new installment in that series actually got better instead of significantly worse.

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Shaviro said:

If only each new installment in that series actually got better instead of significantly worse.

To me I find that the series is just staying neutral and not getting any better or worse.

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So how much do you like the series?
I was entertained by the first one. It was new, looked amazing and somewhat rich in playstyle variation.

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Aliens. Seemed to work well for Saints Row 4.

Or they can just go with cyber soldiers ala Blood Dragon.

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Shaviro said:

So how much do you like the series?
I was entertained by the first one. It was new, looked amazing and somewhat rich in playstyle variation.

I loved the first one due to how there where many ways to get to your objective and I really loved how you could take advantage of the environment to take care of your enemies,(for example shooting the planks off a bridge while your enemies are crossing to make them fall to their death). I also loved the 2nd one as it was like the first Crysis but in an urban environment.Although I haven't played the 3rd one I've seen some gameplay footage and it looks quite enjoyable.

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geo said:

Aliens. Seemed to work well for Saints Row 4.

Or they can just go with cyber soldiers ala Blood Dragon.

Or Buddhist hell monsters. Let's Doom this bitch up, dawg!

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